Monday, 10 December 2012

Tlaloc DhaRarog Sydney, darug is a yam, d/tlaloc(Nauatl)=by or in the earth/tlalli(N)=land, bool=pooliuqui(N)=pulque(Mex)is a sweet drink, its origin from metl(N)=miel(sp)/mëd(R)=mead(E), so a meadow(E) has Metis(diety of wisdom, the first)plants. in Russian/Mongolia, dar(R)=give,=tlal-(N/particle)=land/earth, darom(R)=gratis/free,= tlal-ome(N)=2 earth/land. ...Darugha(Mongol)=territorial subdivision of Mongol Empire,= Tlalocan(N)= paradise/land of Tlaloc, rain deity of Deer Age. ...Darughachi(Mongol)=head of a Darugha/Tlaloca(n), e.g., Te(ach)cuautli(N)=he who directs the people. ...Mughal Empire(SE Asia and Persia)=Darugha(Mughal)=district police officer, e.g., droog(Russile)=friend. ...the Sydney Daruk/Tlaloc(N)/Rarog(Baltic deity)=Dha-Rarug(Australia)/ Dharukk/Dharoog have Cloud Mythology, i.e., they come from Clouds and leave earth/tlalli(N)for clouds, cf.,, the Mixtec of Mitla(Amerind). if a Dharuk neice looks at a rainbow her uncle will die. ...can(Darug/Mayan)=snake. ...canna(Darug)=fire,=snake=Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)= coal(ember)=can(Darug). ...wigi(Darug)=fruit/figs,=wick/uic(N)=wicktable=vegetable(E)=v/u i/e c/g. ...mogra(Darug)=fish,=michin(N)=mi(o)ch/c/g(r)a, close enough. ...Nepean(River/Sydney)=Nepa(N)/Neva(River/NW Russia)/ne(r)pa(R)=seal/ nipa(N/adv)=back and forth in waves,= Neptune/Neptonatiuh(N/deity)/ Nepa ana(N)=back and forth increasing,=Nepean(Blue Mts/Aust.) ...Dharawal(Tribe)=Dh/Tlalia ual(N)=come here to stay people. ...goalong(Darug)=animals,=Coatl tloc(N)=Co(me to w/ater/tl locate, a hunting tip as to where game mammals would be found. ...wombat/wambat(Darug)=womb(E)=wamba/wampa(OHG)=wampum(Alkonquin Amerind)=wombs/shells used for money and courting displays,=uapaua(Nauatl)=lit., ownPaint/own(E). ...Iyor/Iyora/Iora/Eora(Coastal/Coatl Darug people/language)= Iyolic(N/adv)=cautious, slowly,=ihiotl(N)=breath, air, spit, spume,= yoliatl(N)=lit., heart water, soul,= yollo(N)=able, good memory, intelligent. ...Baltic/Russian(Rarog)/Mongol connections make one think of the Nivke/Nepa quauitl(N)=Neptune wood/tree people of the Amur River as candidates for arrival Australia/ Sydney at Zero BCE/ACE in their log canoes. ...Lalin(Dampier Peninsula, NW Austrailia)=Oct-Dec West/Rain Wind Summer Married Turtle/ Kurkil Season,=Tlalli(N)=root of Tlaloc, rain deity,=Rarog(Baltic/Russile name for same deity)=Darug, taking form as yam(E)=nitla-yamania(N)=soften/prepare=yammer/ hammer(E).


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    1. ...daruga=d/t/lal/r uga/ocan=Tlalocan(N)=the
      Tlaloc paradise in the west where people who died by bolt, drowning, water related catastrophes,
      like big Rock Candy Mountain, delights, dancing,
      come to think of it, Australia Abo Abba.
      ...8k BCE proto-chinese raising dog/pig together
      in compounds.
      ...i yam what i yam. Tlalli(N)=land/earth,=
      Tlaloc(N)=by the earth/land. yam=yamactic(N)=

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    1. ...taro/talo=tlallo(N)=subject to earth, server,
      full of earth.
      toptli(N)=idol; wrap.

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    1. ...definitely. Quetzalcoatl left Amerinda in
      a bark of woven snakes. Viking long boats
      run with their head high like a snake running
      over waves.

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    1. ...fig=pi/opic(N)=f/pic/g, uic(N)=u/wig/c=w/veg.
      taranda(sp)=reindeer,=tlaloa(N)=to flee.
      we have a saying about Tolucans=toloa(N)=bow
      the head: "no matan, tarantan", supposedly to
      mean, they don't kill you, they beat you up,
      but as words are double and come to their opposite, it just as well means, tlaloa(N)=
      taroa(construct)=they run away. doubtful.
      as they are duros/toughs.
      =throw(a stone/piedra).
      ...pun(Mex caló/slang)=fart; punk.
      ...kentut(M)=King Tut/Kentucky(just kidding)=
      centototl/centotonia(N)=center bird/center boil
      ...menorah is from chicome-nolhuia(N)=nourish/
      nurse/wrap/Noriz(sp/name)=noria(sp)=water wheel
      ah, the nourishers/wraps were deer meat=maz(OHG)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl).
      ...ghost(E)=ghast(Scot)=cast(E)=Ecatl(N/2 Tona).

    2. ...tlaloa(N)=Tlaloc(N), is the Tlaloc/Rarog
      verb, i.e., as clouds/showers/xaua/xaxauaca(N)
      scatter, so do Deer/Mamaza(N/7/plural Tona),

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    1. ...matotopetli(N)=pelota(sp)=-pet/la(N/particle),
      i.e., pelota(sp)=matoto-petli(N).
      ...matotoca(N)=move arms alot.
      ...matotopeuia(N)=play ball.
      ...ollama/ullama(N)=play ball with the butt/
      with the cadera(sp)=hips. of the connexions of the Basques with
      the Turks of Bithynia=oynamak(Turk)=play, amuse
      skip/frisk, fluctuate, dance, perform, to stake, e.g.,betting was a big part of Ollama, nobles bet their jewelry and after the game winners went through the stands/tribunas(sp)
      ripping out earrings, nose plugs, necklaces,
      to slip(of the ground), e.g., hand positions
      on the ground were necessary to position the
      ...the game/Ollama Tlachtli was a metaphor for
      planetary movement, time itself, with dark and
      light forces.

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  7. ...lama(T)=tlama(N)=mati(N)=know a thing/tla.
    ...Bjama(Burmese)=tla/pa mana(N)=Flame-paint flow.
    ...Phra Phrom/Thada/Phrom(Thai)=Paint Pom(mayan)=
    incense, Tlatla/Flame incense/pom(mayan).
    ...Piraman(Tamil)=Piloa mana(N)=Spill Flow.
    ...Betara(Malay)=Petla tlatla(N)=Flame thrower,
    Berahma(Malay)=Petla mana(N)=Throw flow.
    Berma(Burma?)=Petla mana(N)=throw flow.
    ...Rahman(Semitic?)=Tlatla mana(N)=Flame flow.
    ...Abraham/Abram(Semitic=Cemitta)=Tlapa Tamati(N)=
    Flame Paint Tamer/Tamaño(sp)=sizer/measurer, or,
    Tlapa r/tlama(N)=Flame paint doctor/surgeon.
    ...Ba'alam(Mayan)=bolom ba'alam(M)=9 ocleotl(N)in
    trecena of Cimi(M)=ce Miquiztli(N/6 Tonalamatl)=
    high priest. note Quetzalcoatl born bolom/9 Ecatl, 2d trecena, of Ocelotl/Ba'alam.

  8. ...Brahma born out of a lotus/lot(E)=Oce-lotl(N)=
    Flame drill Totem animal, big cats really like flowers. Lotus for fertilty as its namesake=
    Ocelome(N/14 plural Tona)=celOim(Etruscan Prayer/Liber Linteus)=Elohim(H). other version says Brahma from golden egg, but that's the orient, China speaking. Ocelome takes Brahma back to the cave/Oztotl(N).

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    1. ...cemitta(N)=center look/itta(N)= ithua(N/lowlands)=semilla(sp)=seed.
      ...the Semites(Arab/Jew, common ancestor,
      Abrahm), e.g., David=D/Tlauiz(N)=the Dawn(E)=
      first Jewish King, began as grain merchants,
      which they still are to this day.
      ...if you have the first 5 letters of C/Semite/
      cemit(N), you look no further.
      ...Shabat(H)=xapotla(N)=to deflower/seduce, i.e., when Yahweh finished making Earth, he didn't rest, he had sex with his creation,
      still a tradition among the faithful.
