Monday, 28 January 2013


...Oceloxochitl(N)=Ocelot flower=herba laetificans(Latin)=laetifico(Latin) =fertilize,=laetus(Latin)=fat/rich,=lotus(Latin/E)=lotos(Gk). ...Ocelotl/Ocelome(N)=celOim(Etruscan prayer/3d term)=Elohim(H/dual God). ...Ati(Etr)/Atl(N/9 Tonalamatl), Cathe(Etr)/Ecatl/N/2 Tonalamatl); Luthe(Etr)/-Lotl(N/Ocelotl)=Lotus(Latin/E), CelOim(Etr)=Oce-(N/Ocelotl). the Etruscan Prayer with Nauatl Equivalent. note, Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl) is split and reversed, e.g., -Lotl Oce-, to make 3d and 4th element of Prayer, also making words, -Lotl/Lotus/Luz(sp)=dar luz(sp)=give birth, and, Oce-/Cell. ...teyolchipauac(N)=the heart/yollotl(N)chip/purified. Lotus derives from Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl), becomes the word, lotl(N)leoht(OE)= lioht(OHG)=light(E), the birth of the Tone=Chauvet Pont d'Arc, 35k-22k BCE, then spreads the Tonalamatl Calendar to where the Lotus and Ozomatli(N/11)= monkey, Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Fire Drill being with the Gramma of the West, as Chinese say=cea(N)=not one,=desire= de-s/cea-r=desear(sp)=decir(sp). are more ingredients to the Lotus salad: Elohim(H/dual deity), and, a Chinese title of respect, Loutea/Loytia, with the following 1598 quote from Linshoten: "not any Man in China is esteemed or accounted of, for his birth, family, or riches, but onely for his learning and knowledge, such as they that serve at every towne, and have the government of the same". this would be a Lotus, born in the mud but excelling/Ocelot on the surface. the Arabs of Al Maqar, 7k BCE, the Hebrews located in the Orient, India, China, Silk Trail, drumming inland while Arabs followed the coast(E)=coa(s)t=Coatl(N/5 Tona)=Co(mes to water)atl=snake.


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    1. Muy interesante, aunque complicado de entender para nosotros los mortales!... Gracias!

  2. ...on Assyrian stone friezes it's hard to distinguish between the hunting mastiff/molosser and the lion/
    leon(sp)=l/teotl(N), as they are similar to lionesses. ieuli(N)=powerful,=iueli/powerful flag/ pantli(N)=elephant(E)=iueli=ivery/ivory(E).
    ...Ocelotl Is the birthing Totem=To-/our descent/temo
    of Tlatla, Flame Hole Thea, regent of the Tonalamtl,and stands in place 14 of the Tonalamatl. the 7 hash marks on the left arm=ce uentli(N)=one offering(E)=ce/se-ven/uen-tli, usually associated with Mazatl(N/7 Tona), but Ocelotl/Ocelome(N/14 is
    double/ome offering for Ocelotl, number 14 in the
    cempoalli/sample, and the 2d trecena/13 of the
    20x13=260days of the Tonalamatl, early signs of
    its formation, 40k BCE, e.g., Chauvet Pont d'Arc
    at 35k BCE, Shandidar Neandertal Flower Burial #4 at 80k BCE, and Lagar Velho Child Burial at 26k BCE.
    ...Ariel(Heb)=ailia(N)=ally, e.g., Ocelome(N)=
    celOim(Etruscan)=Elohim(H). we hunted with Ocelome,
    in pairs, cf., Zatal Hüyuk, enthroned/Tonatiuh
    diosa Tlatla with her cheetahs=chi-tlatla(N)=Flame
    on top.
    ...mastiffs come much later than lioness Ocelome.
    one of the 5 ages=OceloTonatiuh(N)=Sun of Ocelot,
    when they were top predator mammal in relation to
    our species.
    ...tks, DDeden, one more brick/piccatl(N)=vulva in the wall. she's a lioness, not a lion, altho it may
    be a male priest dressed in her skin.

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  6. ...lion=leon(sp)=l/teotl(N).
    tame=manso(sp)=tame=mansuetus(Classical Latin)= matin(Fr).
    there the classic etymology, except the -tin, hmmm,
    suesco(Latin)=become accustomed,=used(E)to, same word as suetus(Latin/past participle)=masuetus(used to hand/ma), hmmm, atinar(sp)=to touch the mark; to hit upon. what struck me about my mastiff was he cued to the leash in my hand, when it was there
    he lunged for it to be collared. the Romans, who
    used him as wardog had trained him to go for the leash of his wounded master when offered, they fought in pairs, hook up, and pull him out of battle.
