Saturday, 17 December 2011


...not done with Tzanatl(N), zani/zanni(Bergamo, mountain dialect), hmmm, despite staer(OE)=stare/starling=(s)t(a)er/l/tl(letra)=tetl(N)=(s)te-in(reversal letra)= on(s)te-tl(N)=the/in te-tl/stone(E)=(s)tone(letra)=Tona(N/solar appelative)=town(E)= Tun(Mayan solar 360 day calendar)=Tonatiuh(N)=sundeity. the link between stone(E) and tone/tona/Tun(mayan/360)/Tonatiuh(N)=360 implies a verbal contact between Amerinda and the Nauatl/Nahoa/Mayan, and the British Isles, e.g., Briton=B(r)/Pi-Ton-atiuh(letra)=Pitona=Pitli-Tonatiuh(N)=older sisters of the sun/Tona, or, pitli(N)=older sister,=p(r)i(es)t/li(letra)=priest. Bergamo is at the foot of the Alps=Alpichia/oalpichi(N)=to wet someone spouting water from the mouth,=Nitla-alpichia(N)=shower something. in the area, but not sure exactly, is Otzi, Tyrolean man, who was born about the time, 3309 bc, the Quetzalcoatl expedition to Amerinda in search of copper=tepuztli(N)=tetl pozoni(N)=boiled/-pozole(Mex dish)- te-tl/rock=steel, bronze, metal in general. boiled rock? a primitive, early appelation, 4th millenium. the Nauatl i use, isbn 968-23-0573-x, Siméon is from the Quetzal expedition, 3309 bc, oldest Mayan date=the 5th age, Naui Ollin, still without the (r), roughly 13 letters, still 13 to go to make our 26(English)=Letra, and in flower with nouns, e.g., tzanatl(N), perfected. this then was the language Otzi spoke, a version of it in the mountain dialect around Bergamo, the naming of birds, especially a mimic like the starling who followed agriculture, being part of the survival lore of Otzi. you can review my post on Otzi, here, as i use a bit of other Nahoa lore to refute the zany Geographic's claim, twice in 5 yrs, that Otzi was assassinated, a case of anthrowbackwards. Language/Nauatl trumps impure science in this case, as it does in the Neander/Neandra folio.

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