Saturday, 2 February 2013

Sally Lunn

a tea cake named after woman who made and cried them in Bath, England,"sale uno"(sp)=ready one more. in Bath, she is hallowed by a hot bun shoppe, 1680, in her name, Sally/sale uno/Lunn, where one can sit down to avoid the street parade. Onions says she hawked in the 18th century. the answer is found today in lively towns in Mexico where immigration flows up and down the central corridor of the country, returning braceros, Central Americans headed the other way, from deeper down young Argentine Sally Lunns walk along with covered baskets selling empanadas/tarts to get by. under the bridge on Busted street, Anciana sets up her Hibachi on cold winter eves to sell fried tamales to topaltin(N)/galanes returning home after bottle-necking. tamales she says in a low voice, ready ones on the side of her wok, a cadillac wind uncorking appetite's best salsa, hunger. clients named the anchovy(E)=anchoa(sp)=ansjoris(Du) =anchoris(G)=acciuga/acciughe(Ital)=achi ye iuque/ achi yuhqui/achi yxquich(Nawa)=almost, so much, more or less. slippery, ladling out anchoas.


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  2. ...titla tide tithe side slide=s/l/tit/de=
    ...chocholli(N)=deer hoove/split foot.
    ...chevrolet=ch/ce uentli olin tletl(N)=
    ce-uen-ol-tletl(N)=one holy fire offerring(E)=
    =chivo(sp)=goat,=hirvi(Finn)=deer. all united by,
    ce uentli(N)=c/se-ven/uentli=7. Otzi, Tyrol man,
    3200 BCE, had red deer and goat offerings in his
    stomach when he was sacrificed to the Mountain by
    one arrow shot.
    ...dana/tlana?, den/tentli(N), dan/tlan(N).
    ...barranco=palanca(N)=putrid, in Modern Mexico it
    means, connected.
    insulted, e.g., teixpan tlapinautilli(N)=hung in public, and, tlapa-(N)=t/l/rapine(E)=tl/trap(E),
    from pinauhtia(N)=pinaua(N)=to be ashamed.
    ...crevise=seviche(sp)=fish dish,=sever=serve=
    ce uentli(N)=one offering/7.
    ...cray fish=crevice fisk/pez=ce uentli pixca(N)=
    pesca=pez(sp). pizca(sp)=harvest.
    ...crab=crabba(OE)=capani(N)=snap one's fingers,=
    raven=lavender=Laurence=rawend(Arab)=tlatla uentli(N)=flame offering.

    1. ...barranca(sp)/palanca(N).
      ...level(E)=teuel-/teuella-(N/prefix). e.g.,
      teuelyollotiani(N)=bailer/guarantor of someone.
      teuellamachtican(N)=agreeable/pleasant spot.
      teuelnemiti(N(adv.v.)=useful, advantageous,
      e.g., te-uel=well(E)=ue(N)=way(E)/big, and,
      nemitiliztli(N)=the correct/level way to live,=
      Nemesis(Gk/negative deity).

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    1. ...branch=b(r)a(n)c/ch=bach/brach(OE)=b(r)ook=
      ...ankat(Fin)=a(n)catl=Acatl(N/13 Tonalamatl)=
      cane/caña(sp), where found.
      ...angkat(M)=a(n)g/k/catl=Acatl(N/13 Tonalamatl).
      finding Moses/Moises=m(o)ixtli=mixtli(N)=cloud/mist(E)
      in the bullrushes has deeper meaning, i.e.,his falling under the sceptre/Acatl(N)of Pharoah.
      Miztli(N)=puma(amerind feline, birth Totem),
      may also be used for Mixtli/Miztli as his
      parentage uncertain, i.e., practiced in cave time, knew not his father, like Jesus.
      ...loon/clumsy/lummox=tomi(N)=undone/untied way
      of loon's walking.
      ...weft(E)=uipana(N)=whip/wive(E/verb), weorp=uipana(N)=call into line, weapon(E)=
      ...ikat(M/Guat)=ik(M/2 Tzolk)=wind,=
      Ecatl(N/2 Tona)= Hecate,
      wind weaver shuttle/xiotl(N)star/citlali(N).
      ...iki(Japanese)=spirit, heart , mind.
      ...ik(Aleut)=Yup'ik, Allut-iq, Cup'ik, as suffix=language=2 in Aleut.
      ...ikkan(Japanese)=form part/link; consistent.

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