Monday, 25 February 2013


1.ahur(proto-Basque)=palm,=aur(H.Navarre)= agur(Baztan/H.Nav.)=agur(Roncal)=iaculor(L)=thrower,= acolli(N))=shoulder=iacol=his arm,=alku(Kven)=origin,= aco(N)=on high/top,=Alconquin(Amerind)=ko-(J/pfx)=height/ merit/names Royal Family.


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  2. ...akh(H)=aci(N)=concentrate,=hacer(sp)=make,=
    ...subaster/sutondo(Basque)=s/z/tzo, as in,
    Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N). believe fire drill started
    in Anatolia, and Basques have Turkish input pre-
    Islamic. su/tzo-baster=-b/pa(s)ter=patla(N)=pa(kh)ti
    (H)=patla(N)=swap/alternate(hands on the twirl stick). s/moked(H)? mish/xtleua(N)=arise, extend, increase, accumulate(speaking of clouds/mixtli=
    mixxo=covered with clouds).
    ...sutondo(B), tzo-ton=chitoni(N)=spark chiton(Gk)=chthonic(N)=tonic/Tonatiuh(N/solar)=
    chi/shi(r)t=it's not a sheet of fire but a shirt of
    fire, then, tunic(E).
    ...heat(E)=bero(B)=b/p e/il/roa=piloa(N)=p/fir/loa=
    pyre/fire(E), sudun(B)=s/sh/z/tzo-dun/tun/Tona,
    tzoyoca(N)=make noise like something frying=
    fritura, i.e., snap, crackle, pop, sizzle(E)=
    sozzle=tzotzoyoca(N), just a change of vowel, i/o.
    ...there are many more indications that Tlatla,
    regent of the Tona is with the Basques, e.g.,

    1., xotla post, tletl. change tzotl for
      xotla(N)=shoot, root.

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    1. ...Muar(M)Town=Mo ar/tl=Atl(N)=your water, or,
      Motla atl(N)=mountain/hill water, but the Malay
      say, Mu-aru=3 rivers, and, mor(M)=hill,=motla(N)=
      moat/montaña(sp)/mote, but is a verb, smote(E).
      ...kusti(Parsee)=sacred thread=th(r)/t/letl=tletl
      swap, i.e., the bait for the prey/pray.
      ...does pa(hk)ti=poctli? because pa=paint,
      a strong word that resists vowel change,
      unless we are talking about pom/copalli(N)/
      incense and the swinging of the censors.

    2. ...Ahlul Bait, polite adress to the household/
      ...Ahl(Arab)=head of family,=alaua/oalauh(N)=
      ...Qur'an: Ahl al-Bayt=al qurba(Arab)=alcoba(sp)
      ...Qur'an: twice uses Ahl al-Bayt to refer to
      Muhammad's wives as a term of respect, and to
      Abraham's wife, Sarah.
      ...Bayt(Arab)=family/household. Ahl=the annointed.

    3. ...endure(E)=onotiuh(N)=to be/persist,=wonder(E)

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  5. ...Chico-nolhuia(N)=7-nourish(E)=Nowraz(Iran),
    of cuitlatl=tail, that which is dragged, but drag=
    dr/tlac/g=tlaca(N)=tl/dragon(E), the body, e.g.,
    tlaca(N)=tl/trace(E)=tlaza(N)=throw down(a draft)=
    trazar(sp), then, trash/tlaza it.
    ...waft(E)=convey safely by water/air,=wachter(LG/Du)=guard,=watch(E)=
    waecca(Northumberland)=uaca(N)=own/ua ca/being=
    wake(E), e.g., watch the wake.
    wife/whip/weapon. know your strings! uipana(N)=call
    the people into line, not only for correction but
    to arm them quickly for invasion.
    ...hinge(E)=h/th/ti(N)c/ge=ticitl(N)=midwife, e.g.,
    hinge is the midwife of the door, the doctor that
    allows it to function.
    ...spindel(E)=spi(n)=spill(E)=piloa d/tel(N)= nevertheless,=ordeal(the twisting of thread together, a form of torture)=urteil(G)=(ur)te(i)l=
    tel(N). the dark side of weaving, but one notices,
    uipana(N)is warlike as well.
    pe(n)=peua olo/tic(N)=begin(to)go (a)round.
    ...sindula(head bow)=cinturón(sp)=belt, =cintli/tzintli/saintly toloa/bow of the head.
    ...hinoki(J)=sun tree,=h/chi-noquiui(N)=on top
    flow, spill(speaking of liquid),=knock(E)over,
    e.g., hinode(J)=sunrise,=h/chi otli(N)=on top route.
    ...menorah(H)=chico-me(7)nolhuia(N). to say menorah
    of 9=the 7 nourishers of 9, which makes no sense,
    e.g., the Norah of Nine is fine, but obviously
    there was a break in transmission from Nauatl to H.
    chiconauh nolhuia(N)=9 wraps/candles/maz(OHG)=meat=
    Mazatl(N/7 Tona), and 7 is the correct number of
    nolhuia/nurses, as the 7 has to agree with Mazatl
    position in the cempoalli/sample/20 of the Tona.
    so there also was a break in transmission of ritual, as 9=Atl(N/9 Tonalamatl), but that is correct as, Altia(N/rev. of atl)=altar(E).
    ...Chanukkah(H)=the pouring of strength, the
    Shamash=Chamaco(Mex)=Chamaua(N)=grow fat, said of
    children, speaking of corn. a root of Shaman,=
    eulogize/praise, the 9th candle, the attendant,
    the generation venidera(sp)=coming.
    ...shiva/shev(H)=chiva(sp)=goat, chevre(Fr)=
    ch/ce v/u(r)entli=ce uentli(N)=ce/se-ven/uentli,
    same for shev=she/ce u/ven/tli, cerf/serf, hirvi(Finn)=ciervo. the Deer/Maza number.
    ...cera(sp)wax,=cerillo(sp)=match, =cella(Latin)=
    innermost part of the church/hive where wax is found in cells,=cel/celtin(N)=only/alone.
    ...ceramic is treated the same way, only it goes
    into the kiln/c(u)lin/ary=culinarius/culina(Lat),
    but we're on the wrong track for kiln, remember
    the u/i shift, and kiln carries the (i), so,
    k/c/s/z/tzilini/otzilin(N)=to sound, resonate,
    speaking of metal, get out in that kitchen and
    rattle those pots and pans,=t/z/s/c/kil(i)n/i=
    kiln(E), for metals.
    ...ceremony(E)=monequi(N)=necessary(and money, too)
    =Celia/oceliac(N) Ceres, new name for, Oyloo, grain Goddess,=oya/oox(N)=take corn/grain off cob,= oilia/ooili(N/rev.of oya/oox)=oylos(Gk)= sheaf of corn,=oylotis(Gk)= curly,=elotl(Nauatl)=ear of corn,=olotl(N)=corn cob. Oyloo(Gk)=the song of Oyloo(N)/Ooili(N)for which Ceres received name.
    the celebration was primarily with grain, not fire.
    to become black, get dirty; turn black, speaking
    of an object, e.g., Xolotl(N/dog) pictured as black, as is Anubiscuit, the infernal putz(H).

    1. ...Nowruz/Noruz/Norouz/Novruz(Zoroastrian Festival/2c.AD):

    2. ...Norouz(Zor)=nourish/nurse/noria(sp)=water
      ...piloa(N)=spill(E) is close as root for,
      spindle, but, pinaua/opinauh(N)=brinnan(OHG)=
      burn(E)=pinion(E)=pinna(Latin). in the Myth of
      the 5th Sun, the eagle threw himself into the
      bonfire at Teotihuacan, singing his pinions,
      and the Ocelot did the same for his spots,
      both of which are burned black, feathers and
