Monday, 18 February 2013

half the sky

...kerh(Egypt)=sky with star or lamp=tlapa(N), night,=k/cel/rh=cielo(sp)= celestial(E)=Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl). one half of heaven=quert(Egyptian)= q/k/cel/rt=celtin(N/plural of cel)=only/alone,=Ocelome(N/14)= celOim(Etruscan prayer 4th part/Liber Linteus)=Elohim(H/plural deity). ...Atl(9), Ehecatl(2), -lotl(7), Ocel-(7)=celOim/Elohim=Ocelome(N/14 pl.)= 9&2=11=Ozomatli(N/Monkey or Bear=Oso)&7=18=Tecpatl(N/Flint), then one repeats the addition for the other half of Ocelotl, the other 7=ce uentli (N)=ce/se-ven/uen/tli, cf., 40k BCE standing Lioness, Stadel Cave, Swabian Alps=alpichia/oalpichi(N)=wet someone pitching(E)water from the mouth, e.g., nitla-alpichia(N)=spray something, who has 7 hash marks on left arm= ce uentli(N)=ce/se-ven/uen/tli, and the right arm has been shattered, but if all pieces found, may have another 7 incised stripes on that= 14=Ocelotl. returning to arrow/Tecpatl/atlatl, the division of Ocelotl into 2 gives us also 2=ome Tecpatl(N)=2d day of the trecena, Olin, the trecena of Tlatla- tzol-teotl, cave Venus and regent of Calendar Tonalamatl, birthing Flame Hole Thea, whose totem=to-/our descent/-temo=to temo(N)=Ocelome(N)=celOim (Etr)=Elohim(H/dual plural deity)=a birthing deity from a large feline linked to us at Cave time. ...ritual=Tonalamatl numbers of days in the sample/Cempoalli(N)=20 digits, and the 20x13 Trecenas=260, birthing period and length of ritual Tonalamatl. with that in mind, lets add the number values of the ritual Tonalamatl behind the Etruscan Birth prayer: 9/Atl 2/Ehecatl, 14/lotl-Ocel=Ocelotl=9&2&14=25. now enter 25 days, remembering 22 days entered=Birthday of Quetzalcoatl=9 Ehcatl in the Trecena of Ocelotl, cf., the San Apollinari mural of King Theodric, 5c AD., 2d Gothic Roman Emperor. 25=12.Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)=Co/mes(to) w/ater=snake, phallic symbol. 12=Lord of the House of the Dawn=Quetzalcoatl as daily birth deity, in the trecena of Ocelotl, day of Tlatla, trecena of Lord of the year, Xiuhtletl, old fire god. divide 25 by 9/Atl, the 9 crossings/vados of Mictlan to get remainder of 7=Tlatla-tzol-teotl, her offering number. ...these are the numerical arts we used when our survival was not sure and birthrates low. it worked as the first employed Science as far as we knew it. now we're 7 Billion.

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