Saturday, 17 December 2011


...clown=colow(N)=c/Xolotl/(N), attendant, hanger on,=zani/zanni(Ital)=servant acting as clown in commedia dell'arte,=Venetian and Lombardic form of, Gianni/Gi(o)vanni=John= Zanipolo, title of the church of St. John and St. Paul in Venice=V/Uen-tl-ce(letra)= uentli ce(N)=one offering=ce uentli(N)=seven/se(r)ve/ciervo/cerf/hirvi/chevre, etc., used as an appelation for porter, etc. from the mountain country of Bergamo, who had taken service in a seaside town,=tzanatl(N)=bird of curved beak, size of a starling/ estornino(sp), whose flesh(being related to a carrion crow/cacalotl)does not serve to eat,=tzanauei(N)=parrot or talking bird, uei(N)=big=tzanatl uei(N). we are talking of starlings here as they incorporate background noises into their songs/calls. related to the grajo(sp)=grackle(E)=g(r)/cac/k alotl(letra)=cacalotl(N)= crow, creator bird of Northwest Amerind, totem=to-temo(N)=our descent, as the bear clans of old Neander. let's see why starling is called starling(E)=staer(OE)=stare, well, it stares, eyes appearing to be fixed, ah, staer(OE)=(s)t(a)er/l/tl(letra)=tetl(N)=stone, a stony stare, also this bird and its wider species follow the plow, has known man and learned from him since agriculture/forest clearings, as we have learned from them, they have a gene for language as they are mimes, as Neander was=mati(N)=know,=(s)ma(r)ty(e)=imati(N)=circumspect(looking around); in convalescence. Neander, not in good health, was first herbalist, Promethean, as fire begins medicine, time, diety=Xiuhtletl(N)=Lord Turquoise, herbs, the year, and, mimati/mimatiliztli(N)= subtlety, curiosity, ability, prudence, modesty. in this wordstring, ma(N)=hunt land/sea with net,=matlatl(N)=net,=mati(N)=imati(N)= mimati(N), we find the description of Neander as s/he was, not as present anthrows wish him/her to be, and the key is, convalescing, e.g., the flower burial, Shanidar4, Zagros Mts, 8 medicinal herbs in tufts as uentli(N)=ofrenda/offering. Neander was anything but zany, well, he did come down from his mountain=tepetl= te(m)ple to the sea with his net/matlatl(N)=noma/nomatca/nomatzinco(N)=nomad= still, forever, always, the same, spontaneous?, perhaps only when in action, as s/he was tletl(N)=fire, atleti/atletia(N)=consum-mate,=athlete(Gk/E), had his/her, what=tle?(N), and his/her, no=atle(N). both. what/thing?, and, no, from tletl/fire, as Nauatl is from the caves, the language of firedrill Tlatla/Flame.

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