Saturday, 31 December 2011

the Order of the Onion

...i made a mistake! my Lord, i thought i was perfect, but it's all right to make mistakes, it's how one learns. one mistake is worth 10 teachers or 100 mill workers. cf., previous post, chipuli(N), and it's just here the mistake was made, actually, the omission of the onion, as onion has always been phallic=palli(N)=palo(sp), and, it is in the spanish/Basque nomenclature we have the problem, e.g., tipula(B)=onion, well, the Nauatl has not yielded to an older letter, (t), instead of, (t/chipuli). the Nauatl word=tepulli(N)=male member/the onion as it is jokingly know to Basque and spaniard alike, chi-puli(N)=on top of the onion, which hopefully has a female destination, but i leave that to the reader's preference,=tribu(sp/Basque)=tribe(E). the tribal life is phallic, and should make way for female phallicism, which is... caracol/conch=chipuli(N), well, i am afraid this stirs up Johnny Nash/stir it up the Order of the Onion, as lang-ua/wa/waa-ge/ce(N)=one comes from the body, what more primal than Otter's mistake(cf.,Ainu creation legend)? compared to a preposition= tloc(N)=t/lok(Swede)=look(MDu)=lauka(ON)=laukka(Fnn)=lyk(Russ)=luku(OSlavonic), tepulli/chipuli(N)/cebolla/chive/cepa/tipula(sp)=daddy long legs is the real thing! so, tloc(N)=location/lugar on the Order of the Onion goes to 2d place, and cipolla(Italian Stallone)goes to first, with a nod to Vatican condoms. where i went wrong on the Basque question was to believe my previous example, the only one i know of, where, lau(Basque)=4, gives us the root/raíz of the word, Naui(N)=4, the dawn of cavetime for Basque religious belief, which is proto-christian. the foundation of the Christianity tergiversada(sp)that we know today, who committed holocaust against old believers during the Inquisition, en grande, 9M souls. lau(B) comes from the word, alaua/oa-lau-h(N)=annoint, which, with all the (n/n)'s, means point/annoint to the 4 rumbos/directions/the(compass)rose, in a gesture to the wind=Ehecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl), mother of Quetzalcoatl, he the proto-Christ, and she, the proto María, cf., the San Apollinari Mosaic, Ravenna=rawend(Arab)=flame/tlatla-uen-tli/offering=rhubarb(E). in this sense of lau(B/N particle of alaua), and, l/naui(N), remembering(l)is never first letter in Nauatl, but interior letter, can we say, lau(B) preceded naui/4(N)? uena(N)=way4=uentli(N/new form of uena)=wind=Hecate/ecatl(N72 Tonalamatl)=catedrál(sp). for pilón, the old name for Egypt=KMT/Kemet, my version. Ke=ke(Basque)=smoke,= keadar(B)=column of smoke,=qaeda(Arab)=cedar(E)=kaede(Japonica)=maple, hmmm, the Nauatl for tree=cua-uitl(N)=cua/ki(J)/ke(B)/quemar(sp)/Keme-t. fire is involved and wood and tree, combustion/smoke. instead of black, red earth, the earth of Ra/ R/l/Tlatla(N)=Flame and cave Deity, Seth's mother or gramma, Neandra Promethea of the flame hole Thea, and, KMT/KemeT is name of the land=tlan/tlalli(N)=T=KM/T=Redland/Fireland, for those who did have it, and those who didn't.

1 comment:

  1. 7 cipactli/otter's mistake happened early.
    the creator was making man and Eve but was called away to a convention and left otter
    in charge of relaying instructions to his
    sub, who was to show up in a few minutes. when sub showed, otter reversed the order and man and Eve ended up with their sexes
    on their foreheads(Ainu fable).
