Wednesday, 16 January 2013


...=twiight, dusk, nightfall; end of the year; late autumn(E)=otoño(sp) =Otomitl(N)=Amerind tribes who live in caves and from the hunt, from, oton(N)=Oton, chief of Otomies, Otontecuhtli(N)=one of the first Otomi chiefs who was elevated to a God=Tonatiuh(N)=the Sun,=Otontlamacazque(N)= ministers/governors of the Otomies, e.g., oton(N/preterit)=Tonatiuh/the sun having past summer solstice. e.g., otona(J)=adult, having past his summer solstice and in the autumn/otoño of years, and, otome(J)= maiden,=otonashii(N)=gentle, meek, mild, quiet, good. in the 15th c. AD, they allied themselves to the Chichimec=IchichiuhMecatl(N)=maguey scrapers of Texcoco, the cultural satellite to Tenochtitlan of the Aztecs. ...some disagreement among speakers as to what kure(J) means. some say, wait for me, when used in phrase, e.g., kure=coloa(N)=color, i.e., twilight/dusk(colors, ne?), and, coloa(N)=coil/curl(wait, ne?), and others say it means, scram, wel=uel(N), coloa(Nauatl)=correr(sp)= correle(sp)=run to it/scram/beat it,=that's cool(E). ...the Otomi=Totomitl(N)=bird spearers?, has been suggested as a variant root. ah, language, not able to locate my tiny glossary of it, ah, but is decayed particle Nauatl a rude people would use, not having named themselves, sound is notable for its aspirance, abundant and concise. Otomis today are the carboneros/charcoal vendors and basket makers of the highplains around Hidalgo state, e.g., thaa(Otom)=corn,= tlalli(N)=earth?,=tlaolli(N)=earth rolls/shuck niblets/grain off the cob,=Tao=the way, and, ehe(Otomi)=to come,=ehco/eco(N)=llegar(sp)= arrive,=yegua(sp)=mare,=equine(E)=eoh(OE). ...more dialects around Toluca, which gets quite frosty in winter. the Mazaua=deer owners are there, still weaving wool, and from them we get the word, tuna/prickly pear=ettuni(Mazaua)=etl Tonatiuh(N)=frijol del sol/sun bean(E).


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. ...each age its food. the Deer age always had fish,
    in the r)iveri(ne=iueli(N)=Llewelyn Bear. Uecaillech, chair-leg carlin sile/xilé(N) herded deer, the cawen(OE)=Queen of the wind animals. she's still older
    sister of the Sun, e.g., Uena/Uentli/Wendy.
    Sicily could have been the kick off for the Med.
    sea age, but not then, ritual worship held back tech,
    religion not only a drug but a drag on time=cauitl(N) =gravity(E).
    cf., Cyprus BC, p.19, Steatite/soapstone cruciform
    idol, 3500-2500 BC, Chalcolithic, rower with Olmecoid
    helmet=Heads found at La Venta, arms are double
    axes, wearing cruciform human pendant on neck, appears to be seated(rowing)with legs separated by deep groove, e.g., rowan(OE)/reow(OE/preterit)/Teotl.
