Monday, 4 February 2013
...the home of the Arcadians and the God, Pan, e.g., Bantu(tribe/language) =Topan(N)=over us, i.e., their Deity, the Forest.
...Arcas(Gk myth)=Callisto's son by Zeus=Teuhtli(N)=dust. Ursa menor,
changed into a bear by his father when about to shoot his mother, who
had been turned into Ursa mayor by Hera, wife and sister of Zeus. whew.
A(r)cas=Acatl(N/13 Tonalamatl)=maximum Sun sign, Cane(E), and arrow shaft,e.g., a(r)co(sp)=bow,=arc/arch(E).
...Calli(s)To/natiuh(N)=Calli Tonatiuh(N)=Sun Being,=Katonah(Amerind Chief/
plush Urb outside NYC where Martha Stewart lives)=Ka(r)th/tun/ton in=
Karthunen(Oldest Finnish Bear Clan)=Canton(Swiss land division)=Ca-Tona(N)=
Cantonese(Bear Worship language of the Chinese=Nauatl). this originally
a Neandertal Winter Solstice worship taken up by AMHuman, his succesor and
...Arctic(Pole)=arktos(Gk)=great bear/pole star,=actoc/oatoca(N/root)=
to be in, submerged in a place, e.g., forest/water/cavern, e.g.,
aactiuetzi/oaactiuetz(N)=, throw oneself, fall on someone violently,=
te-aacitiuetzi(N)=attack people with rage, furiously crazy,=aacqui(N)=
irritated, furious, out of one's head,=aactiuh/oaactia(N)=trot, go running,
walk quickly, act(E)=a(r)ct=arkt/os(Gk)=great bear.
furi-oso(sp)? these adjectives may have formed, oso/ursus, but, otso(Basque)=wolf,=otsaila(Basque)=February,=otsanda(Basque)=Sand(r)a
(Name source)=oztotl(N)=cave, and, Ozomatli(N/11 Tonatiuh)=Monkey, fits
anthropomorphic bear=kuma(Japanese)=bear/bear cub, which Ainu sacrifice,=
O-zo/ku/matli(N/J), both N/J bear words fit, so, Ozo-(N/particle)=ozoc/
zo(N)=to bleed someone,=ozoc(N/preterit of zo), root of, oso(sp)=ursus
...hartz(Basque)=bear,=arktos(Gk). the Quetzalcoatl segment of Basques
lived in Macedonia for a time, crossing to Bithynia, NW Turkey.
hartzulo(Basque)=cave/cavern,=actoc oztotl(N)=-ulo(Basque)=oztotl(N)=
o(z)tolo=olo? one goes with the double o/o.
the word, iueli(N), from Iberia to Ireland/Scotland during Neandertal times and to Europe, but the Swiss share Canton/Karthunen/karhu=bear with
the Finns also, not sure as yet, if Canton/Cantonese extends to the
Chinese, as their name for bear=Xiong doesn't fit into ritual names.
...medvyed(Russile)=comes to honey=conecuhtli(N)=conetl(N)=cony/coney(E)=
the Metis Maguey Meyauel Century rope plant,=meyaua/omex(N)=flow.
the russian name for bear coined during the Rope Age
of 7Snake=Chicome Coatl(N)=nawa(Japanese)=rope=w/rap=tlapa(N), 2.2k BCE,
the Sea Age begun 3309 BCE when Amerind explored for copper=tepuztli(N)=
tetl pozoni(N)=boiled rock/metal=metl(N)=methe(Gk/Hindi)=drink/strength,
e.g., Chicome Coatl(N)=Metis=metl(N)=maguey rope plant=7th day of 7th
trecena(Tonalamatl Calendar)=Quiahuitl(N/rain storm)=ahuitl(N)=aunt(E)=
-ahuitl(N)=a(r)i(s)to=aristo(Gk)=frain spike,=(h)a(r)ui(s)t/l=harvest(E)=
Olmeca Quiahuistecatl(N)=Rain Olmecs living on side of Popocatepetl,=
Quia/uiz(tec)atl=uiz-atl(N/particles)=uiz/wiz-ard/atl=water wizards, at
2.2k BCE, who greeted the 2d coming of Quetzalcoatl, the Mayans=mayana(N)=
hunger, on their Mountain side drunk, but their Calpixque/Majordomos
sent them back to Panuco, Río Verde/Chalchiuitlicue(N)=deity of great
waters, e.g., Chalch(N)=Halch/c=Halcón(sp)=Falcon, her bird, an Arab
totem, and the Mayans went south to Yuhcatla(N)=desert/Yucatan, similar
to Gulf of Ormuz, their departure point, where they were happier as
proto-Christians of Quetzalcoatl, but left a remnant in San Luis Potosí
called the Cuexteca(N)for the many small pyramids/Cue's=cueitl(N)=skirts they left along the banks of the Chalchiuitlicue(N)=Jade skirt Río Verde,
now known as the aspirant, Huasteca.
...hung(Cantonese)=bear,=h/th/to(n)gue, what?, oh,=to(n)c/gue=toca(N)=
to sow and bury,=to-/our being/-ca=tocar(sp)=play(music/instrument/
bear bone flute of Divje Babe)=touch(E). yes, Canton=Bear Worship,
their language=Nauatl, Southern China, their migratory pattern from
the Altai Mountains, Neanderthal center, the Vatican of Bear Rite,
the beginning of Religion as we know it, handed to us by the Fallen
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