Thursday, 13 December 2012


named for 18th c. Hermit, Dionisij/Dionysus/Denis, the Denisova Cave has 22 layers of strata, located in the Altai Mts, inhabited by both Neandertal and AMHuman. the 22d layer dates from 125-180kya, contains 27 species of medium mammals such as cave hyena and lions, 39 species of smaller mammals, and 50 species of birds. stratas 9-11, 30-48kya, feature Mousteriian-Levallois-style tools, decorative bone objects, mammoth tusk, stone chloritolite drilled bracelet, pendants, and the phalanx/finger bone of Denizova girl(41k) related to Neandertal and Melanesians(Tlaloc/Rarog/Dharug=W.Austro-tribe). Denis a karst/sandstone cave, temperature zero centigrade/32 farenheit, which the Altai called, Ayu-Tash=Bear Rock=Ayuh(Nawa)=thus not(not us),=Tash/Tlaza(N)=trash(of Ayu), yuhti/yotl(N)= negative=ayuhtli/ayotl(N)=Bear, is not yuhti, not us, from our beginning. 6% of Denize DNA goes to Neander,and Neander gives us&Melano/Aussie 4%. Zuangxi(Chi)= cave living,=tropical limestone karst,=oldest hominid bone horizon out of Africa, 800k BCE, a natural(ma/oma=hunt land/sea by net)way point for both Neander/Denize to China sea from Altai.


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  2. ...interesting Altai people call it the Bear cave,
    Ayuh Tash,=Bear Crash/tlaza(N). Bears were considered an early species connected to hominids
    in the mythopoeic thought of the time, which included everything, Ayuh(N/adv)=thus no, of a distinct way(not ours), reversed, bad(am withdrawing the yuhti(N)=root for bear, and putting
    in ayuh(N/adv)=unjustly. their ancestral memory word of mouth/camatl and lip/tentli has every link intact, the chain of remembrance going back to 46k BCE. if Neandertal is getting pushed out of Europe,
    the Tlaloc/Ratogue/Dharug deer age about to begin.
    from Christ-like Rain Deity to Australian Yam.
    ...the different spellings of Darug suggest they
    took their root from Rarog, e.g., Dhararog.
    at the time of Teotihuacan/Tlaloc, the Baltic was
    involved, but Mesoamerican Nauatl never received
    the (r) that came in from the Russile wheaters,
    nor the Minoan A/B. Tlaloc is associated with
    Occident Europe/Amerind, while Rarog with the northern arc of Eurasia, slavic deer tribes.
    ...let me go back to post and correct ayuhti to ayuh(N).

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    1., Hybla, Sicily, apiary. mentioned in one
      of my posts.
      ...Shaphan(H)=rabbit, scribe of that name,
      the Mayan depict rabbit scribes on their mugs,
      =sh/ch/capani(N)=snap one's fingers,=capania(N)=
      to make noise as one moves along, e.g., ca(m)pana(sp)=caper(E)=Capricorn(sign),
      do damage to oneself, capón/capar(sp).
      ...cony/coney=choney/honey is an attraction
      in itself and doesn't need habitat synchron
      to be attractive. think inside the box of language/weird/word by breaking nuttiness
      with plyers of Letra.
      ...the friars turned into fryers.

  5. ...atrium perhaps related to ater(Latin)= black/dark(dead black), but, niger=shining black,= atletl(N)=no fire(ash),= atle(N/negative)=nothing,=nada(sp)=
    nad/t/latla(spanauatl)=no flame.
    ...connected with, ater(Latin), as place blackened by
    smoke of fire/tletl(N),=the hall or entrance room in a Roman house, into which opened the, ianua(Lat)=door,=Janus/January=yani ua(N)=pilgrim owns
    (the door, his passport).
    ...aya(N/short form)=ayamo(N/adv)=still not/todavía
    ...apano/oapanoc(N)=cross a body of water.
    ...apa-(N/prefix)=relates to water, not fire, so,
    ...apa(Ba?)=fire, relates to, tlapa/tlatlapa(N)=
    flame paint, in Nauatl rooting, e.g., apan(N), cf.,
    atl(N)=water(crossing), river.
    ...haYashar(H)=Jasher(H)=helped, hmmm, only root i
    can find in Nauatl is from the irregular verb,
    yauh, which gives, n-iaz(N)=i had gone. the text of Jasher is a forgery, but, i did get, n-iaya(N)=
    i was going,=Niay/g(r)a=Niagra(Falls), having alternate limestone and granite shelving, the limestone dissolves and the granite tumbles
    giving Niagra the appearance of going, in fact,
    ...Ayah(M)=father,=Ayatl(N)=mantle/dress, fine cloth of cotton/maguey,=ayatia/oayati(N)=be Lord,
    honored, esteemed, lit., wear the mantle,=
    Ayah/Ayat(Arab/sing&plural)=sign of God, smallest
    portion of the Koran, verses, which make up suras.

    1. ...tle?(N/relative pronoun)=what? what thing?
      ...tle(particle that take s place of, ma, in
      the imperative), e.g., cenca tle tic-mati(N)=
      pay attention to what i am recommending to you,
      or, cenca tle anqui-mati(N)=consider well this.
      ...tlecalli(N)=tletl calli(N)=chimney=chaminaua
      (N/my construct)=chantli/chamitl4.
      ...tlei(N/adj)=something/algo(sp), e.g., aoc
      ni-tlei(N)=ya no soy nada/i am nothing/aoc.
      ...tlein?(N/relative pronoun)=what/que/lo que,
      e.g., tlein in?(N)=what is this?=qué es esto?

    2. to Ayah/Ayat, put in, Oyat(Picardy), on
      Google, should deliver you to Tletl post,
      Ayat, sign of God.

    3. ...tletlectli(N)=type of falcon.
      tletleton(N)=raptor believed to be the esmerjón
      (sp)=merlin, e.g., esmerilar(sp)=burnish, polish with emery, also known as, ecachichinqui(N)/who
      breathes the wind, or, cenotzqui(N)=who calls
      the frost.
      ...most of the tle-(N/prefixes), e.g., tlemoyotl
      ...atleti/atletia(N)=consume/burn, lit.,
      to the fire. interesting as it establishes
      Nenader Prometheus as athlete. we know he
      had his own rodeo for large cuadrupeds, hitching rides on their flanks.

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    1. ...the red tide of a harmful algal bloom.
      do oneself harm.
      ...rabbit(E)=r/tlalpilli(N)=Earth Child,=
      t/lapin(Fr), the cartouche (n/nauatl) replaces
      the pi/lli/n.
      atla/tla(N)=no flame/tlatla.

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    3. ...ah, the red tide caused by the red Nile tilapia, world's 3d largest commercial fish/carp
      originating in African Nile,=tilana pia(N)=
      extend, become larger(fast-growing invasive species), known as blanco de Nilo=Tlilli(N)=
      Tl/Nilli=Nilo, named for dark blue water lillies(E)Tlillis. it's possible the Tilapia, which is really black/tlilli(N), not white,
      may be named for the root of Nile/Nilo=Tlilli
      (N)as point of origin it was.

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    1. ...atl/altia(N/rev. of atl)=wash/altar/reality/
      mana(N)tilinia(N)=flow stretch/extend/line(E).
      ...noise is one, chanting another. Scand women
      lift their skirts. bells are a nice touch, e.g.,
      toyoyolca(N)=our little bell, yoyolcatl/yoyoli/
      oyoyol(N/Hebrew)=revive, recover one's senses,
      return to life,=joy(E).

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    1. ...shoal/shallow/shoulder.
      los arenales/sand pits, sh/Xalapan=Jalapa(Mex)=
      ...shoal is a shoulder=acolli(N)of sand, a coloa
      (N)=co(i)l, cu(r)l(E)as well, so, one can see
      3 different roots, although, coloa(N/verb)is base for, acolli(N)as a shoulder(E)=co(i)ls and uncu(r)ls when it throws. but, coloa(N)=color and cool, is a larger root net and will trap more words. xalli is limited to sand except in the case of shoal where it reaches out to the
      related acolli(noun) and coloa(verb) roots. may be you'll have to unlearn present
      assuming and presuming of words, go back and
      begin correctly, as it is now you are out on
      a limb of learning, some hysterical branch
      which is taking you away from the trunk and
      root, leaving you only leaf and branch to
      sustain your theories.
      ...language is weird/word, a duality which
      can entertain 2 subjects at once, e.g.,
      f/v(i)eld. it will not yield to logic/tloc(N)/
      location, i.e., the plunking of quasi-similar
      words down next to each other. words are not
      t/l/roc/ks: they are sand/arena(sp)=ar/tena=
      Atena/Athena/Athens=by water's edge/lip.
      ...i'm going to read for a few days, happenings in bunny gunny land have depressed me.

    2. ...nice to know Moses links to cloud, Mixtli,
      part of the Tlaloc/Mixcoatl Mazatl Deer age
      Legend so abundant in Hebrew word and history, Mazeltov/Mazyectlalli/matso. his cloud aspects, born of the waters, Ararat is water mountain, Atl-atl-atl(N).
      the (o) of Moisés=holy/m(o)ver. yup, Monsoon Moses. the Malay version is hand-me-down Arabic,
      being quite active the Arabs in the cloud wor(l)d. if seed rain and not water? Tlaloc=
      by the Earth. marzoon? interesting. Amazon, no. zone=tzoneua(N)=overcharge, overflow(usury), colmar la medida. cold coming

  9. the Koran Moses is mentioned 502 times, more
    than any other individual. known there as nabi(Koran)=prophet,=napaloa(N)=govern, nappa(N, cf., naui/4), and, rasul(Koran)=messenger,= r/tlacololiztli(N)=action of going here and there, turning in and out,=coloa(N)=coil/curl.
    ...the 7th plague of 10 in Egypt, note 7, was fiery hail and thunder, linked to Mazatl(N/7 Tona)to Tlaloc, chief of Tlaoques, who like Moses hit(twice) with his cane rocks producing water.
    ...dies 7 Adar, meaning well threshed, cloudy,
    on Mt. Nebo=nube(sp)=cloud,=nepa(N/adv)=back and forth.

  10. the way, 5(0)2 may be a veiled but H(o)ly=
    Olin(N/17 Tona)reference to the Tonalamatl Deer
    Tlaloc Calendar itself, as Tlaloc/Tarocco/Tarot and the 52 Card Deck were now in the works after the closing of the Nomad Age, the Tribal Bottleneck for AMHuman population, 45k BCE-10k BCE. certainly the Calendric number of years it takes 72/73 turns of
    the Count to repeat itself by the 260day Birthing
    Tonalamatl, and Tzolk'in Socket.

  11. ...all in all, one can say the Koran is a much more
    interesting and historical document that the Bible=
    B/Pipil/tin(N)=People, which has been worked on by
    all and sundry, treating the Historical Record with a lése majesté it has not earned as a document, but only as a wishing well. the malaise in countries of
    the first order who use it can be traced to its lack of interpretation and veracity in the events and times that formed it, 6 centuries earlier than
    the Koran.

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    1. ...s'aright. yes, chipawa(N)=purify, lit.,
      paint/pa on top/chi, or, achipactli(N)=agua clara
      pura, limpid/limpio(sp)=clean. believe root=
      tepetl(N)=mountain(get on top of dirt), e.g.,
      te(m)ple(always needs sweeping). chipewa and
      ojibwe=ochipaua(N/preterit of chipaua).

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  14. ...slon(Russile)=zo(Japanese)=iulepantli(N)=powerful
    trunk,=elephant(E)=tzontli(N)=hair, i.e.,
    tzone(N)=wooly, e.g., cenca tzone quauitl(N)=frondy
    tree with lots of leaf. note the Japanese for elephant is more direct, t/zo tzontli(N), while the
    Russile for wooly mammoth has slavic, slon s/z/tzontli(N). in the naming of the wolly mammoth
    the Altai has the edge, nearer Mongolia.
    Bulgar/Croat)., e.g., Mohammad=MO-/your
    h/ch/camat/l/d/grammar/tl/mouth, but, for monsoon and the Arab words for cloud Moisés, (o)=Olin(N/17
    Tonalamatl)=holy is operating as additive, or,
    exhortative, for the root, m(o)ish/xtli=mixtli(N)=
    cloud, as it is Mixcoatl, early Tlaloc Amerind Rain
    Deity of the Deer/Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)hunt.
    one has to look up close for root, but for string
    continuity one has to take long view of the meaning
    ...montli(N)=son-in-law; rat trap,=montia/omonti(N) =nini-monti(N)=take a son-in-law/yerno(sp), marry off daughter/tocter(OHG)=toctli(N)=stalk of young corn plant; fertilized land.
    =-tlatl(N/particle of cuitlatl/tail), by golly,
    a rat is named for its tail!

  15. ...enjoy these blogs, such as they are. gone fishing.
    so long, Ddeds, and thanks for good input.

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  17. ...uitequi(N)=-tequi(N/particle)=tequiti(N/verb)=
    work, pay tribute; work with someone, e.g.,
    community service, i.e., quid pro quo(Latin)=quit(E)=
    ...source/sorcery(E)=s/z/tsol/r ce=tzol ce(N)=hole
    one. the passage of the sun/Tona in Naui Olin, the
    5th Age is marked by 3 holes, the middle hole is
    Equinox, when the sun's ray hits it morning or evening of the day,=sorgin(Basque)=s/z/tzol/r gin/
    g/c/s/z/tzin tli=tzoltzintli(N)=witch, the Saintly
    Hole, as Basques would say.
    ...attachable tarp/tlapa carrier for Bici/BC, inserted between/titlani(N)=messenger crossbar and
    wheels/uilana(N)=drag4, some aviary form to it and
    you can call it the gull, removable and adapted to
    body carry on back like a loose vest.
    ...commotion(E)=comoni(N)=breakfast fire drill,=
    Co(s)mos(Gk)=Comus=Comedy, even, Chronus, youngest
    Titan/Titlani(N), father of Sky Snake, Zeus/Teuhtli
    =t/deu(s)t=dust(E), i.e., the up/euh stone/teuh.

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    1. ...nothing for, Opokguru, e.g., ooshii(J)=manly,
      =osh/s/c/qui chtli=oquichtli(Nauatl), or, ootoko
      (J)=big fellow, giant=jaiant=j/ca-ilantli(N)=
      old lady being, old being, but at least with
      Opokguru, we have popoca/smoke, so they had fire
      ...what's interesting about Wiki's Cueva de la Pileta/little drain well, is the picture of the
      cave plan with associated images, and their hash marks, which i give a Calendric Tonalamatl interpretation, e.g., the deer at the top left with 3 black lines and 4 red lines at bottom=7=Mazatl(N/7 Tona), the horse at top right, group of 5 lower lines=Coatl(N)=comes to
      water(killed at water hole) and one mark at head=6=Miquiztli(N/6 Tona)=skull(kill?),
      turtle at lower left=28 marks within shell=
      Ome tochtli/2 rabbit, perhaps sea rabbit for lack of vocabulary, divided into 28=4 7's=
      4 offerings/uentli=ce uentli(N)=4 c/se ven/uen tli, one each flipper, 4 being the sea also,
      and with Lagar Velho Child Burial used as ritual good-bye, 26k BCE, contemporary with
      Cueva de la Pileta, the horse at lower right
      has 20 hash marks, always paired/ome, which may have been early number for the hunt and rabbit
      itself, which comes right after deer in the 3d
      trecena, harmonic with day3=being=Calli(N)=
      Calli ue(N)=Cave, 20=flower, in the sample/cempoalli/20(digits), and, 20 in the run
      of the Calendar260=7Flower/Xochitl, meaning an
      insensate and panicky being, as horse must have
      appeared to its early hunters and whose nobility had to be brought out, like everyone
      else's, by education, yet more telling is that
      7Xochitl is the calendric name for horse=
      h/sh/Xo(r)s/c/chitl as used by paleolith
      hunters, and, in the 2d trecena of Ocelotl,
      the birthing cave totem=to-/our descent/-temo=
      to temo(Nauatl), 20 representing all digits,
      i.e., meant for human/20 consumption, as is
      corn with its 20 chromosomes, to this day
      Tatars who come to MooseCow as waiters and
      used clothes dealers have special eateries where they dine on horse/muzín flesh, but
      Cueva de la Pileta people/pipil-tin(N)called
      the horse/Xochitl(20)/Tochtli(8)/Flower of the
      Ocelotl, the fertile Lotus made flesh.

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    1. ...scrip(H/after 3309 BCE)=sc(r)ip=sh/xipeua(N/
      before 3309 BCE)=to flay,=sheep(E), hmmm, looks
      like, Cipactli(N/1 Tona), but shepherds weren't
      scribes. man's first interest in sheep/xipeua(N)
      was for its pelt/petla(N)=throw, and the scrip(H)
      was made of leather, most likely from a flayed
      sheep. the -herd=h/th/tetl(N)=first herding technique, shying a stone, and, shep/xipeua(N),
      stone/tetl(N)=used to flay sheep at first.
      ...pygmy=pyg(m)y=piqui(N)=who picks(E)=fi(n)ger
      (E)=pixie(imaginary creature, as pygmies and
      penguins/pinguinos(sp)=pi(n)qui(N)must have appeared at the time, certainly fantastic).
      my ancestors,=nocol/nocoltzin(N)=my g-pa,=
      nuncle/uncle(E)=tecol(N)=someone's g-pa,=
      tecolotl(N)=owl=ol(OE)=Olin(N/17 Tona),=skulle

    2. ...itacatl(N)=food provisions for trip by land or sea(supposes container but left unsaid, tackle(E)gear of some sort),=tack/hardtack(E)= Ithaca(Gk)=island in the Ionian sea, home to Odysseus.

    3. ...tackle(E)=tlacatl(N)=body, and 2dary root,

    4. ...and penultimate, itla(N)=something, a thing,= hita(Goth)=hit(OE/OFrisian)=it(E).
      ...ittalli(N)=seen, considered,=Italy.

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    1. ...Dampier Peninsula, Australia, Rouja and
      Leyton, horizon 27kya, Google.
      ho(r)to/tu s=ocot=ocotl(N)=aromatic pine, e.g., Okhotsk(Sea)=oc/kh ot sk=ocotl(N)=octli(N)=oinos
      (Gk)=wine(E)=xococ(N)=acid/bitter/sour, e.g.,
      Choc-taw(Amerind tribe who filed their teeth
      and painted them black)=sour mouths, hmmm,
      let's tease orchard out with 2 word compound,
      =-ard=altia(N)=wash, reverential of atl,=
      xocoaltia(N)=fruit wash,=orch-ard(E).
      ...card(E)=ca(r)d/tl=Ecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl)=
      Hecate, she's Queen of the deck, Spades, the
      Bitch, White Goddess, North, and first Muse/
      ...bast(E)=inner bark,=ba(s)t=patla(N)=paddle/
      alternate(for weaving baskets, rope, clothes).
      puchotl(N)=Bombax ceiba, red cotton tree,
      found in Kolkata, Bengal, Hong Kong, Thailand.
      the Bombax flower is emblem of Canton and
      Kaohsiung/Takau(Hoklo), SW Taiwan=beat the dog, from, makatao(Aboriginal Taiwanese, pure Nauatl
      particles)=maca tlaolli(N)=make earth rolls,
      i.e., in Aztec Nauatl, tlaolli(N)=take corn off
      cob, e.g., takao/takau(Hoklo Abos)=tlaca olli(N)=body roll(beat the dog).
      ...the islands thereabouts are the 2d cradle of
      Nauatl and the Sea Age. the Sea Age for the Med
      goes back to 130k BCE, new find on Crete by
      U. of N. Carolina, 100k BCE before previously thought.

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    1. top(E)=toptia(N)=opt/
      obey(E)=trumpet(E)=toptli(N)=idol/wrap, the great
      Miles. with dice, one is midwifing, either,
      judgement=diké(Gk), or fate,=ticitl(N)=doctor,
      the dice.
      let out the treadle.

    2. ...Lalin(Oct-December W. Winds bringing rain,
      NW Australia, Damper(i)er Peninsula)=Tlalli/N.
      ...kulkil(NW Austral)=turtle, hmmm, t/kur t/kle,
      mud, swamp, turtle paradise.

    3. ...tlaini(N)=worker,cultivator,laborer,
      =train/rain/drain(E), for, tla-aini(N)= ay(ai)/ailia(N) =to do/ally=air(E)= thraian(OSaxon)=draaien(Du)=draen(OHG)=
      tlalaqui(N)=tlalli aqui(N)=earth enter,=settle,
      become solid, fall, sink, speaking of a construction, e.g., tala-drar(sp/verb)=
      tlalli dr/tlalli/earth(to)earth, ah,
      aquia(N)is part of the ay/ai/ailia/aqui(N)
      wordstring,=to do/ally/enter/aq(Egypt)/aquí.
      ...tlalatl(N)=tlalli atl(N)=fango, tierra/
      tlalli abnegada,=tl/t/thalassa(Gk)=sea
      (close to land), a sink.
      call into line,=ufansis(Gk)=weaver,=ufano(sp)=
      =throw of the shuttle/xiotl(N), e.g., thrawan,
      threow, thrawen/uentli, draen/drainthrow/
      drawen/uentli, hmmm, threow/treow(OE)=tree/
      true(E)=treowian/treowan(OE)=teotl ua(N)=
      owes/owns Deo/tl.
      ...what a clump of roots. notice some wander
      to other particles, e.g., wen/uentli wan/uan/ua, the (o)=Olin/Holy inclusion,
      why, they throw themselves all over the place
      as the rain trains/, drains down while the sower, Tlaini(N), from ai/ay(N)=do, throws
      the seed, or in the other version of the same
      word but with root, i(N)=dr-i(N)-k, Tlaini drinks, plural, tlainime(N), either way, one
      trains to throw.

    4. ...isn't the Iberian-Irish connexion strong?
      first language begins Iberia with Caillech,
      plus we've established Lalin(summer)/tlalli(N), and Darug(yam)/Rarog(Baltic/Russile)/Tlaloc(N),
      in Australia.
