Friday, 2 December 2011


...olen(R)=deer=deor(OE)=teotl(N)=dea/thea/tea,=Ollin(N/17 Tonalamatl), whose
regent=Tlatla-tzol-teotl/thea. wendy=uentli(N)=offering(E)=ofrenda(sp)=ce uentli(N)=
se-ven-tli=seven/7, teuentli(N)=t/deven(letra)=divine(E)=ygadivat(R)=y-gad-ivat=
gad(R/particle)=g/ca-d/t/tlatla=ca Tlatla(N)=gadalka(R)=fortune teller(of Tonalamatl
calendar),=glad(E)=g/ca l/Tlatla=ca Tlatla(N)=rad(R)=r/l/Tla d/t/la(letra)=Tlatla(N)=
cave diety, regent of Tonalamatl(N)=T/l/Ra(Egypt)=solar deity,=radiate/radio/rad(caló).
Ollin(N/17 Tona), is the trecena of, Tlatla-tzol-teotl/thea, movement from
the center, earthquake, holy, as deer=Gwendolyn(E/name of court Lady)=Uentli Ollin(N)=Holy offering, which Wendy, Gwen/Cawen(OE)=Ca-/being offering/wen=Ca uentli(N)=Queen(E), as Tlatla was of cavetime also, both offering flesh to make
more flesh=nacatl(N)=snake(E)=snaka(OE)=nacar(conch)=nachat(Yiddish)=pleasure.
but snail(E)=sneg(OE)=(s)nec/g(letra)=necueolololiztli(N)=go about with skirts/cue-itl rolled up,=sneg(R)=snow(one does not drag one's skirt/longcoat in the snow)=sne(OFrisian). so the Russian word for snow is instructive, don't be a snail
and drag your foot pad/covers in the snow as they will abrade and waer out, pick
up your train! while the English, snow, is not, although in the, Old Frisian,
one can see the partial formation of, sneg(E/R)=snail/snow, in, sne(OFrisian).
why, because tattering=tataca(N)=digging, stuttering(E)the bottom of one's skirt
or longrobe in the snow/sneg/necueolololiztli(N)has more consequences in colder
climate. yleetka(R)=yleetza(R)=street=otli calli(N)=road/house=Ocala(Amerind)=
otka(Hungarian)=calle(sp/otli drops out), but, otli(N)=road;vein=odos(Gk)=
odol(Basque)=(b)lood(E)=vein(E)=vena(sp)=uena(N/old form)=uentli(N)=ve(i)n,
so, the Russian take on, snail/yleetka(R), a being/-ka/-ca(N)(that makes)roads/
streets/yleetza/otli calli ca(N)=road/house being, wait, snail has its own house!
smazat(Russ)=annoint, well, deer/deor/teotl(N), a deity, but one who represented
the wind/wendy windy=uena(N/old form)=way(big)4=uentli(N), to whom one annoints
and praises to the 4 cardinal points/rumbos(sp), e.g., lau(Basque)=4=oalauh(N/
preterit of alaua(N)/alabar(sp/arab)=annoint/laude(Fr). lau(B)appears to be a
pre-Nauatl word, the only one i know of, pre-Nauatl in the sense that, yes,
alaua/oalauh(N)is a Nauatl verb, but before the initial, N, is used to key the
word, lau, to make it, l/Naui(N)=4=Naua(N)=dance,=Nauatl/language(there's only one).
so, used in Basque when they had the language as the Nahoa/Nauatlaca, but way before
Nauatl formalized itself with nouns(coming from verbs/adverbs)in the 4th millenium Sea Age, when they sailed with, as, for the Phoenicians, and later, the Japonica Olmec, whose colony of Amerind is taken for the mother race of Mexico,
and so it has turned out, the people of Metis, the maguey metl(N)plant,
rope deity as Chicome Coatl/7 Snake, mother of Athena, and first diosa of Wisdom.
back to smazat(R)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=deer,=maz(OHG)=meat(E)=matso/mazeltov
(Hebrew=Tepeua), animal of the rain deity Tlaloc/Rarog in the upper stone age,
45k bce-10k bce. taking smazat's age, it has to be at least 10k bce, if not 40k bce,
the glacial that put Europe in the ice box and rede deer, wendy, became the diet
mainstay, so much so it became the word, meat(E)=myaso(R), and butter=maslo(R)=
Mazatl(N/ce uentli=cerf/ciervo/chevre/ c/ch/hirvi(Finnish)/Even&Evenki(R).

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