Sunday, 20 January 2013


=ludus(L)=pastime,=ludia(L)=fem.gladiator,=Lydia(name)= lidia(sp)=fightludio(L)=actor,=ludicrum(L)=stage play, ludi(Basque)=world,=lotus=lodo(sp)=mud(E)=sod/sot/slut= tzotl(N)=lurtar(B)=earthling,=Lud(London)=lot/slot= Ocelotl/N/14/Tona)=Lord/lute/Luther/luthe(Tarquin)= luz/dar luz(sp)=birth,=al'oud(Arab)=(r)ud(Pers)=wood(E)=tlacuilo- quauitl(N)=painter/writer tree,=uitl/witu(OHG)= quitra/ki(J)tra/chitarra. Early lutes/feline head/skin, 5K BC.


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    1. Nauatl only aceh(aspirant)ikl(not first letter)mnopqs/shtu/ue/ua(way/wa)ya/ye tz.
      ...i don't know how Lieber knows that so will
      not comment, but i'm sure aeiou/vowels was a complete string as it's aeolic/wind.
      ...almost guessed it, Ddeds, pantli(N)=pantera(sp)=panther. it's the big felines that use their tail that way, especially in the big cane breaks.
      ...certainly, sloughi=saluki(Egypt)=the pharoah
      dog who replaced the techichi/tesem because that breed was comestible, altho both are related way back to the Alco(N)=a(l)co=aco(N)=
      ages ago(E), cf., my post, Cormac, Tlatlatzol-
      teotl blog. note the kelb fenek of Malta, brown
      and as close as a Med. dog gets to being Xolotl, the comesitble clown of Mexcio Tenochtitilan, who fed on avocadoes and had no
      canines, cried tears, and had a higher than normal body temperature so were used as hot water bottles on cold high plains nights.

  2. ...what was it about fire that made the other gods
    punish Prometheus? it raised a helpless species to
    the level of deity, made them candidates for godhood,
    opened every path of learning, e.g., t/let/l/r=lernia
    (OFrisian)=le(o)rnian(OE)=learning by opening the path of language, e.g., t/let/l=letra/lettre, but
    Onions says, letter took over the sense of gramma/
    ...yet Lieberman says Neander could not pronounce,
    hard c/k, even though its just a simple closing and
    opening of the glottis against expelled air. more complicated is the tl click where the tongue touches the gums, til-la, then falls on 2d syllable.
    ...if we take the ma mati imati mimati wordstring
    describing Neander, we get a mime, as living
    at animal level means imitating their calls, giving
    him/her a high musical index and an advantage over
    hunters with dogs, i.e., s/he can call prey. this will work in forest cover but not in the desert
    where sight hounds and hawks are best.
    ...Seth, the Egyptian God of Weather forecasting,
    a Baxajaun Neander office, used dogs in the desert,
    took/take/tlaca their form even.
    ...a Neandra from wooded area, captured in 1954,
    Russia, had no use for dog, killed it, ate it, as
    the dog could track her. she had 2 children by a Russian man, one of whom became a Buddhist monk.
    the Russians call Neanders, Almas.
    ...Polyphemus(Gk)=the many-voiced, only confirms what every Cyclops knew, i.e., the entire fauna
    of his island, and kept sheep as well.
