Saturday, 17 December 2011

fire pyre

...pyro-(Gk/prefix)=piloa(N)=spilla(ONorse)=pila(sp)=pile/spire(E)=pilot(E/light). this fire line follows the traditional, f/p route back to Nauatl, piloa(N)=from on high(spill/pill=pilli/pipiltin/people/nopilli/noble. why piloa/fire=deity. the lateral letra, which jumps first letter, p/x=sh,=xilé(N)=sillín/silla(sp)= xylo-(Gk/prefix)=wood(for fire)=sylvanus(Lat)=selva(sp)=xil-ua(N)=owns little seat/ owns wood. if one takes the xilé form for p/file/fill(E), also, pilé/pyre, but, when sh/xilé(N)=silent/silo(E), one is silent when sitting, standing to talk. silo is a sitting of grain, better with a wooden seat so vermin varmints out. con-fla-gration=fla/tlatla(N)=flame(E), here we have alternating tl/fl, to give us a latter letra, t/p/f. the only Plame=Valerie, whom Dreck Cheney outed, but i'd bet Plame=Flame, as she was a looker. ah, t/p, would be, tlaca(N)/placa(sp)= body/plate, or, tlaza(N)=plaza(sp)=lazy place/raza plaza/taxi plaza, etc. letra is not absolute, many exceptions to its rules as it is the biology of language, changing to palate, to circumstance, to availability, e.g., malhuia(N/verb)=to value oneself, keep a garden, =Malinalli(N/12)=herb=h/th/tep/(r)b (letra)=tepetl(N)/temple/t/th/heb(r)/peu/wa(letra)=Hebrew. well, how, if mal=bad?because it didn't start that way. let's keep following the string within Nauatl to see what we get: malhuilocayotl(N)=honor, esteem, good, hmmm, nemalhuiliztli(N/noun)=decency, purity, sobriety, continence, honesty, austerity, gravity, hmmm, now for the privative, a-ne-malhuiliztli(N)=torpidity, obscenity, grossness. we've arrived at badness, but what do we have? animal(E), yet spaniards use, animar/animate(E)/ánimo!(sp), and, ánima(sp)=soul. of course they haven't transferred Nauatl syntax, only the word, which they make serve them, even in its opposite privative structure, as noun grammar= g(r)/cammar/l/tl(letra)=camamtl(N)=mouth does not belong to them, or make the transfer to the next idiom, but sound as letra does. when one thinks of letra, how does Nauatl with 13 sound symbols, if one groups together m/n, relegates the sibilant/hards to c/x(sh)/ch/qu, omits w as ua/ue(N), on occasion makes o/u same letter, tz, tl=t/l/r, (r)does not exist in 3309 bc Nauatl, later, but letra allows for it beforehand, thoughtful of it. b/p, or u/v/b(soft as allowed in Russ/sp, altho theoretically this route to b includes p, i haven't seen it. t/z split, t/d/z/tz, so d/dz is in the sibilant c/qu slide, t/d/z/s/sh=x, but can make, chamaua(N)=praise, and, xamani(N)=destroy, both words for Shaman. caqui(N)=approve,=caquiltia(N)=notify,=xaque(Portuguese)=jaque(sp)=check(E), in chess, but note the letra changes from the root: the english has shifted vowel, a/e, front letter, c/ch, and the last assemblage, qui/ck, the sPort has moved from, c/x=h/j=h, but both kept the qui/que, ah, h=aspirant/air(no sound), kept the vowel, xaque/jaque, which i consider female, as the womb of word, often twisting about. inserts=l/r(shifts also), (n)/(m)=Nauatl/4, te(m)ple/tepetl(N), (o)= uilana(N)=drag4,=u/vi(o)la-na(letra)=viola. tetl(N)=tletl(N/reverential, either, (l) or (o)=o-ll-in)=teotl(N) stein=in(s)te-tl=the stone, tletl=fire, first deity,=teotl(N)=teo theo, deo/deity/deus/Teos(Gk).

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