Thursday, 28 February 2013
(N)=omio/omiyo(N)=what has spine/spirit,=hon(J)=book,=
honke(J)=head of house,=honky(USA slang)=honko(J)=school principal,=honno=instinct,=honoo=flame,=honryo=show skill,
Monday, 25 February 2013
acolli(N))=shoulder=iacol=his arm,=alku(Kven)=origin,=
aco(N)=on high/top,=Alconquin(Amerind)=ko-(J/pfx)=height/
merit/names Royal Family.
Saturday, 23 February 2013
(E)=food scraps/capania=snaps,=ooraete(Du)=orate(Swe.dial.)=
otatli/otlatl(N)=hard, thick, travel cane,=Otaheite/Tahiti.
Friday, 22 February 2013
Thursday, 21 February 2013
G/uitequi Moon
purity,=ilhuicatl(N)=sky,=ilhuia(N)=will(E),=ilacatziui(N/verb)=twist/revolve,= ilacatzoa(N/verb)=wrap around a tree(snake)/wrap a child in diapers, e.g., ilaca-=ila(r)g/ca=ilarga(Basque),=ila/c/gatsu(Japanese)=month. Nihon and Basques share the moon=
strong, wide current of Basque/Spanish in Japanese came from the Sea Age, 3309 BCE to 2.2k BCE,
until 4c BCE, spanning 1st/2d advents of Quetzalcoatl, the Mayan=2d, as the Rope/Nawa(Nihon)Age of Metis was on.
arhe(proto-Basque)=are(Guip)=plow,=adar(B)=atlatl(N)=throwing stick,=at/l/r at/l/r=arar(sp)=harrow(E)=arrow(E), and, at/d ar/t/l=dart(E). are(Guip)=plough=power=poa/opouh(N)=flute(E)=fue(Nihon).
arsto(proto-Basque)=asto(Guip)=asno(sp)=ass, e.g.,
a(rs)to=ato-(N/pref.)=water/drown,=atoyaualoni(N)=pump water,=ayotetl(N)=waterjug, atoyatencatl(N)=boatman,=atompitztli(N)=water jug rack. donkey=onager(E/Latin)=onos/onagros(Gk)=onaqui(N)=he who laughs,=burla(sp)=laugh at,=albur(sp)=joke,=burro(sp). asno(sp)=ass(E)=osil(OSlav)=osel(R)=asilas(Lith)=acelin/acilin/acelli/acilli(N)
=lice(E)=liendre(sp)=acello/acillo(N)=what is lousy(E).
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Gui/tequi puz coa(N)
arranotzar(Basque/augmentative)=large eagle,= arrano(B)=eagle,=arranoxca(Basque/dim.)=arrano(Gui)= atlanonotzalli(N)=atl tlanonotzalli(N)=water wise.
arrantxu(Basque)=rancho(sp)=ranch(E)=arrantza(Basque)= fishing/braying of an ass.
ardatz(Guipuzcoan)=axle/spindle,=ar/t/d/t/l at/l/z=
atlatl(N)=throw stick.
axis(E)=axictli(N)=water whirlwind=atl xictli(N)=waternavel.
arran(B)=bell worn by cattle/sheep,
derived from, arrain(B)=fish,=ar/atl r/tlaini(N)=water tl/tr/drain.
abar(Gip)=sticks of firewood/charcoal,= tlapalli(N)=
aco(p-B)=old lady,=aco(N/adv.)=from on high,=
ago/age(E)=atso(Gip)=old lady. note shift from c/ts/tz.
in Ainu, tz=t/z=a click, as in, tl(N)=t/l.
adar/adartu(Gip)=to horn/to gore,=ad/t/l ar/t/l=atlatl(N)=
a/t/d ar/t/l=dart(E)=at/lr at/l/r=arar(sp)=plow,=arrow(E).
Ortzi(B)=sky god,=Otzin(N)=rev. of O(N)=interjection,=
Oh!(E)=Or/Otli tzintli(N)=the Hon./tzintli Odin=orison(E)=
prayer,=h/or(i)s/z/tzon/tli=tzontli(N)=hair(Ortzi/Odin's hairline).
Gipuzcoan Coa
coatl(N)=coa(Mex)=planting stick,=houwa(OHG)=hoe(E).
Gipuzcoa=G/uitequi(N)=thresh, puz/tepuztli(N)=copper, coa/coatl(N)=hoe.
=atzelhuia/oatzelhui(N)=sprinkle/irrigate,=atl tzelhuia(N)=
Monday, 18 February 2013
half the sky
...kerh(Egypt)=sky with star or lamp=tlapa(N), night,=k/cel/rh=cielo(sp)=
celestial(E)=Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl). one half of heaven=quert(Egyptian)=
q/k/cel/rt=celtin(N/plural of cel)=only/alone,=Ocelome(N/14)= celOim(Etruscan prayer 4th part/Liber Linteus)=Elohim(H/plural deity).
...Atl(9), Ehecatl(2), -lotl(7), Ocel-(7)=celOim/Elohim=Ocelome(N/14 pl.)=
9&2=11=Ozomatli(N/Monkey or Bear=Oso)&7=18=Tecpatl(N/Flint), then one repeats the addition for the other half of Ocelotl, the other 7=ce uentli
(N)=ce/se-ven/uen/tli, cf., 40k BCE standing Lioness, Stadel Cave, Swabian
Alps=alpichia/oalpichi(N)=wet someone pitching(E)water from the mouth, e.g., nitla-alpichia(N)=spray something, who has 7 hash marks on left arm=
ce uentli(N)=ce/se-ven/uen/tli, and the right arm has been shattered, but
if all pieces found, may have another 7 incised stripes on that= 14=Ocelotl.
returning to arrow/Tecpatl/atlatl, the division of Ocelotl into 2 gives us
also 2=ome Tecpatl(N)=2d day of the trecena, Olin, the trecena of Tlatla-
tzol-teotl, cave Venus and regent of Calendar Tonalamatl, birthing Flame
Hole Thea, whose totem=to-/our descent/-temo=to temo(N)=Ocelome(N)=celOim
(Etr)=Elohim(H/dual plural deity)=a birthing deity from a large feline
linked to us at Cave time.
...ritual=Tonalamatl numbers of days in the sample/Cempoalli(N)=20 digits, and the 20x13 Trecenas=260, birthing period and length of ritual Tonalamatl. with that in mind, lets add the number values of the ritual
Tonalamatl behind the Etruscan Birth prayer: 9/Atl 2/Ehecatl,
14/lotl-Ocel=Ocelotl=9&2&14=25. now enter 25 days, remembering 22 days
entered=Birthday of Quetzalcoatl=9 Ehcatl in the Trecena of Ocelotl,
cf., the San Apollinari mural of King Theodric, 5c AD., 2d Gothic Roman
Emperor. 25=12.Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)=Co/mes(to) w/ater=snake, phallic
symbol. 12=Lord of the House of the Dawn=Quetzalcoatl as daily birth deity, in the trecena of Ocelotl, day of Tlatla, trecena of Lord of the year, Xiuhtletl, old fire god. divide 25 by 9/Atl, the 9 crossings/vados
of Mictlan to get remainder of 7=Tlatla-tzol-teotl, her offering number.
...these are the numerical arts we used when our survival was not sure
and birthrates low. it worked as the first employed Science as far as
we knew it. now we're 7 Billion.
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Heaven, Earth
...what is above, heaven=h/th/te(a)v/uentli=te uentli(N)=the offering,=
pet(Egypt)=petla(N/verb)=to throw,=petra(Latin)/piedra(sp); her(Egypt)=
...atet(Egypt)=water falling from the sky, dew, rain,=atl(N/9 Tonalamatl).
atetl(N)=not stone/tetl(N), or, water stones, yams=yamania(N/verb)=yammer/
hammer(E),=Dharog(Dharog Abo/Sydney, Australia)=Dh/Tlaloc(N)=Rarog(Baltic
Russile)=Rarogues/Tlalloque Halos=h/th/tar/los=taros=ayauhcoza-m-alo-tl(N)=
yellow necklace captive,=arco iris(sp)=rainbow(E).
...quert(Egypt)=one half of heaven,=q/k/cel/rt=celt=celtin(N/plural, being
half of heaven)=of cel(N)=only/alone,=her(Egypt)=what is above, heaven,=
...petla(N/verb)=throw, for heaven. even then, the Egyptians, and R/Tlatla
before them, knew the Universe was begun by Fire Drill=comoni(N)=and the Co(s)mos(Gk) was expanding from them.
...olinia(N)=(b)oil(E), omitl(N)=(b)one(E)=omio/omiyo(N)=(h)omme(Fr), otli(N)=odol(Basque)=(b)lood(E).
...(b)ruma(sp)=b)r/tuman(Russile)=fog/pocyo(N),mist/mixtli(N), haze/tlaza(N).
...ruma=tyman(R)=to mana(N)=our flow,=rheum(E)=watery matter secreted by
mucus=muxa(Gk)gland, hmmm, could muxa(Gk)=mixa=mixtli(N)=mist(E)?/=rheon
(Gk)=rheum(E)=generic name for the rhubarbs, e.g., rawend(Arab)=rhubarb,
=r/tlatla uend/t/li=tlatla uentli(N)=t/l/raven/Ravenna=t/lavender= t/Lawrence=tlatla/flame offering/uentli(N).
...teuelnemitl(N/adj.v.)=useful,=t/leuel(N/particle)=level(E)=t/l/nivel(sp)=level(E)=livello(Ital)=niveau(Fr/Du/G)=níva(Swede). the product Nivea.
...-nemitl(N/particle)=nemitiliztli(N)=Nemesis(Gk), meaning to live correctly,=2d half of teuel-nemitl(N)=useful.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Liangzhu tianguizco
Olmec Liang/Tianguiz/Liangzhu=Yangtze delta(3310-2250BCE)=Olin mecatl(N)=roll with rope,=early Olmec=Ollama Tlachtli=Sepak Takraw/Raga(SE Asia)=Takraw/Sipa(Phillipines)=
kick,=Cipactli/Tonakai(Ainu)/Cipactonal(N)=navigator for Quetzalcoatl.
first Quetzalcoatl Expedition(3309BCE). 2d advent of Quetz., the Mayan(2200BCE).
cf., tletl blogger, Liangzhu Jade, liang(Chi)=measure/millet/grain.
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
comalli(N)=flat plate yams cooked on.
3.uala(Hawaii)=kuala(Raratonga)=tlallo/halo/made of earth,
or uallauh/arrival canoe plant(200 hawaiian varieties).
4.Kamapua'a/Yam god=camatl(mouth)/camotl(N)=camote/yam count=poa(N).
3.ala/olhu ala(Maldives)=taro(S.India/SEAsia)=
tlallo(N)=halo(E)=full of earth,=alu che paana/alu chi wadi/
alu chua panan chi patal bhaji (Maharashtra=matlatlazatlan/
matlatl/net tlaza/throw down land/tlan,and matlatlatza(N)=
maitl tlatlaza(N)=warm applause of pleasure and happiness).
5.ayauhcozam(alo)tl(N)=rainbow=yellow drop necklace taken=
6.taro=daro(Fiji)=kalo(Hawaii)=being/k halo tlallo/tlalloque.
7.wu tau(HK/Cantonese)=taro=t/tlaolli(N)=roll/grind,=Taoite
(China)=the glutton,=tlaollitetl(N)=grindstone. first used
by the last neolithic jade tribe, the Liangzhu, at mouth of Yangtze,=
liang(chi)=measure/millet=awa(J)=aua(N)=water owner=
aga(Arab),=tiang/tianguiz(N)=market. wu(chi)=own up.
8.taroamakoe(Arawak Tribe/N.Z.)=tlallocamatl/camotl.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
(L/E)=rain cloud,=nepa/nipa(N/adv)=here and there,=
nube(Sp),=halo=circle of light around sun/moon/shield,
¿=halos(Gk)=threshing floor=ithualli(N)=patio,=?
tlallo/tlalloque(N)=subject to earth,=Tlaloc(N)=rain/deer god,=
Halogi(Kvenland)=fire celestial,=Rarog(Balt)=falcon/demonfire,=
Chalchiuitlicueye=deity waters/Chalch/halc/halcón(Sp)/falcon,=
Tlaloc's wife=Tlaloc/tarocco/tarot/Tarquin(Etr)/harlequin/
Harlaken(Nashe)/Herla cyning(1st Brit king)/"Men of Harlech"(Anthem Wales).
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Jade Skirt
Chalchiuitli-cue-itl(N)=Chalch-=Ch/Halc/ch=Halcón(sp)=Falcon, the bird
of Jade Skirt, Deity of Waters=Chalchiuitlicue(N)=
1.Chalco(N)=where jade/Chalchiuitl cueitl/skirt
southernmost of 5 connected lagos of Cemanauac(N)=the one world.
2.Zumpango=where skull racks=tzompantli(N).
3.Xaltocan(N)=sower of sand.
4.Texcoco(N)=textli(N)=wedlocked/servant=coco(N)=texxotl(N)=alliance by
marriage. domestic to Tenochtitlan.
5.Xochimilco(N)=by flower fields.
Monday, 4 February 2013
...the home of the Arcadians and the God, Pan, e.g., Bantu(tribe/language) =Topan(N)=over us, i.e., their Deity, the Forest.
...Arcas(Gk myth)=Callisto's son by Zeus=Teuhtli(N)=dust. Ursa menor,
changed into a bear by his father when about to shoot his mother, who
had been turned into Ursa mayor by Hera, wife and sister of Zeus. whew.
A(r)cas=Acatl(N/13 Tonalamatl)=maximum Sun sign, Cane(E), and arrow shaft,e.g., a(r)co(sp)=bow,=arc/arch(E).
...Calli(s)To/natiuh(N)=Calli Tonatiuh(N)=Sun Being,=Katonah(Amerind Chief/
plush Urb outside NYC where Martha Stewart lives)=Ka(r)th/tun/ton in=
Karthunen(Oldest Finnish Bear Clan)=Canton(Swiss land division)=Ca-Tona(N)=
Cantonese(Bear Worship language of the Chinese=Nauatl). this originally
a Neandertal Winter Solstice worship taken up by AMHuman, his succesor and
...Arctic(Pole)=arktos(Gk)=great bear/pole star,=actoc/oatoca(N/root)=
to be in, submerged in a place, e.g., forest/water/cavern, e.g.,
aactiuetzi/oaactiuetz(N)=, throw oneself, fall on someone violently,=
te-aacitiuetzi(N)=attack people with rage, furiously crazy,=aacqui(N)=
irritated, furious, out of one's head,=aactiuh/oaactia(N)=trot, go running,
walk quickly, act(E)=a(r)ct=arkt/os(Gk)=great bear.
furi-oso(sp)? these adjectives may have formed, oso/ursus, but, otso(Basque)=wolf,=otsaila(Basque)=February,=otsanda(Basque)=Sand(r)a
(Name source)=oztotl(N)=cave, and, Ozomatli(N/11 Tonatiuh)=Monkey, fits
anthropomorphic bear=kuma(Japanese)=bear/bear cub, which Ainu sacrifice,=
O-zo/ku/matli(N/J), both N/J bear words fit, so, Ozo-(N/particle)=ozoc/
zo(N)=to bleed someone,=ozoc(N/preterit of zo), root of, oso(sp)=ursus
...hartz(Basque)=bear,=arktos(Gk). the Quetzalcoatl segment of Basques
lived in Macedonia for a time, crossing to Bithynia, NW Turkey.
hartzulo(Basque)=cave/cavern,=actoc oztotl(N)=-ulo(Basque)=oztotl(N)=
o(z)tolo=olo? one goes with the double o/o.
the word, iueli(N), from Iberia to Ireland/Scotland during Neandertal times and to Europe, but the Swiss share Canton/Karthunen/karhu=bear with
the Finns also, not sure as yet, if Canton/Cantonese extends to the
Chinese, as their name for bear=Xiong doesn't fit into ritual names.
...medvyed(Russile)=comes to honey=conecuhtli(N)=conetl(N)=cony/coney(E)=
the Metis Maguey Meyauel Century rope plant,=meyaua/omex(N)=flow.
the russian name for bear coined during the Rope Age
of 7Snake=Chicome Coatl(N)=nawa(Japanese)=rope=w/rap=tlapa(N), 2.2k BCE,
the Sea Age begun 3309 BCE when Amerind explored for copper=tepuztli(N)=
tetl pozoni(N)=boiled rock/metal=metl(N)=methe(Gk/Hindi)=drink/strength,
e.g., Chicome Coatl(N)=Metis=metl(N)=maguey rope plant=7th day of 7th
trecena(Tonalamatl Calendar)=Quiahuitl(N/rain storm)=ahuitl(N)=aunt(E)=
-ahuitl(N)=a(r)i(s)to=aristo(Gk)=frain spike,=(h)a(r)ui(s)t/l=harvest(E)=
Olmeca Quiahuistecatl(N)=Rain Olmecs living on side of Popocatepetl,=
Quia/uiz(tec)atl=uiz-atl(N/particles)=uiz/wiz-ard/atl=water wizards, at
2.2k BCE, who greeted the 2d coming of Quetzalcoatl, the Mayans=mayana(N)=
hunger, on their Mountain side drunk, but their Calpixque/Majordomos
sent them back to Panuco, Río Verde/Chalchiuitlicue(N)=deity of great
waters, e.g., Chalch(N)=Halch/c=Halcón(sp)=Falcon, her bird, an Arab
totem, and the Mayans went south to Yuhcatla(N)=desert/Yucatan, similar
to Gulf of Ormuz, their departure point, where they were happier as
proto-Christians of Quetzalcoatl, but left a remnant in San Luis Potosí
called the Cuexteca(N)for the many small pyramids/Cue's=cueitl(N)=skirts they left along the banks of the Chalchiuitlicue(N)=Jade skirt Río Verde,
now known as the aspirant, Huasteca.
...hung(Cantonese)=bear,=h/th/to(n)gue, what?, oh,=to(n)c/gue=toca(N)=
to sow and bury,=to-/our being/-ca=tocar(sp)=play(music/instrument/
bear bone flute of Divje Babe)=touch(E). yes, Canton=Bear Worship,
their language=Nauatl, Southern China, their migratory pattern from
the Altai Mountains, Neanderthal center, the Vatican of Bear Rite,
the beginning of Religion as we know it, handed to us by the Fallen
Sunday, 3 February 2013
...teuilotl(N)=glass/crystal=c(r)y(s)t(a)l=cetl(N)=ice(E), don't think so,
even though a glass or crystal/cetl needs balance.
...teuel-(N/prefix for 7 words)=t/leuel=level(E), meaning, t(h)e uel/well,
uel(N/reverential of ue/way big), e.g.,
...teuelyollotliliztli(N)=bail, fianza(sp), guarantee, confidence/confianza
(sp)...teuellamachtli(N)=agreeable, satisfactory, que da gusto(sp),...
teuellamachtican(N)=agreeable/pleasant place,...teuelnemiti(N/adj.v.))=useful,
advantageous, provechoso para la vida(sp),=teuel-nemi(N/verb)=live level,
=teuel-nemitiliztli(N)=life according to levelness. these last 2 words
are my construct, e.g., nemi/onen(N/verb)=live/onus(E)=burden,=Nemesis.
...uel(N)=te-uel=the good(rev.)=el bién(sp)=b/v/ue(N)=lo bueno(sp)=le-vel=
level(E), e.g., on the level(E)=correct.
...Zeus(Playboy)=Z/Teuh/tli=Teuhtli(N)=Mountain near Xochimilco/By Flower
Fields where ancient Mexicans extracted much sulfur/azufre(sp),=teuhtli(N)=
polvo/du(s)t(E), by extention, badness, vice, sin, e.g., teuhtli tlazolli
(N)=garbage,=d/te u(s)t/li=dusty Zeus Teuhtli(N).
...teuhtlalli(N)=dust bowl, dry land easily turned to dust.
...teuhtia/oteuhti(N)=warn, prevent someone, e.g., dust off(Baseball
pitcher's warning to batter not to crowd the plate).
...teuhti/teuhtique(N)=many/many people.
...te/tetl(N)=stone -uhtli(N)=up, e.g., Cua-uhtli(N/15 Tonalamatl)=eagle,
the up quaffer/eater=Qua-uh(N)tli.
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Sally Lunn
a tea cake named after woman who made and cried them
in Bath, England,"sale uno"(sp)=ready one more. in Bath, she is hallowed by a hot bun shoppe, 1680, in her name, Sally/sale uno/Lunn, where one can sit down to avoid the street parade.
Onions says she hawked in the 18th century. the answer is found today in lively towns in Mexico where immigration flows up and down the central corridor of the country, returning braceros, Central Americans headed the other way, from deeper down young Argentine Sally Lunns walk along with covered baskets selling empanadas/tarts to get by. under the bridge on Busted street, Anciana sets up her Hibachi on cold winter eves to sell fried tamales to topaltin(N)/galanes returning home after bottle-necking. tamales she says in a low voice, ready ones on the side of her wok, a cadillac wind uncorking appetite's best salsa, hunger.
clients named the anchovy(E)=anchoa(sp)=ansjoris(Du)
=anchoris(G)=acciuga/acciughe(Ital)=achi ye iuque/
achi yuhqui/achi yxquich(Nawa)=almost, so much,
more or less. slippery, ladling out anchoas.
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