Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Liangzhu tianguizco

Olmec Liang/Tianguiz/Liangzhu=Yangtze delta(3310-2250BCE)=Olin mecatl(N)=roll with rope,=early Olmec=Ollama Tlachtli=Sepak Takraw/Raga(SE Asia)=Takraw/Sipa(Phillipines)= kick,=Cipactli/Tonakai(Ainu)/Cipactonal(N)=navigator for Quetzalcoatl. first Quetzalcoatl Expedition(3309BCE). 2d advent of Quetz., the Mayan(2200BCE). cf., tletl blogger, Liangzhu Jade, liang(Chi)=measure/millet/grain.


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    1. ...waraji(Japanese)=fiber sandals,=wa/ua r/t/laca
      (Nauatl)=own/wa/ua t/l/raca/body, or, tl/track.

  2. ...Iris carries a jug/oinochoe, and is peeled off from a Tlalloque, who carries one also. she has no
    developed myth, daughter of Titans=Titlani(N)=messenger. father, Thaumas/thaumatos(Gk)=wonder, hmmm, Th/T/Tla-loc?
    her name=Il/r i uiz/s=Ilihuiz(N)=without reflexion,
    do something without attention, lightly, silly(E), hmmm,
    Iris is the fastest of messengers, and her nature
    is light, as a rainbow. the Greeks slapped their
    mythology together, but one can still see the old
    Tlaloc myth behind it. Rarog is Baltic deity of whirlwinds: Thaumas has whirlwind daughters,=
    Tlalo/Raro/guettes. we know Rarog became yam=Dharog in Sydney, and taro(Southeast Asia)=t/Tlal/ro/c= Tlaloc(N). then there's Tarot=taroc(Ital).

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  6. ...sepaktali(Aram?)=Cipactli tlalli(N)=Cipac's
    earthly connexion, e.g., gossip(E)=sponsor at baptism,
    but more than that, e.g., godsibb(late OE)=
    g/cot/d=cotoni(N)=cut/pinch seppuku(J)=umbilicus,=
    gudsefi(ONorse)=godfather, whose primary function,
    whence his name, was to cut the umbilical of his
    godson, and say prayers for his future, not idle
    talk at all, as this degenerate age would have it,
    =gudsifja(ON)=godmother, and she to do the same
    if gudsefi not available. Cipapu(Hopi)=hole of origin in the Kiva=Ki(J)va/ua(N)=own. ki(Japanese)=
    tree, lumber, yellow, season, history, an age/time, occasion, pure/raw. root, quauitl(N)=tree/teotl(N),
    =qu(a)ui/tl=qui(N/Latin)=who?,=ki(J).'s not the etymology, it's the dialogue behind
    the wordstrings as they twist around each other=
    history=(h)i(s)to/ry=itoa/oito(N)=the talk that listens to itself.
    ...ichtli(N)=each(E)=thread, each(E)=itch.
