Saturday, 31 December 2011
the Order of the Onion
...i made a mistake! my Lord, i thought i was perfect, but it's all right to make
mistakes, it's how one learns. one mistake is worth 10 teachers or 100 mill workers.
cf., previous post, chipuli(N), and it's just here the mistake was made, actually,
the omission of the onion, as onion has always been phallic=palli(N)=palo(sp), and,
it is in the spanish/Basque nomenclature we have the problem, e.g., tipula(B)=onion,
well, the Nauatl has not yielded to an older letter, (t), instead of, (t/chipuli).
the Nauatl word=tepulli(N)=male member/the onion as it is jokingly know to Basque
and spaniard alike, chi-puli(N)=on top of the onion, which hopefully has a female
destination, but i leave that to the reader's preference,=tribu(sp/Basque)=tribe(E).
the tribal life is phallic, and should make way for female phallicism, which is...
caracol/conch=chipuli(N), well, i am afraid this stirs up Johnny Nash/stir it up
the Order of the Onion, as lang-ua/wa/waa-ge/ce(N)=one comes from the body, what
more primal than Otter's mistake(cf.,Ainu creation legend)? compared to a preposition=
tepulli/chipuli(N)/cebolla/chive/cepa/tipula(sp)=daddy long legs is the real thing!
so, tloc(N)=location/lugar on the Order of the Onion goes to 2d place,
and cipolla(Italian Stallone)goes to first, with a nod to Vatican condoms.
where i went wrong on the Basque question was to believe my previous example,
the only one i know of, where, lau(Basque)=4, gives us the root/raíz of the word,
Naui(N)=4, the dawn of cavetime for Basque religious belief, which is proto-christian.
the foundation of the Christianity tergiversada(sp)that we know today,
who committed holocaust against old believers during the Inquisition, en grande, 9M souls.
lau(B) comes from the word, alaua/oa-lau-h(N)=annoint, which,
with all the (n/n)'s, means point/annoint to the 4 rumbos/directions/the(compass)rose,
in a gesture to the wind=Ehecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl), mother of Quetzalcoatl,
he the proto-Christ, and she, the proto María, cf., the San Apollinari Mosaic, Ravenna=rawend(Arab)=flame/tlatla-uen-tli/offering=rhubarb(E).
in this sense of lau(B/N particle of alaua), and, l/naui(N),
remembering(l)is never first letter in Nauatl, but interior letter,
can we say, lau(B) preceded naui/4(N)?
uena(N)=way4=uentli(N/new form of uena)=wind=Hecate/ecatl(N72 Tonalamatl)=catedrál(sp).
for pilón, the old name for Egypt=KMT/Kemet, my version. Ke=ke(Basque)=smoke,=
keadar(B)=column of smoke,=qaeda(Arab)=cedar(E)=kaede(Japonica)=maple, hmmm,
the Nauatl for tree=cua-uitl(N)=cua/ki(J)/ke(B)/quemar(sp)/Keme-t. fire is involved
and wood and tree, combustion/smoke. instead of black, red earth,
the earth of Ra/ R/l/Tlatla(N)=Flame and cave Deity, Seth's mother or gramma,
Neandra Promethea of the flame hole Thea, and,
KMT/KemeT is name of the land=tlan/tlalli(N)=T=KM/T=Redland/Fireland,
for those who did have it, and those who didn't.
Friday, 30 December 2011
what's onion?
...cipolla(Italian=Ittalo=see, approved,=itta/see)=cebolla(sp), Italian is older form
with -polla, as, -bolla(sp/particle), the (b) isn't a letter in Nauatl, but (p) is,
so, to your letra code=p(N)/b(sp). ah, let's look=tloc(N/preposition)=beside, what?
we'll see shortly, for the root, aha, Chipuli(N/noun)=caracol/conch, hmmm, an onion
does look similar to a seashell, why, that's quite an old metaphor for onion, back
to ma(N/verb)=hunt land/sea with net,=mano(sp), and, onion=xonatl(N), well, the double
(n/n)in onion should have told us that, as in, annoint=alaua/oalauh(N)=praise=laude(Fr),
and the french=oignon.
let's see how old chipuli(N) is in an older idiom, Basque=tipula=onion, wow, the
first letter (t) is archaic, harking back to the time there were less than 5 consonants
(a guess)in language Nauatl, the (tl), the (t/l interior), p, ah, in spanish, tipula=
daddy long legs, a spider, and, yes, he does look like a cebolla/chipuli, hmmm, more
like a leek.
another onion ally appears, ah, lok(swede)=leac(OE)=looc(MDutch)=look(E/command)=
t/loc(N/preposition). that explains it, prepositions are early forms of language so
look, look, (j)ocular(E), the earlier form of onion, from tloc clock tick tock,
although, cipuli/tipula gives one of the oldest metaphors in language Nauatl,
what do the turks say? sogan(Turk)=onion,=soga(sp)=rope/braid, well, yes,
the flowering stems of the onion are rope-like,=tzocatl(N)=sock/socket/zócalo,
hmmm, to the Turks, Socrates would be an onion, the(n)of soga(n)marks it as Nauatl
or n/4th quadrant of the tonalamatl, the agriculture/corn section, diamond in
the 52 card deck, and Penatcles in Tarot=Taroc(Ital)=Tlaloc(N/deity of rain and
deer in Nomad deer age, North Afrika to the Altai Mts, upper stoneage, 45k bce-
10k bce.
the preposition, tloc(N)=beside,=leek/lyk(Russ)/luk(Swede),
was reserved for the northern arc of eurasia, laukka(Finn), and, chipuli(N)/tipula(Basque)/cipolla(Ital)/cebolla(sp)
was for the Mediterannean littoral, while, Xonatl(N)=onion(E)=oignon(OFr)=unio(Latin)=
union(Anglo-Norman)=ynne(OE) travels the euro continent later, as it is a noun, xonatl,
and formed later in language than the metaphors, tloc(N/prep.)/chipuli(N/early form of noun
ending without tl/tli, rather, as in, pilli/child=nopilli/noble).
said that, the order of antiquity for onion=leek/tloc, chipuli/cebolla, xonatl/onion.
brings tears to my eyes to say that about Allium Cepa, wait,
caepa(Latin)=chive=chip/b/ve(letra)=chipuli(N)=cepa(Latin)=onion, so,
cepan(N)=cepan(OE)=keep together=ce-/one place/-pan, well, that's pie Nauatl speaking.
let me say, chive=cive(OFr)=ceba(Portuguese)=cepa(Latin/older than Port.),
but there we have the chi/cepa transfer, and altho, cepan(N/OE)/keep, fits,
it could be anything kept, so, chive, also an onion grass is from chiv/b/puli(letra)=chipuli(N)=caracol/conch.
let's attack=tataca(N)=dig,=ta(r)taglia(Ital)=stutter(E) the Basque
38-wordstring: gibel-(B/prefix), which is also, chipuli, meaning back=gibbous(E), as in,
gibelurdin(B)=edible mushroom,=gibelarri(B)=gallstone,=gibel(B)=liver,=gibel(B/prep)=
back part of house/mountain. g/c/chip/b el/ul(urd)i(n)(letra)=chipuli(N)=conch/caracol
shaped mushroom cooked with onion?
al final, let me change the Order of the Onion. for it's place in basque as, tipula,
the t/ch retro-fit, for tipula(sp)=daddy long legs, for gibel/gibbous(E)38 wordstrength,
for Chipuli(N)being a caracol/conch by the sea, is the oldest term for onion, as the Finns
only got to Finland by 8k bce, and that's young for Nauatl, whose center is Ibero-France
Basque, oh my brothers and sisters, young, but for being a preposition and not a noun,
we'll give it a tie, a soga/sogan, Turkish order of the onion, a sock! and, Xonatl at the
back with the compound Order of the Gibel-(Bas/ck).
now to await that small mote of dust=teuhtli(N)=the upstone=Zeus/deus-tli dubbed a fact
to descend from the empyrean fire, an ember=em/i(m)u/v/ber/l-i(letra)=iueli(N/adj.)=
poder-oso/powerful, to unsettle the contest known as the Order of the Onion.
the battle goes on. there is something to be said for the primacy of prepositions
in word formation especially when one knows, tloc(N/prep.)=t/l/rock, or, tl/t/dog/c,
or, t/look/c, but that's regional English. the Med metaphor of Chipuli/Onion advances
the cultural aspect of the coiner's brain. tloc(N)just may be older as it orders=otli(N)
the Order of the Onion as a side dish, i.e., with/beside. Xonatl(N)=has a wordstring
inside Nauatl, xonexca(N)=shun(E)=warn someone off,=xonecuiltic(N)=zambo/twistfoot/
lame/cojo, as the Onion has a big head but no legs to stand on, daddy long legs.
dog, by the way, could just as well be, toca(N)=t/dog/a=sow and bury, but both
tloc(N)and toca(N)are descriptive of what a doge/Doge(Venice)is.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Erg Chebbi/EkSibe
...dunes=tunes=tones=Tona(N)=our4=Tona-tiuh(N/solar deity)=Anthony/Antonio,
=tun(mayan)=the 360 day solar year,=(s)tone/to(w)n(E)=Tonalamatl(N/calendar)=
revolving 260days within 360day tun(Mayan/Tzolkin).
the mesoAmerind calendar/the Nahoa Tonalamatl is the oldest,
for the Mayan were the 2d coming of Quetzalcoatl,cerca 2.2k bce,
as compared to the first, 3309bc, the first advent, and oldest Mayan date,
the Naui Ollin/4Movements, beginning of the 5th age, on March 10th, 3309bc
which should be, the 2d trecena Ocelotl/4Ollin, but, according to my calculations
and funerary bowls, begins on the 3d trecena, Mazatl, the 2d day, Ome/2 Tochtli=
rabbit, vicar and composer of the Pulque Choir.
apparently this the old Nahoa date, before the Aztecs, also began its
1st sheave of years with Acatl/Caña(sp)/reed=rheod/r/l/teotl, but the Aztecs
changed it to Tochtli/rabbit in honor of their Mecitli/Maguey Rabbit=Mexico,
as in, comes the Maguey Rabbit, Chimalpahin's painted book joke about the
Aztecs and their demi-deity, altho it seems the Mayan date, for its Me-citli
maguey/pulque rabbit connexions may have been imposed by the parvenu Aztecs on
the Mayans at Palenque, Chiapas, where the oldest mayan date was found, 1998.
like all pushy conquerors, the Aztecs were poor calendrists. in 1454, after
a disastrous drought, that is repeating itself today in Mexico, their astronomers
found they were 429 leap days off count, as they hadn't been tallying them.
a whopping 1716 years since the bisiesto/leap year had been intercalated,
which put the date of the Tonalamatl's entry into Teotihuacan at its beginning,
262bc(1716-1454). Palenque began, 100bc, then the deer date/Mazatl(N)was not
influenced by the Aztec of Tenochtitlan, 1325ad.
Ome/2 Tochtli, then, must go back to the high plains Olmec, 1.8k bce, and
before, up to, 3309bc, the Quetzalcoatl advent(i use advent because the mosaic
at San Apollinari, Ravenna establishes him as proto-Christ), as it was
the navigator, and gator in all senses, Cipactonal/Cipactli/Cipapu/Sepukku/
gossip/Mississippi, who castrated the maguey, made an inkwell of it at that
time, his name also lives on in the olmec/mayan ball game as the Phillipine
seprak=to kick.
great. gloriously off track. let me glimpse the title. oh yes, not to say
the Mazatl/deer Ome/2 Tochtli/rabbit date does not come out of a tardy deerage
either, as was the locale of North Afrika where the Mazyectli(N)=YesDeerPeople=
Mazyectlalli=Yectlalli(N)=Yizrael=Izrael, ah, -r/l/tla(e)l-li(letra)=tlalli/land,
the good land, the yesland(Bible, i swear on it).
Erg=wind dune area,=E(r)g/catl(letra)=Ecatl(N/2, the Tonalamatl)=Erg Chebbi=
ch/ci/ebb(i)pactli(letra)=Cipactli(N/first day, the Tonalamatl). well, and
in Morocco, North Afrika. if not enough to prove the presence and 'gin of
the Tonalamatl as the deer/Mazatl calendar, let's take another nomad deer
people, from the Altai Mts, the Turks=Toca(N)=Dhoga(deertribe Altai)=to breed
and bury/seed/sow, ah, Eksibe(Turk)=dune=Tona=Ecatl Cipactli(N)=EcCipactli(N)=
the first 2 days of the Tonalamatl combined to form Dune/Tona.
i rest my hatbox.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
wander wonder
...wa(J)=peace, unity,=waa(Chi-na)=lang-wa/waa/ua-ge.
pia owa(Breton)=the pious/no picking owner.
uan(N)=own4(E)=proximity, parentage, community,
=Uanyolqui(N)=Wyandot(Amerind/blood relative of Huron).
ua-4-tlan=t/l/ran(E)=own/ua 4 ran, ah, ran/r/l/tlan
(N/locative of tlalli/earth), most likely the rumbles/
rumbos(sp), as in, rhumb line, which are the 4 main
lines of Compass Rose, from, tompoxti/tompoxtli(N)=
to confuse, be an idiot/idiot, stupid,=thumb(E)=
thuma(OE/OFrisian/OSaxon), hmm, thumalfingr(ONorse)=
thimble(E). can't quite get the, (b).
hmmm, toma/tuma(N/verb)=undo, open a book or map=
mapiloa(N/verb)=point,=mapilli(N)=thumb, child of
the hand,=ma(r)pilli(letra)=marfil(sp)=ivory?
thumb needed for carving, around maps for pointing,
opening, undoing.
well, i believe the (b) is real, and the root,
direction/course. not meant unkindly,
the thumb is not an idiot, looks like one,
but is different.
the collison with, toma/tuma(N), how we know we're
at pie Nauatl, does not go unnoticed in the old roots,
in fact is operative in OFris/OE/OSax, before the
spanish armada, but afterwards rhumb becomes the
Naua/spanish root, chosen with more humor, and
the term changes sea horses as much British Navy
terminology derives from spanish, who had the Basque
Nahoa seafarers as their pioneers.
and of course there's demon rum, which one does
not want to confuse with the charts.
wander, owning 4 ran, usually ends in circles,
one can be vague=vaca, as a cow, uaca(N)=wake,
=uacalli(N)=a rectangular cave or box, channeled,
=vac/gar/lli=vagary, roaming, but somehow, as in
grave or coffin=uacalli(N), one is put in place.
air/ailia(N)=ally burial is more generous,
but a barge at sea with battle axe wife sobbing
on the shore, shield as duvet, the 4 hooves
of your Masertai=Mazatl(N/7)=deer alight on each
rumbo of your beer/kindled pylon, wake burning
yesterday's oil spill, that's the way to go.
Monday, 26 December 2011
Saint Odin
...would Santa be Odin, the floppy hat?, who hung himself on Ygg-dra-sil=
Ic/here-dra/tlalli/earth's -sil/xilé/seat.
ah, vein(E/reversal)=in ve(i)n/uentli(N)=of(r)end/t/li(sp/letra)=offering(E).
yes, Odin offered himself up to Ygg/Ictlalxil(Nauatl). ah, otli(N)=uta(Japonica)=
verse/poetry. he learned from the 3 wells of being=3=calli(N)=house/being.
one of the wells was Neander knowledge/fire, from which all knowledge begins.
Odin went for midnight rides in the upper air with his host, dogs, horse, riders.
he invents poetry=uta(Japonica)=otli(N)=routed vein of word, Odin.
then comes the tree, a mix of Iggdrasil/and the bear worship pine=pinaua(N/verb)=
to redden. the star is put on top as the bear's skull was put on one of the branches,
and the bones, as presents, scattered below.
ah, Santa, you came late, but are always on time, making you a flannel hash of
other mytheologys. you are more Odin, word and song and poetry and routes,
but you rain presents as Tlaloc, the rain/deer deity, and you deck the tree
like a solstice bear. see you next year?
Sunday, 25 December 2011
santa and the chimney
...chamitl(N)=brick=bryghad(Tibeto-chinese tea brick)=b(r)/piccatl(N)=vulva,
a lipped being,=renga(Japonica)=brick,=r/ten-ca(N)=tentli ca(N)=lipped(attentive)being, =renglón(sp)=line(a marginal being), =-naua(N)=owns 4(sides)=chaminaua(N)=chimney.
sled/slee/sleigh=s/t/led/t/l(letra)=tletl(N)=fire, but, in the last santa post i forgot,
Tletl(N)=the most ancient deity. now we know santa's sled is the reverential of stone=tetl,
th ollin(N)=m(o)ve=holy(e), either (o)=te(o)tl, or, t(l/l)etl of ollin will suffice to
make the reverential, as in, atl=altia(rev), the (l/l) will do. so would, santa=tzintli(N)=
saintly, the honorific, santa: would he be fire=Tletl(N)=T/let/l?
well, he lets himself into the house by the chimney/fireplace.
T/l/red/t/l=red is his color, does he read, write and learn. he must.
we sent him letters. he knows our address, new ones every year. T/ler(n)/tl(letra)=lernia(OFrisian)=le(o)rnian(OE)=learn(E). yes, Santa learns.
well, he just might be fire, as we all are, thanks to Neandra Promethea, Tlatla(N)=
flame. her husband, if she had one, would be, Tletl(N), coming back with a sled of
rein/red deer after sleighing them(odd pun). as all airmen, Santa must have known the
weather, he has rain deity attributes, or, i.e., his deer do, Donner and Blitz,
is a small deity of deer, as Tlaloc/Rarog was a large deity of an entire, moist age,
but snow is rain, as well. tlaini(N)=drink=i(N/verb)=tl/t/rain(E).
snegil(OHG)=snail(E)=(s)necueolololiztli(N)=go about with skirt or long robe rolled,
like a snail. this descriptive Nauatl noun is root of both snail and snow, e.g.,
sne(OFrisian)=snow(E)=sneg(Russian). the trim on Santa's t/l/red/t/l suit are white
snail footpads, or so they seem.
hmmm, Krampus/Grampus is a goat/cabra=cap/b(r)a(letra)=capani/ca(m)pana/caper/clapper,
ah, goat=g/coat/l(letra)=co-atl(N)=comes(to)water(E)=snake, hmmm, coat/coal/c(l)aw/coa(planting stick)=c/ch/howa(AL/AngloLatin)=hoe(E).
...monkey man's capacity for fiction and rolling in his own bushwa
is never more evident than the holiday season in which everyone agrees
to call a tree=treow(OE)=Teotl(N)=Teo/Theo-log-y/Deo, i trow/treow/
such a lonely species are we. why is that?
have we no one to talk to? don't we trust=trost(OHG)=t(r)o(s)t(letra)=
t(e)ot/l(letra)=teotl(N)=theother=th/Teot/l? while we do trust what is truth=troth=treow(OE)=tree(E)=Teotl? a likely story.
is this other, the God/Gott of cuts, guts, and gutter? i'm afraid,
so much has been done in his name, to say so.
ah, sacrifice, Inquisition, religious holocaust,
is there any other?, and, in exchange for wiping clean
slates of our mythology and history,
has given us another fiction, his only begotten son?
not likely: Jesus was an orphan.
previous mythology for Jesus and Mary
is available to the public at Ravenna,
San Apollinari church, the Mosaic(Google).
Dual Theologic symbology begins with 2 archangels
flanking Mary on her throwne with Jesus in her lap,
=number 2, the position of proto-Mary, the Aryan windweaving Venus, Ehecatl(N)=Hecate, in the Aryan calendar, the Tonalamatl(N),
used also by all tribes of Amerinda without exception,
if they could earn the honor, deer tribes of asia upperstone age,
Zatal Hüyuk(7k bce), Chauvet Pont d'Arc cave(35k bce),
Lagar Velho child burial, a neander cross, 26k bce,
Venuses of Willendorf, 35k bce=Tlatla-tzol-teotl,
regent of Tonalamatl, flame-hole-thea, fire-drill Neandra Promethea,
with her Totem/Heimo(Finn) Ocelome(N)=celoim(Liber Linteus)=Elohim(H).
but we, the monkeys, are devolving our species
by a taste for fantasy, war, technology we can't quite manage,
a language we know little about, a polity the last word in pollution,
pandemic corruption of the political organs
which must have its counterpart in cerebral ruptures
for the entire clade/gland/clan.
let's skip the eulogy=chamaua(N)=shaman(E)=xamani(N)=destroy,
and descend to sea=ce-atl(N)=Seattle once more, to chlamma(OHG)=
ca tlama(N)=being(that)slams(shut),=clam(E), selfish shellfish,
ready to enjoy rising worldtides of opora(Gk)=harvest opportunity
(of old greek 7 seasons)=poa/opouh(N)=counting, the portentious(E)
time of year, windy, stormy, and wizard, as we lived off drops from heaven's fruit trees, and it was still, always, forever upperstoneage Deer/Wendy/Gwendolyn epoch, e.g., 7=ce uentli=se(r)ve-n,
all things christian=ch/kh(r)/quittani(N)=who sees,=
Whitney/witness come from it, communion with mass=massa(Latin)=
maz(OHG) =maza(Gk)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=deer,
Mazel-tov(H)=deer toptli(N)=idol,=matso(H)=meat(E).
the meat/rawend(Arab)=r/tlatla uentli(N)=flame offering(E)=rhubarb
of Ravenna, are 22 Virgin Martyrs, crowns in their hands behind
Piltzintecuhtli's 3(Kings), Lords of Princes,
for we enter The Tonalamatl 22 days and stop on Quetzalcoatl's natalício, his mother's day, Ehecatl/Hecate, the 9th,
whose night deity is the Bachelor God of Corn, Cintli=Tzintli(N)= Saintly(also meaning, asshole, the biologic worry which Corn assuages), in the Trecena of Holy Ocelotl/Ocelome(N/dual)=
celOim(Liber Linteus, ink of burnt ivory)=Elohim(H).
Presto, Mozaic/San Apollinari/King Theodric, powers given,
powers taken for the rise of Mariology, 5c ad.
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Santa/Satan? suit, Odin's beard, a traveler=tlapa=rabotat=worker, his dwarfs link him to
Tlaloc, rain deity of the deer age, raining presents, first deity we know who has
dwarfs=Tlaloques/Rarogues=Rarog, Baltic deity of waterspouts.
two reindeer are named, Thunder and Lightning/Donner and Blitzen. ah, Donar=Thor,
which=Tonar=Tona(N)=solar appelative and root of word, thunder, rain words.
his vehicle, the sled/sleigh=(s)led/t/l(letra)=tletl(N)=fire,=t/l/Red/t/l.
aha, the dominant color for Santa. so, he's fire of some sort.
travels with the Krampus=K(r)/ca(m)pani(N)=make noise as one moves along,
=ca(m)pana(sp)=bells, yes, ah, cab(r)/pa-ni(letra)=cabra=goat, yes,
snap one's fingers, caper, capon?
Krampus goat takes the bad children, a form of Hel(Germ)which can be:
tetl(N)=t/th/Hel/tl=cold, or, H/th/t/tletl(N)=fire.
Saint Nick, ah, Mickey/Nigel=N/Mig/guel(letra)=Miguel=Miqu/quel(letra)=
Miquiztli(N)=skull, the old deathlord of Mictlan.
he should be happy to go down a chimney as fire is his toy=toyaua(N)=spill=
Bart=B/party=pa(r)t-y(letra)=patla(N)=swap(E)presents. Black Bart is part
of Dutch xmas. one makes one's own presents for the group. at party they are
exchanged. gifts made by hand, not bought. suppresion of holiday by the usual
dreary groups outdoing Satan Santa, himself e.g., N.E.Puritans, Dolfuss/Austria.
Friday, 23 December 2011
droghad(Gael)=bridge(E)=br/pitli ce(N)=bride/spider one=the
older sister, Cailleach, the veiled one,=dr/toc/g/ghad/tl=
tocatl(N)=spider,=toca(N)=sow&bury=to/our being/ca,=
tocar(Sp)=play flute,=touch.
Sunday, 18 December 2011
...we think it's art, but is it really? it's also, ship=chipeua(N)=chi/on top pe/be-gin
ua/own(must be-gin on top, directions for dressing a log canoe, ships are that old,
even the ojibway/Chippewa knew that!). raft, of course, so i suppose a craft was once raft.
first a review of meanings: strength, power, skill; skill, deceit, aha!; art, trade,
hmmm, trade(apprentice/guild); structure(armadura/framework), work; vessels/boats.
craeft(OE)=kraft(OFrisian/OSaxon)=kracht(Du)=chraft(OHG)=kraptr(ONorse), well,
the (r) drops, the f/p(Norse is oldest letter), the ae(OE) may be another vowel as
i do not find a match in Nauatl with cap=capani(N)=snap one's fingers?/capania(N)=
do oneself harm,=campana(sp)/c(l)apper/caper(E/noun&verb)/campaign? it must be,
ae=o(E), as English is Aeolian, expands as (H)E(n)c/g(l)a(n)d/t/l(letra)=(H)ecatlan(N)=
Hecate Land, windweaver, vowels open out.
ah yes, the (o) has come out at the source, (p)=oldest
version of craft, originated with Viking ships, Norway Naua,
ah, Viking=vicar/wick/Nike,=uic(N)=back and forth, uictli(N)=
shovel, auictli(N)=oar, uica(N)=govern, uiquillia(N/reverential)=
quiller(OTeuton)=oarsman, =quill(E), a plume of water/atl from my oar.
so, k(r)op/copina(N)=copy(E), -tugr/toc/g=toca(N)=toca(sp)=touch
=touching on copying/modeling, moulding=craft=cop(i)toca(N).
wonder if, croft(E/source unk.)=enclosed piece of land(structure/framed),
small agricultural holding(work), belongs to craft/copina toca(N)? think so,
may be-gin so-called cottage industry in Scandia=(S)cand/le=(S)ca(n)d/t/l(letra)=
Ecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl)=Hecate, windweaver.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
...not done with Tzanatl(N), zani/zanni(Bergamo, mountain dialect), hmmm, despite
staer(OE)=stare/starling=(s)t(a)er/l/tl(letra)=tetl(N)=(s)te-in(reversal letra)=
on(s)te-tl(N)=the/in te-tl/stone(E)=(s)tone(letra)=Tona(N/solar appelative)=town(E)=
Tun(Mayan solar 360 day calendar)=Tonatiuh(N)=sundeity.
the link between stone(E) and tone/tona/Tun(mayan/360)/Tonatiuh(N)=360 implies
a verbal contact between Amerinda and the Nauatl/Nahoa/Mayan, and the British Isles,
e.g., Briton=B(r)/Pi-Ton-atiuh(letra)=Pitona=Pitli-Tonatiuh(N)=older sisters of
the sun/Tona, or, pitli(N)=older sister,=p(r)i(es)t/li(letra)=priest.
Bergamo is at the foot of the Alps=Alpichia/oalpichi(N)=to wet someone spouting water
from the mouth,=Nitla-alpichia(N)=shower something. in the area, but not sure exactly,
is Otzi, Tyrolean man, who was born about the time, 3309 bc, the Quetzalcoatl expedition
to Amerinda in search of copper=tepuztli(N)=tetl pozoni(N)=boiled/-pozole(Mex dish)-
te-tl/rock=steel, bronze, metal in general. boiled rock? a primitive, early appelation,
4th millenium.
the Nauatl i use, isbn 968-23-0573-x, Siméon is from the Quetzal expedition, 3309 bc,
oldest Mayan date=the 5th age, Naui Ollin, still without the (r), roughly 13 letters,
still 13 to go to make our 26(English)=Letra, and in flower with nouns, e.g., tzanatl(N),
perfected. this then was the language Otzi spoke, a version of it in the mountain
dialect around Bergamo, the naming of birds, especially a mimic like the starling
who followed agriculture, being part of the survival lore of Otzi.
you can review my post on Otzi, here, as i use a bit of other Nahoa lore to refute
the zany Geographic's claim, twice in 5 yrs, that Otzi was assassinated, a case of
Language/Nauatl trumps impure science in this case,
as it does in the Neander/Neandra folio.
...clown=colow(N)=c/Xolotl/(N), attendant, hanger on,=zani/zanni(Ital)=servant acting
as clown in commedia dell'arte,=Venetian and Lombardic form of, Gianni/Gi(o)vanni=John=
Zanipolo, title of the church of St. John and St. Paul in Venice=V/Uen-tl-ce(letra)=
uentli ce(N)=one offering=ce uentli(N)=seven/se(r)ve/ciervo/cerf/hirvi/chevre, etc.,
used as an appelation for porter, etc. from the mountain country of Bergamo, who had
taken service in a seaside town,=tzanatl(N)=bird of curved beak, size of a starling/
estornino(sp), whose flesh(being related to a carrion crow/cacalotl)does not serve
to eat,=tzanauei(N)=parrot or talking bird, uei(N)=big=tzanatl uei(N).
we are talking of starlings here as they incorporate background noises into their
songs/calls. related to the grajo(sp)=grackle(E)=g(r)/cac/k alotl(letra)=cacalotl(N)=
crow, creator bird of Northwest Amerind, totem=to-temo(N)=our descent, as the bear
clans of old Neander.
let's see why starling is called starling(E)=staer(OE)=stare, well, it stares,
eyes appearing to be fixed, ah, staer(OE)=(s)t(a)er/l/tl(letra)=tetl(N)=stone,
a stony stare, also this bird and its wider species follow the plow,
has known man and learned from him since agriculture/forest clearings,
as we have learned from them, they have a gene for language as they are mimes,
as Neander was=mati(N)=know,=(s)ma(r)ty(e)=imati(N)=circumspect(looking around);
in convalescence.
Neander, not in good health, was first herbalist, Promethean, as fire begins
medicine, time, diety=Xiuhtletl(N)=Lord Turquoise, herbs, the year, and,
mimati/mimatiliztli(N)= subtlety, curiosity, ability, prudence, modesty.
in this wordstring, ma(N)=hunt land/sea with net,=matlatl(N)=net,=mati(N)=imati(N)=
mimati(N), we find the description of Neander as s/he was, not as present anthrows
wish him/her to be, and the key is, convalescing, e.g., the flower burial,
Shanidar4, Zagros Mts, 8 medicinal herbs in tufts as uentli(N)=ofrenda/offering.
Neander was anything but zany, well, he did come down from his mountain=tepetl=
te(m)ple to the sea with his net/matlatl(N)=noma/nomatca/nomatzinco(N)=nomad=
still, forever, always, the same, spontaneous?, perhaps only when in action,
as s/he was tletl(N)=fire, atleti/atletia(N)=consum-mate,=athlete(Gk/E), had his/her,
what=tle?(N), and his/her, no=atle(N). both. what/thing?, and, no, from tletl/fire,
as Nauatl is from the caves, the language of firedrill Tlatla/Flame.
fire pyre
this fire line follows the traditional, f/p route back to Nauatl, piloa(N)=from
on high(spill/pill=pilli/pipiltin/people/nopilli/noble. why piloa/fire=deity.
the lateral letra, which jumps first letter, p/x=sh,=xilé(N)=sillín/silla(sp)=
xylo-(Gk/prefix)=wood(for fire)=sylvanus(Lat)=selva(sp)=xil-ua(N)=owns little seat/
owns wood. if one takes the xilé form for p/file/fill(E), also, pilé/pyre, but,
when sh/xilé(N)=silent/silo(E), one is silent when sitting, standing to talk.
silo is a sitting of grain, better with a wooden seat so vermin varmints out.
con-fla-gration=fla/tlatla(N)=flame(E), here we have alternating tl/fl, to give
us a latter letra, t/p/f. the only Plame=Valerie, whom Dreck Cheney outed, but
i'd bet Plame=Flame, as she was a looker. ah, t/p, would be, tlaca(N)/placa(sp)=
body/plate, or, tlaza(N)=plaza(sp)=lazy place/raza plaza/taxi plaza, etc.
letra is not absolute, many exceptions to its rules as it is the biology of
language, changing to palate, to circumstance, to availability, e.g.,
malhuia(N/verb)=to value oneself, keep a garden, =Malinalli(N/12)=herb=h/th/tep/(r)b
(letra)=tepetl(N)/temple/t/th/heb(r)/peu/wa(letra)=Hebrew. well, how, if mal=bad?because it didn't start that way. let's keep following the string within Nauatl to see what we get:
malhuilocayotl(N)=honor, esteem, good, hmmm, nemalhuiliztli(N/noun)=decency, purity,
sobriety, continence, honesty, austerity, gravity, hmmm, now for the privative,
a-ne-malhuiliztli(N)=torpidity, obscenity, grossness. we've arrived at badness,
but what do we have? animal(E), yet spaniards use, animar/animate(E)/ánimo!(sp),
and, ánima(sp)=soul. of course they haven't transferred Nauatl syntax, only the word,
which they make serve them, even in its opposite privative structure, as noun grammar=
g(r)/cammar/l/tl(letra)=camamtl(N)=mouth does not belong to them, or make the transfer
to the next idiom, but sound as letra does.
when one thinks of letra, how does Nauatl with 13 sound symbols, if one groups
together m/n, relegates the sibilant/hards to c/x(sh)/ch/qu, omits w as ua/ue(N),
on occasion makes o/u same letter, tz, tl=t/l/r, (r)does
not exist in 3309 bc Nauatl, later, but letra allows for it
beforehand, thoughtful of it. b/p, or u/v/b(soft as allowed
in Russ/sp, altho theoretically this route to b includes p,
i haven't seen it.
t/z split, t/d/z/tz, so d/dz is in the sibilant c/qu slide, t/d/z/s/sh=x,
but can make, chamaua(N)=praise, and, xamani(N)=destroy, both words for Shaman.
in chess, but note the letra changes from the root: the english has shifted
vowel, a/e, front letter, c/ch, and the last assemblage, qui/ck, the sPort has
moved from, c/x=h/j=h, but both kept the qui/que, ah, h=aspirant/air(no sound),
kept the vowel, xaque/jaque, which i consider female, as the womb of word,
often twisting about.
inserts=l/r(shifts also), (n)/(m)=Nauatl/4, te(m)ple/tepetl(N), (o)=
tetl(N)=tletl(N/reverential, either, (l) or (o)=o-ll-in)=teotl(N)
stein=in(s)te-tl=the stone, tletl=fire, first deity,=teotl(N)=teo
theo, deo/deity/deus/Teos(Gk).
Sunday, 4 December 2011
how it began
...Comus=comedy=commotion=comoni/ocomon(N)=prenderse, arder(hablando del fuego);
hacer ruido, revovlerse, pues, el taladro del fuego, y, quiza(N)=quiza(sp)=squeeze
(E) C/Chronus, padre de Zeus, más joven de los Titans(gk)=titlani(N)=mensajero
Promethean para el fuego=fuigo(J)=fuelle(sp)=fuel(E)=fue(J)=flauta(Portuguese)=
flute(E), hasta la gaita(Basque)=dultzaina(introduced by Arabs)=gaita(sp)=bagpipe/
duddlesack, with red deer's stomach as bolsa, the natural outcome of flute firedrill,
=ga/ca/ecatl -ita/-itoa(N)=Ecaitoa(N)=Ehecatl/Hecate talks.
Arabs and their cousins had their firedrill too.
Koran=Ko/Co-/Come(to the)r/l/tlatla(N)=flame(E)=Tlatla-tzol-teotl(cave Deity)=
T/l/Ra(Egypt)=solar Deity.
Torah(H)=To-/our -rah/ r/l/tlahtla(N)=flame(E)=f/Tlatla-tzol-teotl(cave Deity)=
T/l/Rah(Egypt)=solar Deity.
Fire=Tletl(N)gives us Deity, creates time, medicine, begins our trek to the
heavens. the color=Tletl=T/l/red/t/l(letra)gives us tlauitl(N)=ochre/ocre(sp)=
oc(r)lix(N/preterit celia=retoñar/revive)=tlauia(N)=light a candle, light someone's
way with torch=to(r)c/ch(letra)=toca(N)=to-/our being/-ca,=tetlauia(N)=console,
tlauia(N)=paint red.
Qafzeh, 100k bce, 71 piezas de ocre=oc(r)celix, note similarity/parecido con
ocelotl/ocelome(N), animal totem=to-temo(N)=to-/nuestro descendencia/-temo,
de Tlatla-tzol-teotl, la cuevana taladro(sp)=tal-=Tlatla(N), de Tletl/fuego.
pues, Ocelotl es totem de nacer, con su Diosa, quién es la reina del libro
de nacer, el Tonalamatl/retoño, Antonio/Tonatiuh=sol.
bién, 71 de ocre, ofrenda para muertos de Qafez/Israel, le falta una pieza
porque tiene que viajar la ofrenda con los muertos hacía Mictlan, el centro de
la tierra/Tlalli(N). de tal modo, que 72 es exactamente/ixaci(N)las veces que
se revuelve el calendario sagrado del Tonalamatl de nacer en un periodo fijo
de 52 años solares, si no incluimos los días nemontemi(N)=ociosos(no contados)
y bisiestos. there is a related Hebrew word for nemo-, meaning they had the
Tonalamatl as well, but will have to dig it out as they(H)still don't know
what it means to them.
Qafzeh is the earliest date for the Tona, arguably the greatest intellectual achievement of Hominid, placed exactly/ixaci(N)in Neandertal burial, interwoven
with his language Nauatl, the greatest achievement of our Prometheus, and i have
to say, among many.
hacer ruido, revovlerse, pues, el taladro del fuego, y, quiza(N)=quiza(sp)=squeeze
(E) C/Chronus, padre de Zeus, más joven de los Titans(gk)=titlani(N)=mensajero
Promethean para el fuego=fuigo(J)=fuelle(sp)=fuel(E)=fue(J)=flauta(Portuguese)=
flute(E), hasta la gaita(Basque)=dultzaina(introduced by Arabs)=gaita(sp)=bagpipe/
duddlesack, with red deer's stomach as bolsa, the natural outcome of flute firedrill,
=ga/ca/ecatl -ita/-itoa(N)=Ecaitoa(N)=Ehecatl/Hecate talks.
Arabs and their cousins had their firedrill too.
Koran=Ko/Co-/Come(to the)r/l/tlatla(N)=flame(E)=Tlatla-tzol-teotl(cave Deity)=
T/l/Ra(Egypt)=solar Deity.
Torah(H)=To-/our -rah/ r/l/tlahtla(N)=flame(E)=f/Tlatla-tzol-teotl(cave Deity)=
T/l/Rah(Egypt)=solar Deity.
Fire=Tletl(N)gives us Deity, creates time, medicine, begins our trek to the
heavens. the color=Tletl=T/l/red/t/l(letra)gives us tlauitl(N)=ochre/ocre(sp)=
oc(r)lix(N/preterit celia=retoñar/revive)=tlauia(N)=light a candle, light someone's
way with torch=to(r)c/ch(letra)=toca(N)=to-/our being/-ca,=tetlauia(N)=console,
tlauia(N)=paint red.
Qafzeh, 100k bce, 71 piezas de ocre=oc(r)celix, note similarity/parecido con
ocelotl/ocelome(N), animal totem=to-temo(N)=to-/nuestro descendencia/-temo,
de Tlatla-tzol-teotl, la cuevana taladro(sp)=tal-=Tlatla(N), de Tletl/fuego.
pues, Ocelotl es totem de nacer, con su Diosa, quién es la reina del libro
de nacer, el Tonalamatl/retoño, Antonio/Tonatiuh=sol.
bién, 71 de ocre, ofrenda para muertos de Qafez/Israel, le falta una pieza
porque tiene que viajar la ofrenda con los muertos hacía Mictlan, el centro de
la tierra/Tlalli(N). de tal modo, que 72 es exactamente/ixaci(N)las veces que
se revuelve el calendario sagrado del Tonalamatl de nacer en un periodo fijo
de 52 años solares, si no incluimos los días nemontemi(N)=ociosos(no contados)
y bisiestos. there is a related Hebrew word for nemo-, meaning they had the
Tonalamatl as well, but will have to dig it out as they(H)still don't know
what it means to them.
Qafzeh is the earliest date for the Tona, arguably the greatest intellectual achievement of Hominid, placed exactly/ixaci(N)in Neandertal burial, interwoven
with his language Nauatl, the greatest achievement of our Prometheus, and i have
to say, among many.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
auia, Hawaii
...auia(N)=to have(E)=habere(spLat)=hafa(ONorse). note the letra, u(auia)=v(have)= b(haber/e)= f(hafa).by letra, i mean the code for language which has it's source at Nauatl, the headwater. oh, w(Hawaii).auianame(N/plural)=happy girls, consorts of unmarried warriors. oh, another, p(happy/E).
happy(E)=auia(N)=paqui/opac(N)=happy, content, feel, receive pleasure,
root=pa/opa(N)=paint(E)=paca/opac(N)=wash, wring out sheets, =p/bach(Germ)=b(r)ach(OE)=b(r)ook,=pacyotl(N)=happiness, even, p(r)actice(E)=paca ticitl(N)=midwifery, pax/pacis(Lat)=p(e)ace(E).
paqui(N) is a side issue to happiness, the real thing,
because it leads to a quietus, opac/pax/peace, rather than the happy having hafa
of Hawaii.
the oldest of the 2 words=auia(N), as paqui(N)=who paints,
hard to say though, as painted caves go back to 35k bce and before,
while Hawaii populates during the sea age before 4k bce from micronesia,
japonica southern islands.
the order of Letra from oldest to newest: u, p(happy/paqui/auia/happ(ONorse),
v/b, f(ph). one can tell from the Mayan, Great Tzotzil, Smithsonian Number 19,
b/v are equal in time, after 2.2k bce, v, in Latin, f with the etruscans,
and w should be after, v, although transcribers would favor the shorter, v,
and w was known as ua(N).
let's take ancient iueli(N)=poder-oso, the solstice bear word.
the i-uel-i=drink-well-drink, i(N)=drink, a command so strong the Ainu,
bear worshippers, forgot who they were and where they came from.
uel(N/reverential of ue/way/big). the first reverential we knew,
as solstice bear was first Animal Christ, helping father,
Anthony=Tonatiuh=Sun to the horizon and around it on the shortest day
(northern hemisphere).
we'll use Letra: u,v,b, for i-uel-i to find where bear=ber=b/v/uel/r goes: ivery=ivory(which is powerful. Etruscan Liber Linteus written in burnt ivory). Iv/beri-a=bear rite is there.Hibernia=same bear. hibernate=cave. I(n)verness=bear. Hiver(Fr)=
infierno(sp)=Iueli a demonized rite by now. i/e(m)ber(letra)=ember=e(b)er=byre(OE)=bier=ber(OE)=bera(Portuguese),
so, it seems the bear, parts of him, were immolated,
or entire,=bere(OFrisian)=biére(OFr)=bara(OSax/OHG)=bahre(Ger).
there's Ber-lin=lining of the bear=
Iueli, nino-tilinia(N)=powerful
forcing, squeezing of the bear/iueli=
Iueli, nite-tilinia(N)=kidnap a woman in order to know her(Iueli's raka/sin)=
Iueli, nitla-tilinia/otlin(N)=stretch, extend the bow(to shoot)the bear.
Bern, Switzerland, is in the same condition of Iueli/bear. we notice rites proliferated. the raka(Finnish bear rite)=tlaca(N)=the bodily sin, human crossing,
perhaps in its day an imagined sin for Neandertal also.
then there's Wallia/Wales/Walch=Ualchiua(N)=arrive to do/own on top/conquer,
Uallalia(N/verb)=increase,/Uallaliztli(N/noun)=venida, llegada, u/all=arrival(E)
of the name, LLywelyn, substituting, y for i, we arrive, once again, at,
LL-iweli-n=iueli(N)=powerful, in the heart of the name, the grandest in all
Wallachia, pardon, Wales, the solstice bear. it's no wonder the polar bear
descends from a bear in I(r)lant/li i(s)lant/li= Ilantli(N)=the old lady=
Ilanatecuhtli(Deity of age), her bird, the parrot.
happy(E)=auia(N)=paqui/opac(N)=happy, content, feel, receive pleasure,
root=pa/opa(N)=paint(E)=paca/opac(N)=wash, wring out sheets, =p/bach(Germ)=b(r)ach(OE)=b(r)ook,=pacyotl(N)=happiness, even, p(r)actice(E)=paca ticitl(N)=midwifery, pax/pacis(Lat)=p(e)ace(E).
paqui(N) is a side issue to happiness, the real thing,
because it leads to a quietus, opac/pax/peace, rather than the happy having hafa
of Hawaii.
the oldest of the 2 words=auia(N), as paqui(N)=who paints,
hard to say though, as painted caves go back to 35k bce and before,
while Hawaii populates during the sea age before 4k bce from micronesia,
japonica southern islands.
the order of Letra from oldest to newest: u, p(happy/paqui/auia/happ(ONorse),
v/b, f(ph). one can tell from the Mayan, Great Tzotzil, Smithsonian Number 19,
b/v are equal in time, after 2.2k bce, v, in Latin, f with the etruscans,
and w should be after, v, although transcribers would favor the shorter, v,
and w was known as ua(N).
let's take ancient iueli(N)=poder-oso, the solstice bear word.
the i-uel-i=drink-well-drink, i(N)=drink, a command so strong the Ainu,
bear worshippers, forgot who they were and where they came from.
uel(N/reverential of ue/way/big). the first reverential we knew,
as solstice bear was first Animal Christ, helping father,
Anthony=Tonatiuh=Sun to the horizon and around it on the shortest day
(northern hemisphere).
we'll use Letra: u,v,b, for i-uel-i to find where bear=ber=b/v/uel/r goes: ivery=ivory(which is powerful. Etruscan Liber Linteus written in burnt ivory). Iv/beri-a=bear rite is there.Hibernia=same bear. hibernate=cave. I(n)verness=bear. Hiver(Fr)=
infierno(sp)=Iueli a demonized rite by now. i/e(m)ber(letra)=ember=e(b)er=byre(OE)=bier=ber(OE)=bera(Portuguese),
so, it seems the bear, parts of him, were immolated,
or entire,=bere(OFrisian)=biére(OFr)=bara(OSax/OHG)=bahre(Ger).
there's Ber-lin=lining of the bear=
Iueli, nino-tilinia(N)=powerful
forcing, squeezing of the bear/iueli=
Iueli, nite-tilinia(N)=kidnap a woman in order to know her(Iueli's raka/sin)=
Iueli, nitla-tilinia/otlin(N)=stretch, extend the bow(to shoot)the bear.
Bern, Switzerland, is in the same condition of Iueli/bear. we notice rites proliferated. the raka(Finnish bear rite)=tlaca(N)=the bodily sin, human crossing,
perhaps in its day an imagined sin for Neandertal also.
then there's Wallia/Wales/Walch=Ualchiua(N)=arrive to do/own on top/conquer,
Uallalia(N/verb)=increase,/Uallaliztli(N/noun)=venida, llegada, u/all=arrival(E)
of the name, LLywelyn, substituting, y for i, we arrive, once again, at,
LL-iweli-n=iueli(N)=powerful, in the heart of the name, the grandest in all
Wallachia, pardon, Wales, the solstice bear. it's no wonder the polar bear
descends from a bear in I(r)lant/li i(s)lant/li= Ilantli(N)=the old lady=
Ilanatecuhtli(Deity of age), her bird, the parrot.
Friday, 2 December 2011
...olen(R)=deer=deor(OE)=teotl(N)=dea/thea/tea,=Ollin(N/17 Tonalamatl), whose
regent=Tlatla-tzol-teotl/thea. wendy=uentli(N)=offering(E)=ofrenda(sp)=ce uentli(N)=
se-ven-tli=seven/7, teuentli(N)=t/deven(letra)=divine(E)=ygadivat(R)=y-gad-ivat=
gad(R/particle)=g/ca-d/t/tlatla=ca Tlatla(N)=gadalka(R)=fortune teller(of Tonalamatl
calendar),=glad(E)=g/ca l/Tlatla=ca Tlatla(N)=rad(R)=r/l/Tla d/t/la(letra)=Tlatla(N)=
cave diety, regent of Tonalamatl(N)=T/l/Ra(Egypt)=solar deity,=radiate/radio/rad(caló).
Ollin(N/17 Tona), is the trecena of, Tlatla-tzol-teotl/thea, movement from
the center, earthquake, holy, as deer=Gwendolyn(E/name of court Lady)=Uentli Ollin(N)=Holy offering, which Wendy, Gwen/Cawen(OE)=Ca-/being offering/wen=Ca uentli(N)=Queen(E), as Tlatla was of cavetime also, both offering flesh to make
more flesh=nacatl(N)=snake(E)=snaka(OE)=nacar(conch)=nachat(Yiddish)=pleasure.
but snail(E)=sneg(OE)=(s)nec/g(letra)=necueolololiztli(N)=go about with skirts/cue-itl rolled up,=sneg(R)=snow(one does not drag one's skirt/longcoat in the snow)=sne(OFrisian). so the Russian word for snow is instructive, don't be a snail
and drag your foot pad/covers in the snow as they will abrade and waer out, pick
up your train! while the English, snow, is not, although in the, Old Frisian,
one can see the partial formation of, sneg(E/R)=snail/snow, in, sne(OFrisian).
why, because tattering=tataca(N)=digging, stuttering(E)the bottom of one's skirt
or longrobe in the snow/sneg/necueolololiztli(N)has more consequences in colder
climate. yleetka(R)=yleetza(R)=street=otli calli(N)=road/house=Ocala(Amerind)=
otka(Hungarian)=calle(sp/otli drops out), but, otli(N)=road;vein=odos(Gk)=
odol(Basque)=(b)lood(E)=vein(E)=vena(sp)=uena(N/old form)=uentli(N)=ve(i)n,
so, the Russian take on, snail/yleetka(R), a being/-ka/-ca(N)(that makes)roads/
streets/yleetza/otli calli ca(N)=road/house being, wait, snail has its own house!
smazat(Russ)=annoint, well, deer/deor/teotl(N), a deity, but one who represented
the wind/wendy windy=uena(N/old form)=way(big)4=uentli(N), to whom one annoints
and praises to the 4 cardinal points/rumbos(sp), e.g., lau(Basque)=4=oalauh(N/
preterit of alaua(N)/alabar(sp/arab)=annoint/laude(Fr). lau(B)appears to be a
pre-Nauatl word, the only one i know of, pre-Nauatl in the sense that, yes,
alaua/oalauh(N)is a Nauatl verb, but before the initial, N, is used to key the
word, lau, to make it, l/Naui(N)=4=Naua(N)=dance,=Nauatl/language(there's only one).
so, used in Basque when they had the language as the Nahoa/Nauatlaca, but way before
Nauatl formalized itself with nouns(coming from verbs/adverbs)in the 4th millenium Sea Age, when they sailed with, as, for the Phoenicians, and later, the Japonica Olmec, whose colony of Amerind is taken for the mother race of Mexico,
and so it has turned out, the people of Metis, the maguey metl(N)plant,
rope deity as Chicome Coatl/7 Snake, mother of Athena, and first diosa of Wisdom.
back to smazat(R)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=deer,=maz(OHG)=meat(E)=matso/mazeltov
(Hebrew=Tepeua), animal of the rain deity Tlaloc/Rarog in the upper stone age,
45k bce-10k bce. taking smazat's age, it has to be at least 10k bce, if not 40k bce,
the glacial that put Europe in the ice box and rede deer, wendy, became the diet
mainstay, so much so it became the word, meat(E)=myaso(R), and butter=maslo(R)=
Mazatl(N/ce uentli=cerf/ciervo/chevre/ c/ch/hirvi(Finnish)/Even&Evenki(R).
regent=Tlatla-tzol-teotl/thea. wendy=uentli(N)=offering(E)=ofrenda(sp)=ce uentli(N)=
se-ven-tli=seven/7, teuentli(N)=t/deven(letra)=divine(E)=ygadivat(R)=y-gad-ivat=
gad(R/particle)=g/ca-d/t/tlatla=ca Tlatla(N)=gadalka(R)=fortune teller(of Tonalamatl
calendar),=glad(E)=g/ca l/Tlatla=ca Tlatla(N)=rad(R)=r/l/Tla d/t/la(letra)=Tlatla(N)=
cave diety, regent of Tonalamatl(N)=T/l/Ra(Egypt)=solar deity,=radiate/radio/rad(caló).
Ollin(N/17 Tona), is the trecena of, Tlatla-tzol-teotl/thea, movement from
the center, earthquake, holy, as deer=Gwendolyn(E/name of court Lady)=Uentli Ollin(N)=Holy offering, which Wendy, Gwen/Cawen(OE)=Ca-/being offering/wen=Ca uentli(N)=Queen(E), as Tlatla was of cavetime also, both offering flesh to make
more flesh=nacatl(N)=snake(E)=snaka(OE)=nacar(conch)=nachat(Yiddish)=pleasure.
but snail(E)=sneg(OE)=(s)nec/g(letra)=necueolololiztli(N)=go about with skirts/cue-itl rolled up,=sneg(R)=snow(one does not drag one's skirt/longcoat in the snow)=sne(OFrisian). so the Russian word for snow is instructive, don't be a snail
and drag your foot pad/covers in the snow as they will abrade and waer out, pick
up your train! while the English, snow, is not, although in the, Old Frisian,
one can see the partial formation of, sneg(E/R)=snail/snow, in, sne(OFrisian).
why, because tattering=tataca(N)=digging, stuttering(E)the bottom of one's skirt
or longrobe in the snow/sneg/necueolololiztli(N)has more consequences in colder
climate. yleetka(R)=yleetza(R)=street=otli calli(N)=road/house=Ocala(Amerind)=
otka(Hungarian)=calle(sp/otli drops out), but, otli(N)=road;vein=odos(Gk)=
odol(Basque)=(b)lood(E)=vein(E)=vena(sp)=uena(N/old form)=uentli(N)=ve(i)n,
so, the Russian take on, snail/yleetka(R), a being/-ka/-ca(N)(that makes)roads/
streets/yleetza/otli calli ca(N)=road/house being, wait, snail has its own house!
smazat(Russ)=annoint, well, deer/deor/teotl(N), a deity, but one who represented
the wind/wendy windy=uena(N/old form)=way(big)4=uentli(N), to whom one annoints
and praises to the 4 cardinal points/rumbos(sp), e.g., lau(Basque)=4=oalauh(N/
preterit of alaua(N)/alabar(sp/arab)=annoint/laude(Fr). lau(B)appears to be a
pre-Nauatl word, the only one i know of, pre-Nauatl in the sense that, yes,
alaua/oalauh(N)is a Nauatl verb, but before the initial, N, is used to key the
word, lau, to make it, l/Naui(N)=4=Naua(N)=dance,=Nauatl/language(there's only one).
so, used in Basque when they had the language as the Nahoa/Nauatlaca, but way before
Nauatl formalized itself with nouns(coming from verbs/adverbs)in the 4th millenium Sea Age, when they sailed with, as, for the Phoenicians, and later, the Japonica Olmec, whose colony of Amerind is taken for the mother race of Mexico,
and so it has turned out, the people of Metis, the maguey metl(N)plant,
rope deity as Chicome Coatl/7 Snake, mother of Athena, and first diosa of Wisdom.
back to smazat(R)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=deer,=maz(OHG)=meat(E)=matso/mazeltov
(Hebrew=Tepeua), animal of the rain deity Tlaloc/Rarog in the upper stone age,
45k bce-10k bce. taking smazat's age, it has to be at least 10k bce, if not 40k bce,
the glacial that put Europe in the ice box and rede deer, wendy, became the diet
mainstay, so much so it became the word, meat(E)=myaso(R), and butter=maslo(R)=
Mazatl(N/ce uentli=cerf/ciervo/chevre/ c/ch/hirvi(Finnish)/Even&Evenki(R).
Thursday, 1 December 2011
...flauta(Portuguese), limar pajaritos=pauilia(N)=Pavel(Russ/nom)=Paul(discípulo)=
pauta(sp)=linea, hmmm, término narco para cocoa, al revés de flute(E)=fue(Japonica)=
flue(E)=flauta de la chimenea=chaminaua(N)=chamitl naua(N)=ladrillos/adobe=toba(Egypt)
=toptia(N)=obedecer/opt/obey/Toby(E/nom), naua(N)=dueño4owner, bricks4. chantli mitl
(N)=dardo=atlatl(N)de casa/chantli(N)=chianti(Ital)=vino servido en jacales del monte.
xylo-(gk)=wood,=sylvanus(Lat)=bosque/woods=selva(sp)=shill(E/occupante de silla
pagado para estar allá,=fill/file(E), ah, x(N)=sh/f(E), pues, es un error de
transcribir, sh/f=s corrediza con barras atravesadas muy parecidas.
fyufyu(J)=fufu(J)=puff and pant=pupu/popoca(N/verb)=humar/fumar.
pauta(sp)=linea, hmmm, término narco para cocoa, al revés de flute(E)=fue(Japonica)=
flue(E)=flauta de la chimenea=chaminaua(N)=chamitl naua(N)=ladrillos/adobe=toba(Egypt)
=toptia(N)=obedecer/opt/obey/Toby(E/nom), naua(N)=dueño4owner, bricks4. chantli mitl
(N)=dardo=atlatl(N)de casa/chantli(N)=chianti(Ital)=vino servido en jacales del monte.
xylo-(gk)=wood,=sylvanus(Lat)=bosque/woods=selva(sp)=shill(E/occupante de silla
pagado para estar allá,=fill/file(E), ah, x(N)=sh/f(E), pues, es un error de
transcribir, sh/f=s corrediza con barras atravesadas muy parecidas.
fyufyu(J)=fufu(J)=puff and pant=pupu/popoca(N/verb)=humar/fumar.
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