Thursday, 27 December 2012


...said to mean, speckled/painted(body ornament), in 4th c BCE used as name for entire male population of the British/Pretanic Isles. the later Pict being latinized, or, speck(E)=spec/spic(OE)=fat meat, whale=ual(N)meat, whalers, North of England, but not the Priten. neither, authorities say, are the Brittani/Breton, who came from the continent and were invading Britain before the Romans, Priten being earlier the name used for all inhabitants of the Pretanic Isles. what a fine dice from David Jones, the Rock Quarry and other sequences, a superb collection of mythopoetry.'s simpler than that, e.g., P(r)it=Pri(es)t=P(r)i(es)tli=Pitli(N)= older sister, and, B(r)iton/Breton=-ton=Tonatiuh(Nauatl)=Anthony, the sun, thus, older sister of the Sun Anthony. ...who might that older sister/Pitli(N)be? Robert Graves intuited= thuitoca(N)=imagined/named her as the White Goddess. White=uitequi(N)=thresh(E)=Wi(n)ter(E). the White quadrant in the Tonalamatl(N) Calendar=North, spades(cards=Ecatl, day 2 Tona)= swords(Tarocco/Tarot/Tlaloc(N)=rain deity of Upper Stone Deer Age)where Pitli is Cawen(OE)=Queen, Gwendolyn=Uentli Olin(N)=M(o)vement/Holy Offering(E)=deer/deor/dior/Teotl before Ecatl as Venus, jumping horizons, then supplanted by England=E(n)c/g(l)a(n)t/d= Ecatl/Ehecatl(N)=Hecate and her shuttle/xiotl(N), as Wind=Uena(N)=way4, big4, so, she is the sun's older sister, Uecaitta(N)=Ueca-/far-seeing/- itta(N)=wiccan/wicam(OE)=witch. among her forms, the w(r)en, offered at spring plowing, the bagpipe named for her in Basque/spanish=Gaita= Eca-it(o)a(N)=Hecate talks(E). ...she gives her name to Cathedral, and Catholic, as universal, for she rules the globe as her namesake England did for a moment, as to the Church, well, somehow one knows they rule by spells and incantation too.

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