Sunday, 30 December 2012
Veil Caillech
...Ca(N)=being, il-huicatl(N)=sky being, tleco(N)=lecture,=Caillech.
Cauitl(N)=the going and coming of being/Ca=Cawen(OE)=Ca uentli(N)=
Queen. why the veil=Caille? well, she's an older sister,=ueltiuhtli(N),
=uel(N)/vela(spLat)/veil(E), ah, ue(N)=way/big=ueue(N)=old/wayway=
uel(N)=reverential of ue/ueue(N), so, the veil/vela is part of her being older sister, taken lit'rally by mythologist redactors from her epithet,
Ueltiuhtli(N). the most famous older sister i know of, within reach, is the American writer, Eudora Welty-uhtli, and she was indeed, an older sister to her 2 younger brothers, taking care of them and her elderly mother. she also wrote, Why i live at the P.O./Post Office, about the conflicts of Sister, her community, and her family, a short story published by Atlantic Monthly in 1941. for a look at an unveiled Caillech Ueltiuhtli, check out Wiki's offering of her portrait in the National Gallery by Googling them in her name. she was captain of the woman's polo team while at Columbia.
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Beara Peninsula
W. Cork. Bere Island=i(s)lantli(N)=old lady=Beira, Queen of Winter=uitequi(N)=
white/wheat=the storm hag corn dolly.
none other than the grail, Caille=veil=Caillech=Carlin(lowland Scot)=
Caillech(OIrish)=veiled=Caillech dhuba=dh/d/toptli(N)=
idol/wrap=tohopa(OE)=hope,=Caillech oidhche(OIrish)=owl=
ol(OE)=Olin(Nauatl/17 Tonalamatl),
Promethea Neandra Titan/Titlani(N)=Litany, regent of the 13th Trecena, Olin(N)=Holy Movement, and Cawen(OE)=Regent of birthing Tonalamatl
Totem Feline=Ocelotl(N)=Ocelome(N/plural)=
celOim(Etruscan Liber Linteus prayer)=Elohim(Hebrew dual Deity),
of whom are found at Zatal Hüyuk, enthroned=th/Tonatiuh/Solar, flanked
by her cel/celOim(Etr)=zer(H/Bible)=Elohim/2 Ocelome, or, Chi-tlatla(N)=on top flames,=cheetahs as she is
Flame-Hole-Thea=Tlatla-tzol-teotl, Grandmother of the West(Chinese
nomenclature), mother of tribes and races, deer herder, distaff to the
Basque Lord of the Woods, Baxajaun.
the Iberian influence confuses itself in historic times with Owen or
Mogh Nuadat, 2d c., who are succored by Beara, princess/daughter of
the King of Castile, who gives her name to landmarks all over Cork,
and appears to be much older myth, the one Robert Graves mentions as
White Goddess, e.g., Beira/Caillech washes her plaid white every
year as Deity and proto-Ehecatl(N/2 Tona)/Hecate, regent of the White
Quadrant of the Tonalamatl. mythic proof weaving a much earlier study.
Sile(Irish)=s/sh/Xilé(N)=little seat/birthing chair, first piece of
furniture, wooden stool used for delivery,
in Caillech's name, chair leg, becoming xylo(Gk/pfx))=wood, sylvanus(Latin)=
selva, silent, young corn Dollies/idols, Xilo=Xilonen(N), Shiloh(H).
Caillech, passed through 7 periods of youth, 7=ce uentli(N)=
one offering=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=
Deer/Deor/Teotl(N), whose deity=
Tlaloc, rain god, of harvest and storms and Orchard culture, by whom
Caillech is known as storm hag, as Baxajaun called and forecast storms.
driven Chronus, youngest Titan Promethean messenger=Titlani/Litany, by son,
Sky Snake Zeus, shuttle/xiotl(N)cock/acoquetza(N)=
conquering coquette of new weaving
tech vs Tatli Chronus's chthonic fire drill, west
to the far, fair isle=ilantli(N)=old lady=I(s)lant=I(r)lant=Ireland.
grail/caill=Beira Caillech=chairleg=Síle(Irish)=xilé(N)=sillín(sp).
Friday, 28 December 2012
1.xipeua(N)=flay=sheep. 2.chipeliui(N)=peel a scab=
chip/ship/xipeua(N)=piloa/spill/peel log canoe.
3.scrip(H)=shepherd's sheepskin bag,=sc/sh/xipeua
(N)=skin sheep.
4.Ojibway(Amerind tribe)=Oh, chip away=ochipauac/
chipaua(Nawa)=clear/purify,=tla-chipaua(N)=to dawn,
5.chipeloa(N)=cross a field/pick a scab.
6.chip(E)=thin flake of
k(n)ipfe=knife=nipa(N)=knipfa/knife),=kip/kipa(OSaxon)=staff/stave=keppr(ON)in sense of thin.
drizzle=the small raine down can raine=tlaini(Westron Wynd).
Thursday, 27 December 2012
...said to mean, speckled/painted(body ornament), in 4th c BCE used as
name for entire male population of the British/Pretanic Isles. the later Pict being latinized, or, speck(E)=spec/spic(OE)=fat meat, whale=ual(N)meat, whalers, North of England, but not the Priten.
neither, authorities say, are the Brittani/Breton, who came from the continent and were invading Britain before the Romans, Priten being earlier
the name used for all inhabitants of the Pretanic Isles. what a fine dice from David Jones, the Rock Quarry and other sequences, a superb collection of mythopoetry.'s simpler than that, e.g., P(r)it=Pri(es)t=P(r)i(es)tli=Pitli(N)=
older sister, and, B(r)iton/Breton=-ton=Tonatiuh(Nauatl)=Anthony, the sun,
thus, older sister of the Sun Anthony.
...who might that older sister/Pitli(N)be? Robert Graves intuited=
thuitoca(N)=imagined/named her as the White Goddess. White=uitequi(N)=thresh(E)=Wi(n)ter(E). the White quadrant in the Tonalamatl(N) Calendar=North, spades(cards=Ecatl, day 2 Tona)= swords(Tarocco/Tarot/Tlaloc(N)=rain deity
of Upper Stone Deer Age)where Pitli is Cawen(OE)=Queen, Gwendolyn=Uentli
Olin(N)=M(o)vement/Holy Offering(E)=deer/deor/dior/Teotl before Ecatl as
Venus, jumping horizons, then supplanted by England=E(n)c/g(l)a(n)t/d=
Ecatl/Ehecatl(N)=Hecate and her shuttle/xiotl(N), as Wind=Uena(N)=way4,
big4, so, she is the sun's older sister, Uecaitta(N)=Ueca-/far-seeing/-
itta(N)=wiccan/wicam(OE)=witch. among her forms, the w(r)en, offered at
spring plowing, the bagpipe named for her in Basque/spanish=Gaita=
Eca-it(o)a(N)=Hecate talks(E).
...she gives her name to Cathedral, and Catholic, as universal, for she
rules the globe as her namesake England did for a moment, as to the
Church, well, somehow one knows they rule by spells and incantation too.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
named for 18th c. Hermit, Dionisij/Dionysus/Denis, the Denisova Cave has 22 layers of strata, located in the Altai Mts, inhabited by both Neandertal and AMHuman. the 22d layer dates from 125-180kya, contains 27 species of medium mammals such as cave hyena and lions, 39 species of smaller mammals, and 50 species of birds.
stratas 9-11, 30-48kya, feature Mousteriian-Levallois-style tools, decorative bone objects, mammoth tusk, stone chloritolite drilled bracelet, pendants, and the phalanx/finger bone of Denizova girl(41k) related to Neandertal and Melanesians(Tlaloc/Rarog/Dharug=W.Austro-tribe).
Denis a karst/sandstone cave, temperature zero centigrade/32 farenheit, which the Altai called, Ayu-Tash=Bear Rock=Ayuh(Nawa)=thus not(not us),=Tash/Tlaza(N)=trash(of Ayu), yuhti/yotl(N)=
negative=ayuhtli/ayotl(N)=Bear, is not yuhti, not us, from our beginning.
6% of Denize DNA goes to Neander,and Neander gives us&Melano/Aussie 4%. Zuangxi(Chi)=
cave living,=tropical limestone karst,=oldest hominid bone horizon out of Africa, 800k BCE, a natural(ma/oma=hunt land/sea by net)way point for both Neander/Denize to China sea from Altai.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Tlaloc DhaRarog Sydney, darug is a yam, d/tlaloc(Nauatl)=by or in the earth/tlalli(N)=land, bool=pooliuqui(N)=pulque(Mex)is a sweet drink,
its origin from metl(N)=miel(sp)/mëd(R)=mead(E), so a meadow(E)
has Metis(diety of wisdom, the first)plants. in Russian/Mongolia,
dar(R)=give,=tlal-(N/particle)=land/earth, darom(R)=gratis/free,=
tlal-ome(N)=2 earth/land.
...Darugha(Mongol)=territorial subdivision of Mongol Empire,= Tlalocan(N)=
paradise/land of Tlaloc, rain deity of Deer Age.
...Darughachi(Mongol)=head of a Darugha/Tlaloca(n), e.g., Te(ach)cuautli(N)=he who directs the people.
...Mughal Empire(SE Asia and Persia)=Darugha(Mughal)=district police
officer, e.g., droog(Russile)=friend.
...the Sydney Daruk/Tlaloc(N)/Rarog(Baltic deity)=Dha-Rarug(Australia)/
Dharukk/Dharoog have Cloud Mythology, i.e., they come from Clouds and
leave earth/tlalli(N)for clouds, cf.,, the Mixtec of Mitla(Amerind).
if a Dharuk neice looks at a rainbow her uncle will die.
...canna(Darug)=fire,=snake=Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)= coal(ember)=can(Darug).
...wigi(Darug)=fruit/figs,=wick/uic(N)=wicktable=vegetable(E)=v/u i/e c/g.
...mogra(Darug)=fish,=michin(N)=mi(o)ch/c/g(r)a, close enough.
...Nepean(River/Sydney)=Nepa(N)/Neva(River/NW Russia)/ne(r)pa(R)=seal/
nipa(N/adv)=back and forth in waves,= Neptune/Neptonatiuh(N/deity)/
Nepa ana(N)=back and forth increasing,=Nepean(Blue Mts/Aust.)
...Dharawal(Tribe)=Dh/Tlalia ual(N)=come here to stay people.
...goalong(Darug)=animals,=Coatl tloc(N)=Co(me to w/ater/tl locate,
a hunting tip as to where game mammals would be found.
...wombat/wambat(Darug)=womb(E)=wamba/wampa(OHG)=wampum(Alkonquin Amerind)=wombs/shells
used for money and courting displays,=uapaua(Nauatl)=lit., ownPaint/own(E).
...Iyor/Iyora/Iora/Eora(Coastal/Coatl Darug people/language)=
Iyolic(N/adv)=cautious, slowly,=ihiotl(N)=breath, air, spit, spume,=
yoliatl(N)=lit., heart water, soul,= yollo(N)=able, good memory, intelligent.
...Baltic/Russian(Rarog)/Mongol connections make one think of the
Nivke/Nepa quauitl(N)=Neptune wood/tree people of the Amur River
as candidates for arrival Australia/ Sydney at Zero BCE/ACE in their
log canoes.
...Lalin(Dampier Peninsula, NW Austrailia)=Oct-Dec West/Rain Wind
Summer Married Turtle/ Kurkil Season,=Tlalli(N)=root of Tlaloc, rain
deity,=Rarog(Baltic/Russile name for same deity)=Darug,
taking form as yam(E)=nitla-yamania(N)=soften/prepare=yammer/ hammer(E).
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Monday, 3 December 2012
Mayan Solstice
mayana(N)=to be hungry, solstice=tzol ticitl(N)=hole midwife/doctor,
i.e., the 3 hole system of clocking solstice/equinox, the middle hole
or Tzolk'in(Mayan Calendar)='in/the Socket/Tzocatl(Nauatl)is for counting
equinox as the sun/Tonatiuh(N)passes through both spring and fall equinox, the same hole,
on its way to winter and summer solstice, the extent of the sun's travel from north/summer to south/winter, its terminals. my optical tzocatl/sockets face west.
now the sun has passed through the equinox middle tzol/hole and is less
than 20 days=cempoalli(N)=sample(E)from its southernmost terminal to my left, having abandoned the north, to my right, for winter=uitequi(N)= ui/wi(n)te/r/qui(N), to thresh snow on its winnowing wind.
chaff=capani(N)=snap one's fingers,=s(n)/c/apani(N)is what Mayan Prophecies are, not knowing when their Calendar begins, what day it is, are some of their problems, but does explain why they are casting about
with theories that have no foundation in reality and their own time=
temi(N)=to fill,=hemi-/semi-/demi-(E/prefixes)=t/th/he(r)mi=Hermes(Gk)=
the winter solstice is one of the 4 movements of Naui Olin, the 5th
Age we're in, which is the oldest Mayan Date, 3309BCE, the first coming
of Quetzalcoatl. the Mayan were the 2d Coming, and not from Guipuzcoa,
but from the gulf of Ormuz, 2.2k BCE, by that time, letra Bb had entered
language, and the Mayans themselves had lost their grip on the Calendar,
whose original name was the Tonalamatl, belonging to the Nauatlaca/Nahoa
Basques, who sailed with Japanese hands=maitl(N)=maite(Basque)=aite(J)=
mate(E)=ai(N)=blue;love, as the world was global and seeking copper at
the time of Quetzalcoatl, whose navigator scribe(E)=Cipactli(N/day one
Tona)=s/c(r)ip(ac)t/li helped him found Egypt, and was the model for
Ra's elder son, Thoth=Teotl(N)=Teo/Theo/Deo. Ra, himself,=r/Tlatla-
tzol-teotl(N)=cave Neandra and regent of the Tonalamatl Calendar.
so, listen to the Maya, Russiles, but don't believe them. they are
a wonderful, eloquent people, Arabs before Allah, proto-Christians in
fact, if one takes the master craftsman, Quetzalcoatl, for Christ of his
Age, Naui Olin. today the Mayan are not connected to their wonderful Calendar, nor to our time span.
Quetzalcoatl, too, has Arab roots. his mother is Ehecatl(N/2 Tona)/
Hecate, whose father, Perses, a Titan/titlani/messenger Promethean
Neander, gave his name to Persia. deep history does somer/Sumersaults.
Mayan Doomsday Winter Solstice falls on, 13 Cuauhtli/Eagle, last day of Calli/
house/being, deity of trecena=Itzpapalotl/Obsidian Butterfly, chief of
the Lady Darts/Tzitzimime, who have died in their first childbirth and
want revenge on children every first day of the trecenas in the western quadrant which begins with Calli(N/3 Tona). the night deity of Eagle/
Cuauhtli 13=Chalchiuitlicue=Ch/Halc/ch=Halcón/Falcon, 6th deity of night, deity of waters, known as Jade Skirt. deity of number 13=Ilanatecuhtli, the old goddess, parrot deity, gives
her name, Ilantli(N)to I(r)lant/d and I(s)lant/d to Islands of Ireland the deity of Eagle/Cuauhtli=Xipe Totec, our lord the flayed one, i.e., xipeua(N)=sheep(sacrificial animal). Cuauh skins its prey also.
Obsidian butterfly is a violent deity, symbol of pyroclastic surges
emanating from volcanoes, claws on her elbows and knees, a destroyer.
Jade Skirt/Chalchiuitlicue, the Falcon Accipeter, representing air power
in the same way Itzpapalotl represents Volcanic fallout, tectonic shifts, and air pollution on a regional scale, not forgotten, her host
of furious Lady Darts. Ilana/Ilantli(N), deity of 13, a first and last
Goddess, her parrots mocking parliaments, congress, Duma, the UN.
the only deity who does not fit well in this end of earth scenario
is the sheep/Xipe Totec, deity of springtime dressing himself with a new
skin every year as a bloody vegetable God does.
as in the 6June2012 end of world Mayan Prophecy, we have terminal
numbers, more then than now, as we are not 4 days from the end of the
calendar Tzolk'in/Tonalamatl, 10 Olin, nor in trecena 20/Tochtli/Rabbit
the last trecena of the 260day calendar, no, we needed a day date of
Naui Olin/4 Olin, the day the 5th Age began, to end it on the same day,
and that didn't happen.
one could read Falcon Jade Skirt as an attack by Iran with drones
on Israel, or Itzpapalotl as a Nuclear delivery from North Korea
by its occluded Fat boy, but Hiroshima's bomb was Fat Man, and Ilana/
Ilantli(N)as last chance for survivors of fictive fiasco, who can
relearn our planetary idiom from her erudite parrots flocking to their
Mistress as pieces of jade conquering time once again.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
chie/chielia/chieltia=chia/chialia/chialtia(N)=await someone/
guard something to receive him/await the enemy, not fear him.
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