chie/chielia/chieltia=chia/chialia/chialtia(N)=await someone/
guard something to receive him/await the enemy, not fear him.
...tithe/title/tit/trite/tight/tile/titter/ twitter=titla(N/prefix)=between/titvate. ...tether(E)=tetl(N)=stone,=ted(E)=tetl(N)= kettle=cetel(OE)=ce tetl(N)=one stone cooking, tent=tetl(N)=stones around the base of the Kostenkij=kost(R)=bone,=k/co(s)t=cotoni(N)=cut (E)Mammoth Hunt area, and, tent=tentli(N)= edge/lip. ...gather(E)=g/cat/ther=Ecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl), e.g., gather cattle at the cathedral. ...aachcui(N)=gossip. ...aachti(N)=be at someone's service, be servant/page. ...aachtli(N)=server, fámulo(sp), page, by extension, hunchback/jorobado(sp), e.g., teaach(N)=page, someone's servant, or, teaach tilmati(N)=livery, suit of page, lacky/lacayo. ...aaci/oaacic(N)=reach, touch, become profound, get to know a subject entirely, completely, have it, possess it; get to know and be famliar with someone of distinction. ...teachcuauh(N)=Achcuauhtli/Achcuautli(N)= A(r)ch Eagle/Chief. ...Teachcuauhtli(N)=somebody's seed eagle/older brother. ...teaching is about seeds/achtli(N). ...achcuauhtli(N)=first military order, at the front, los quachictin(N)=shave heads, who go mad in battle. ...Torah(H)=To/our r/tlatla/flame, note, Tlatlatzolteotl(N). ...Koran(Arab=Al/rabar=Alabar(sp)=praise,= Arabaitan(OHG)=arbeit(G)=tlapa(N)=tl/trabajo,= Ko/Co/Come(to)Ra/Tlatla/the Flame, e.g., Tlachinolli(N)=war,=Tlatla chi olli(N)=Flame rolls/holy on top/chi(N/adv). ...mangi mangi(M/Portuguese origin?)=mangue(Port)=mangle(Fr/sp)=macui(N)=5= Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)=Snake=snaka(OE)=nacatl(N) =knacker/snack/flesh,=coal/crawl/claw/coa(Mex)/ hoe(E). ...tetica(N)=made of stone,=et/thic(E)/ética(sp). ...motla(N/verb)=stone/Tonatiuh/solar,=moral/ mores/mot. ...nitla tetica tzopa(N)=build in stone.
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kettle=cetel(OE)=ce tetl(N)=one stone cooking,
tent=tetl(N)=stones around the base of the
(E)Mammoth Hunt area, and, tent=tentli(N)= edge/lip.
...gather(E)=g/cat/ther=Ecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl),
e.g., gather cattle at the cathedral.
...aachti(N)=be at someone's service, be servant/page.
...aachtli(N)=server, fámulo(sp), page, by
extension, hunchback/jorobado(sp), e.g.,
teaach(N)=page, someone's servant, or, teaach
tilmati(N)=livery, suit of page, lacky/lacayo.
...aaci/oaacic(N)=reach, touch, become profound, get to know a subject entirely,
completely, have it, possess it; get to know
and be famliar with someone of distinction.
A(r)ch Eagle/Chief.
...Teachcuauhtli(N)=somebody's seed eagle/older
...teaching is about seeds/achtli(N).
...achcuauhtli(N)=first military order, at the
front, los quachictin(N)=shave heads, who go mad in battle.
...Torah(H)=To/our r/tlatla/flame, note,
Ko/Co/Come(to)Ra/Tlatla/the Flame, e.g.,
Tlachinolli(N)=war,=Tlatla chi olli(N)=Flame
rolls/holy on top/chi(N/adv).
...mangi mangi(M/Portuguese origin?)=mangue(Port)=mangle(Fr/sp)=macui(N)=5=
Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)=Snake=snaka(OE)=nacatl(N)
...tetica(N)=made of stone,=et/thic(E)/ética(sp).
...nitla tetica tzopa(N)=build in stone.
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Deletet/pintu(M)=door. lintel is top crossbar/between
of doorway.
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