Sunday, 9 December 2012


1.wombat(Darug=Rarog=Tlaloc=yam/tribe)=uapaua(N/root)= swell=wamba/wampa(OHG)=womb(E). 2.uterus(Latin)=hoderus(Gk)=Oder(River)=odos(Gk)=road(E)= otli(Nauatl)=root/out/aorta.


  1. "Rarog/Dhararug, was Baltic Deity of water spouts."

    "wambat(Darug=D/Tlaloc, Deer Age Rain Deity)=w/uapauac(N/adj.v.)= rude, firm, thick, tense[dense DD], =uapaua(N/verb..."

    dog eaters perhaps?

  2. ...Rarog/Dhararug/Tlaloc are the same god, their
    dwarves, the Rarogues/Dhararouges/Tlaloque were
    the Japanese, e.g., d/w/t/tza(r)p/b/v=tzapa/tzapatl
    (N)=dwarf/p(E)=tza/za/zha/hapa/japan/ese. the name for dwarf/tzapa(N)=comes before the National name.
    hmmm, we have a connexion with Mongolia, the Mugle
    Empire of SE Asia and Persia. so that would be
    the Amur River Nivke(Russile/Mongol Rarog/Daruga),
    Chipewa/ship/hollw log=NepaQuauitl/ki/ke, hmmm,
    Niv/b/p=Nip/Nepaki/ke=Neptunians, e.g., Nepean(River/Sydney). links. the Dh/Tlarug/loc ate
    everything, not dogs in particular.

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  4. ...slough/sough(E)=tzo-tl(N)=sod/soil/mud.
    to own being/ca, or, acabar(sp)=finish, to own up
    to being, e.g., cauilia(N)=leave testament/will,=
    ...Dd does not exist in Nauatl, so,
    Donau/Dunaj/Dunarea/Donava/duna/Dunav/Tuna, note well
    that the vowel is not (a) but (u/o)and that (T) is
    the oldest version of Danube=Tuna/Tona(N)=our4, or,
    ...i'm sure the Ainu were in confederation with
    the Nivke.
    ...Harappa(W.India)=Tlatlapa, or, mythic Amerind
    origin, Ueue Tlapallan(N)=Old Red,=tlapalli(N)=
    color, paint, tint, e.g., chichiltic tlapalli(N)=
    color red, bermejo/vermilion, tlapalli eztli(N)=
    nobleza de linaje, sangre de color, e.g., hezle(B)=
    teacher, coach, trainer=eztli(N)=blood/odol(B)=
    (N)=destroy, disipate, who depopulates(E).
    ...tlana(headwater of tl/Nile)=tlanaua-tiani(N)=
    he who sends, e-g-. atztzan tlanauatiani(N)=he who
    sends often.

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    1. ...pitza/opitz(N)=become red, choleric,=nitla-pitza(N)=play a wind instrument, blow, found
      metals=nic-pitza tepuztli(N),=nitla-tla-pitza
      (N/freq.)=blow many times,=pitzalo/opitzaloc(N)=
      well born. ptitza(Russile)=bird,=pitz(Mayan)=
      Ollama Tlachtli/Taxco(Silver City, Mex).
      Amerinds had lots of whistles made out of clay.
      i had one that shrieked as signal to drop stone
      on the heads of adulterers, had 2 mouth pieces
      but was one screech owl figurine.
      ...pu(M?)=conch trumpet,=poa(N)=blower(E).
      ...7 begins with deer/Mazatl(N/7 Tona), Upper
      Stone age/45k BCE_10k BCE, know as ce uentli(N)=c/se-ven/tli=vientre(sp)=womb,=veinte
      =twenty=Gwen/Cawen(OE)=Queen, e.g., 7Snake=Metis, rope/nawa(J)Deity=Chicome Coatl/
      7 Snake corn Deity, Empress and the Star in
      the Taroco Tlaloc Tarot,=Chicome Nolhuia(N)=
      Chico/menorah(H)=7 Old Greek Seasons of
      Orchard Culture, cf., Nowruz(Persia).
      ...Brahma=B/r/l/Tlama(N)=doctor/surgeon, from,
      ...create=c(r)e-atl/e=Ce Atl(N)=Seattle(Chief)=
      one water, it all begins with water/atl.
      Atl is the 17th trecena, 9th day of Sample/cempoalli/20, i.e., Olin(N)=17 day,
      13th trecena,=Holy(E).
      ...the conch trumpet belongs to Quetzalcoatl,
      who is of the sea and is the wind by grace of
      his mother, Ehecatl/Ecatl/Hecate. he is born
      on the 9th day of Ocelotl(N/14 Tona), the day
      Ehecatl(N/2 Tona); which is the 18th trecena.

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    1. ...yurt=yuhti(N)=from the beginning, just/justice(E)=yeti(Nepal)=Neander, yuh'di(H)=
      juden/Judy(E),=jyu/jyut/yue=Cantonese Lang.,
      Southern China,=yuhcatla(N)=desert,=Yucatan
      (MayaLand),=yukata(J)=summer clothing.
      cella(Latin)=innermost part of church.
      ...i'll pass on burro cheese, but burra cheese,
      let me think about it. Reindeer cheese is said
      to be like sharp Parmesan.

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    1. ...eztli Cuautli(N/15 Tona)=
      doubles the pain,=aquila(sp)=eagle(E).
      ...peat=petla(N)=throw,=petra/piedra, used as
      bricks also.

    2. ...e.g., peat/petla(N)=tu(r)f(E)=tup/f/b=
      =toptli(N)=idol; wrap,=sod/soil/mud=tzotl(N).

  9. ...say, Ddeds, Prof. Gregory Retallack=reto(sp)=
    chalenge allack/tlaca(N)=body, is challenging the out of the sea version of life by pointing out the Edicarian(635mya)fossils appear to be land based
    like moss/lichen(E)=tlachichinoaxiuitl(N)=lachin(N)=
    chichinoa xiuitl(N)=burn, put to the fire, dry, and predate by 20my the Cambrian Evolutionary Explosion
    of animals in the sea. of course, the English nay-
    sayers have been herd(my spelling)from, e.g.,
    Martin Brasier(roasting the subject)has issued a
    heated denial of the reversal of the tired consensus by championing Out of the Sea/Soup.
    ...somehow my instinct for catfish to shark still
    hold, despite the mucilage.

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    1. ...loris=l/tol=toloa(N)=bow head.
      ...koala(Darug/Tlaloc/Rarog)=doesn't go to water/drink(confirmed meaning at Sydney origin),
      =Coatl(N/5 Tona), with privative=Coatl-a(N)=
      koal-a=Coatl(comes to water)-a(does not).
      ...colugo(?)=coloa co/go(N)=come to curl/coil/
      color. not related.
      note the Letra morphs useful to you on a repeat
      occasion: zi/si/gui/ceti(N/root). is not divided up that way=cetia(N).
      and ladle/tail/-tlatl(N) already covered.
      ...ta(r)tan=tatamachiua(N/freq. of tamachiua)=
      measure, measure again,=tatami(J/mat)= tamaño(sp/noun)=size.
      ...Tatar(Turkish Ethnicity)=T/latla r/t/la=
      Tlatlatla(N)=Flames, cf., Tlatlatzolteotl(N).
      ...sled(E)=2 roots=1. tletl(N)=fire, horizontal
      plough drill, 2. slito(OHG)=slethi(ONorse)=
      l/titla/titlani(N)=messenger, runners between
      carriage and snow/ice=cetl(N).
      p/faba/pa=ph/f/haba(sp)=bean. a visual: the bean=the body, the green leafys=the wings,
      plus they attract papillon/Babylon.
      ...hag=h/th/t/laca(N)=(just a)body haggard,
      e.g., Haggart(Bobby, Big Noise from Winnetca/
      ...ah, back to hound/Kunikos(Gk)=cynic(E),
      but, kunikos(Gk)=k/conecu/ko/tli=conecuhtli(N)=
      comes to honey=h/ch/coney/cony. the Greeks get things backwards, kunikos/conecuhtli(N)=is the
      old form for rabbit/Connecticutt(another slaughter there, strip the people of conetl(N)=

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  12. ...tattle/rattle/tail(E)=all from ratty(E) -tlatl(N/
    last(E)=l/tla(s)tl(N)particleof cui-tlatl(N).,
    note from the preterit, oito(N), but talk(E), from,
    tlatolli(N)=T/Lat-in tlatolli/Tlatoani(N), the k in
    tlacatl(N)=also root,=k/ca(N)being who uses itoa/tlatolli(N). tlaca, words come from the body,
    talc/talk, but, talc/chalk=talk(Persian), these too, are related to heating words, such as tlatlaca
    tlace, ixca/oixcac(N)=cook in ash.
    ...flapping=f(l)/papillón(Fr)/papalotl(N). flapping
    sitar/guitar. yes.
    ...Cipactli(N/day one Tona)=
    Ci/Zi/Tzintli p/bagr/tli=bagre(sp)=catfish, in the
    Russian Riverine, Socha River, NW Slovenia,=
    S/z/Tzocatl(N)=wrinkle/Socket. or, Catshark may
    have began freshwater. it's just mental yoga,
    staning a theory on its head, e.g., i toy with the
    idea Japanese formed mainly in Amerinda.
