Saturday, 26 January 2013
yang,=palli(N)=black hair dye,=Bali(Chi)=Paris.
2.shian(Chi)=fairy/immortal,=tzitzimitl=lady dart=woman who dies
on first childbirth,=shi(Chi)=west/hope/pity, their chief=
Itzpapalotl/Obsidian butterfly, goddess of being/calli(N)
=house, direction ciuatlampa/woman's side/west. they spell dead
warriors at noon overhead then troop into the sunset each day.
3.chern(China)=dust/morning star=ch/c/g/yeliztli(N)=essence/
4.poh(Chi)=break; broken/ruined,=poloa(N)=destroy, lose, ruin.
6.shya(Chi)=red clouds,=shayo(J)=the setting sun, the new poor/upperclass in decline,=xaua(N)=color up/dress old style.
7.jang(Chi)=screen/bill/account,=weapons/fight/rely on,=
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ReplyDelete...xotl/foot-shoe(E)=xodeet(R/verb)=to go,=
Deletejoder(sp)=to step on, La ley de Herodes: te chingan o te jodes=Herod's law: they fuck you
or you screw yourself.
...i don't know if it's a question of oldest anymore. i have a basque foot, i.e., the index
toe is longer than big toe, making it easier to walk/climb, e.g., waraji(J)=straw sandal,=
huarache(Mex)=now a leather sandal. the Basques
have a long tradition of esparto grass sandals,
6/5k BCE. oldest are some found in Oregon made
of sagebrush bark. the Gks used sandals made of
willow leaves, twigs, fibres for their comic
actors and philosphers in their plays, the baxea, and the cothurnus, a boot sandal with thick sole inserts of cork for the important
tragic actors of authority and power to make them look tallers.
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ReplyDelete...silbar(sp)/sibilant=Sibyl=woman possessing powers of adivination,=Sibylla(Lat)=Sibulla(Gk),
Deletehere we have the i/y=u shift from Lat/Gk.
Jerome explained Sibulla as Siobulla, the Doric
form=S/Theobúlla=divinely wise,=Teotl-potli(N)=
God's companion/po(n)t(Latin)=bridge.
...canary=canaua(N)=being of 4=canauhtli(N)=canard.
...Guanche=G/Ca(N)=being ua(N)=owners(of)Chinet
=Chi(N)=on top, -netloc(N)=together?
...shield/child/field=chieltia(N)=wait for someone and have something for them when they arrive. shield can be played with shed and shoed, but i say, xiuh!(N)=shoo!, as it's not
within the scope of Nauatl as language to do that, is a false construct, e.g., Kristin
Stewart is a trampire.
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DeleteTonalamatl)=wind weaver,=shadow(E)=ecauilo(N)/
ecauilotl(N)=what gives shade/protector, shade.=
echale(sp/imperative fam.)=throw it,=chal/shal
(Persia)=shawl(E)=Hecate, whose father, Titan
Promethean Perses, gave his name to Persia.
...chingar(sp)=shingle(E)=sh/xincayotl(N)=scab,=shingles(Herpes Zoster?).
...vaina(sp)=scabbard/sheath,=vanilla(E), ah,
Cipactli(N/one Tonalamatl)=(S)c(r)ip(ac)t/li=
script(E)=sheaves of paper, what a scribe always needs.
(E)=copina(N)=can-opy(E)=canaua(N)=canvas cup=
rather fanciful. the Gks say from, konops(Gk)=
mosquito, which is good, but, cana/canapa(N/adv)=in some part, e.g., cana
nitla-tlalia(N)=put a person someplace. cana/
canapa means around, over, more or less.
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ReplyDelete...the MesoAmerinds used paper for mummification.
ReplyDeletethe dog was to guide the dead through their 4 year journey through the 9 vados/crossings of Mictlan.
had to be a bermejo/vermilion/brown dog because red
can be seen in the dark. the dog's name was Xolotl,
who becomes the devil, precedes Anubis as Cipactonal
precedes Thoth/Teotl(N).
...cuezcomatl(N)=troje/barn/silo; little crown,
cranium, e.g., cuezcomalli(N)=upper part, covering
for a troje/silo.
...Teide(Guanche)=Hell(E)=Hel(G)= H/th/Te(i)t/de=
Tetl(N)=stone,=Tletl(N)=fire. this etymology supports the theory that Berber/Amazigh have the
oldest sister haplo group in europe at 45k BCE,
with Basques coming in 2d at 40k BCE, and that they
were with Germanoids, e.g., stein shtettl tetl tletl(the oldest deity named). the 2 stick fire drill of Castor/Pollux is another, making the highest Gods, the dualities, e.g., Ometeotl/Omeciuatl=Ocelome/Tlatlatzolteotl.
...Achi-(N)=prefix for kings/tlatoani,=A(r)ch-
Delete(E/prefix), e.g., ArchBishop. it may be the full
name of the Guanche Island, Achinet, hmmm, achi(N)=a little while ago, in a little while;
a little, something, enough, almost, hmmm,
those are the adverbs, ah, achto(N/adv&adj)=
before, first, in front,=achito(N)=something good
but in small quantity, e.g., achtopa tlacaxinachtin(N)=first man/woman, compare,
...Achi-men-cey(G)=Achi meyaua ce(N)=one small
...Achi-cax-na(G)=small rendered 4=knave=
scratch/rub oneself, or better, scratch/rub
something(the wash), mend a dress, rinse with
a sponge.
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Delete...kom(ODu)=comalli(N)=flat pan for heating tortillas, but, comitl(N)=olla(sp)=(b)owl(E),
of ollas/jarros=(b)owls/jars.
...prince=Piltzin-tecuhtli(Tonalamatl)=3d Lord
of the night, once Hecate's task, then the
generic Lord of Princes, then the 3 Kings,
who honor Jesus at birth. P(i)r/l in/tz=
bridge(succession), but also, P/Bud/t/li=
Buddha, because Buddha is both, e.g., Dji-
...tribe(E)=tribu(sp)=tepulli(N)=the male memeber/Phallus=Palli(N)=P/Ba(r)ley(Grain).
...te-ruma(H)=tithe,=t(h)e toma(N)=the opening
the undoing(of purse strings), the loosening
of the money/monequi loom/toma/tomi(N).
...tanganlima(M)=hand,=tlaca maitl(N)=body hand, double reversal of ma(i)tl(N)=tl(i)ma=
t/lima. the tangan is necessary with all its
labels because the reversals of maitl(N)are confusing.
...yuhti(N)=from the beginning,=just/justice,
Y'hudi(H)=yudh(Hindu)=wage war, e.g., names
for Cantonese language=Yue, jyu, jyut, which
derives more directly from Nauatl than Mandarin. there is no B/Y shift as i know of.
...Chi-Na=Chi-/on top 4/-na, e.g., chinampa(N)=floating, hydroponic garden,= chinoa(N)=burn fields, food, woods,=Ka-chi-na
(Hopi Amerind)=Kami(J)=gods/beings/ca(N)=Ka,
on top/chi(N)=encima de(sp)=na(N)=4 directions. my favorite, Shenandoah=
Chinan/caltia(N)=makes an enclosure(bamboo)
(for his)toctli(N)=doah=daughter.
...lots of aspirants in the sand/xalli(N)blown
Arab tongues of North Africa, Sahara=Sahra(Arab)=s/z/tzalan/tzallantli(N)=
same root as Allaghany/Allegheny,=between,
in the middle of/canyon, door, desfiladero,
bottle neck, throat, cañada, all of which are
found in the Sahara. =salary/sal/salt/sala/
Tzar(it's not Caesar/czar).
...Egypt=E/g/c(r)ypt=Cipactli(N/first day,
Sebastion=Cipacton/al, navigator to Quetzal.
...yeshiva(H)=ye/ya(N) sh/s/cipactli(N)=
thus, already scribes,=metivnti(H)=Metis
iuintic(N)=Metis drunk/iuintic(N), first
deity of wisdom).
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ReplyDelete...can(sp)=canijo(sp sl.)=canaua(N)=
Deleteca-/being owns 4/-naua,=ca(r)ne(sp)=canaua(N)=
canauhtli(N)=pressed duck,=canard(Fr), e.g.,
pepena-canaua(N)=pile up/hammer flat,=
pe/pena-can/aua=penacan(N)= pemmican(Cree/Creestian), so, canine refers to dog as meat to be piled up and hammered, and duck
as well, an early version of canning(E), canary
not being exempt, although most people draw the
line at squab=quapetlanqui(N)=aquatic bird without feathers on head whose meat is good to eat. i know squab is pigeon, but the qua-(N)=
quaitl(N), as in, quait/l=quail(N).
...gou(China)=chow dog, gou=cou=alco(N)=saluki
(Egypt), but with hair, the tail curls over the
back as is correct in both dogs, although the chow is square-faced akita-mastiff type guard
dog and not hunter, one of the oldest breeds.
...techichi(N)=domestic quadruped similar to
dog=d/t/loc(N/adv)=location(E), or, d/toc/g=
toca(N)=sow and bury, tocar(N)=play,=touch(E),
called at first, alco(N)=a(l)co(N)=ages ago(E),
absolutely mute and melancholy, fattened carefully to eat, also burnt and buried with
its owner,=tetl chichi(N)=rock dog/chichi(N).
alco(N)=s/al(u)ki=alc/ku/i(construct, letters
are there)=saluki(Egypt)origin=alco. rock means
desert, dry. the chow is more mastiff than alco, tail curl is a sign of alco/saluki, but
fur means saluki/alco went north, not the other
way around. words in Nauatl,=g/cal/r= calli(N/3 Tona), and, -d/ten/tli=tentli(N)=lip/
edge,=caltentli(N)=house lip/edge, instructions
where to locate/tloc(N).
...bow and arrow, hmmm, tilaua(N)=rain a lot, get
ReplyDeletethick, speaking of a cloth being woven, pile up,=
tilini(N)=tighten, pile up, e.g., tilini in justicia(SpamexNauatl)=justice is rapid and strong,=tilinia(N)=squeeze/quiza(N), give of oneself, stretch, speaking of a cord or a thread, e.g., nitla-tilinia(N)=tense/stretch the bow,= tilinqui(N)=curved, firm, thick, solid, =lincua(Latin)=lengua(sp).
language and p/bow/archer and weaving go together.
it's weaving that firmed up Nauatl by providing it
a loom=tomi(N)/frame and the extensive human memory to create woven wordstrings. is an etymologic example showing how weaving began by star charts, e.g., ilpia(N/verb)=to knot/tie,=ilhuicatl/ilhuicaatl(N)=
sky/sea guard and abstain/piety(E)=pia,=ilpia(N)=
sky knot, hilpan(Goth)=elpomai(Gk)=help(E), i.e.,
knots were used to form charts of sky/sea as stellar islands called stars came over the horizon
they were tracked and tied, shortly after Promethean Fire Drill, beginning weaving if it had not already begun with ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea with
net. the ancient verb for hand=mano(sp)=maitl(N)=
macui(N)=5 already implies a net/matlatl(N)=noma/
nomatka/nomatzinco(N)=my hon. net/matlatl being/ca=
nomad(E) where i net Earth's abundance by land/sea.
...the bow and Arrow has been clocked at 45k BCE,
ah, bow(E)=b/pow/er=poa/opouh(N)=flower, and the
flute words for Fire Drill, so one can say the Deer
Age of Tlaloc(N)=taroc/tarocco(Ital)=Tarot begins
the poa and atlatl(N)=ar/tl-ar/tl=arar=arrow(E),
bow and arrow, 45k BCE-10k BCE, upper stone age.
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ReplyDelete...mattock(E)=matoca/omatocac(N)=touch with
Deletethe hand, referring to the use of a free hand
to discard the mata/clump of sod just dislodged
by the adze=azadón(sp)=mattock,=tlaza tonqui(N)=
throw down untied, disconnected(the sod), =raze/
razor off the surface. note the d/t pushes to
the front of the English word, before the z of
tlaza(N)=t/l/raza razor. tonqui(N)=tomi(N)=loom.
...loon(E)=lummi/lum(Scand)=c-lum-sy(E)=tomi(N)=untied, unraveled, loose=clumsy.
...temple/timber/limber(front shaft of a gun carriage, like a wikiup tepee/tepetl(N/root)=mountain shape triangle/tianquiz, but not a lute/lotus/teyol.
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Delete...Basque=B/Pach/c/sque=Pachoa(N)=Pasha. the Besques bred up with Quetzalcoatl and the Kingdom
of Bithynia, NW Turkey, were the Nahoa/Nauatlaca
who sailed out of San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa, in
3309 BCE to Amerinda looking for Chauhnecocoya
Temoayan(N)=the Devil's Cliff, Georgia.
...nestrella/trellis, well, citlali(N) =star,
or, t(r)elli/s=tilinia(N), since it's a grating
=gating=ec/gat/l=Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=wind weaver,
it's tilinia(N).
and, Nessy=neci/onez(N/verb)=appear,=onez(N/pret.)=
...lake/lac=tlaca(N)=body(of water).
make prisoner.
...socket(E)=zoka(J)=creation, sock/sox/zocalo.
...bucket/pocket/pouch/poctli(N)=smoke, not only for keeping smokes, but the bolsa(sp)
itself looks like a cloud when seen inside out.
...bag=b/pac/g=paca/opac(N)=wash, originally for wash, as a bas-ket=b/pac/s, hmm, basquette,
ah, maybe, paca cetia(N)=set wash, placed inside the house, then carried to bach/brach/
brook, washed, then dried and carried back in
same wicker hamper, which may root with, tlapa
(N)=ta(m)per th/h, or, ca(m)per=capani(N)=to
snake one's fingers, or the hamper lid, do
oneself harm with same lid=capania(N)=campana(sp)=bell.
...Vasco=v/b/Pach/c/sco/a=Pachoa(N)=hide, sit on one's heels, cover oneself; govern, force
one to bow the head; make a bovedá/curved roof,
shelter....patch(E), e.g., Apache(Amerind)=
Atl pachoa(N)=water patchers(E)=irrigation.
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ReplyDelete...rock dog/tetl chichi/techichi(N)=rock sucker.
kelb=xleb(R)=bread? fenek?f/penek=p/b(r)ennan(G)=
penna=p/b(r)enna(ONorse)=burned k/ca(N)=being?
the Xolo was incinerated and buried with his
master, food for the journey to Mictlan.
wild/zenji dog, bazen=pa ce(N)=painted one?
...mistletoe=mixitl(N)=herb that alters senses.
...taut(E)=toctli(N)=green and tender stalk of corn, young plant; fertilized land; chichiquiliui in toctli(N)=mazorca still tierna
which ought to mature.=daughter(E), e.g.,
toctia/otocti(N/verb)=strengthen someone; double, thicken, sustain, correct, punish.
...pull(E)=puli/an(OE)=tepuli(N)=male member,
t(h)e pully(E).
...pulque(N)=poliuhqui(N)=lost, condemned,=
polluted. hor=tlal.h/ch/coloa(N)=curl/coil=c/xoloa=
Xolotl(N)=Evening star, twin of Quetzalcoatl,
clown, and soon the Devil=teuilotl(N)=glass,
(N)=the doubles, in Amerinda, of monsters, e.g., check Ocelome(N/plural)=celOim(Etruscan)=
Elohim(H/dual deity). this refers to Venus/
of the House of the Dawn=Quetzalcoatl(N)=twin
of Xolotl(N).
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Delete...Venice=V/Uen/tl/i ce=ce uentli(N)=one offering,=c/se ven/uen=7.
Delete...Phoenix=Poa-nextli(N)=Power-Ash, e.g.,
the subtraction of a day every 130yrs, or,
as the Egyptians did it, 10days every 1300yrs
to account for the shortfall of leapyear, 674
seconds/year. in Egyptian times it was, 676
seconds, which fortified the 13 solar sweeper/
Iztactlachpanqui(N) number on the Aztec Calendar stone, and formed the basis for the
trecena in the Tonalamatl, being the key number/Sphinx(same Nauatl Etymology as Phoenix) used to keep and adjust time using whole numbers.
...Tunisia Tonatiuh, sign of the Tlaloc Deer Age of the North African Mazyectli, Upper Stone Age bottleneck for the Neandertal/AMHuman mix.
to redden.
=Keeper(E)(of the)t/tlalli(N)=land p/b/v/uentli(N)=offering neci(N)=appearing=
dog/keeper of land offering/rabbit= t/lapín(Fr)=tlalpilli(N), also a
good guard dog. rather fancy way of saying
hare hound. still, i don't see how a breed
can originate on an island. the bread/xleb(R)
allusion was fanciful, sorry.
...papoose(Alkonquin)=papanauia(N)=nite-papanauia(N)=carry many people in a canoe,
or on the back,=papanauetzi(N)=alter, change
(diapers?). these verbs are related to butterfly/papalotl. the papoose board makes
the papoose look like one.
...babyshka(R)=baba(R)=country woman/peasant's wife, e.g., snyeshnaya baba(R)=snowman,=
babayaga(R)=old witch/hag=tlaca(N),=bab'e leto
(R)=Indian summer,=babochka(R)=butterfly(E),=
babka/babyshka(R)=grandmother, yshko(R)=eye.
as papoose/panauia babyshka comes out of
babochka/papalotl(N). good work.
=nod/node/note/knot(E)=notza(N)=to reflect,
consider; to cite, to call, to chat, i.e.,
to connect/to tie, e.g., cite=ceti(N)=unite.
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ReplyDelete...dingo/tingo=tizatl(N)=type of varnish, earth
Deleteor white dust, hmmm, ticatla(N)=midnight? ticitl=
doctor, midwive, diviner, all of which dogs are,
ticiti(plural). we say in spamex, "hijo de la tiznada", meaning an ash/gray-colored person,
but can also mean someone who is at the campfire,
or in it, and infernal curse out. the pups are
ashen muzzled as if they've been poking about
in the fire. their Lord is the fiery, Mictlantecuhtli, Death deity. dogs's attraction to fire was what brought them to us.
...duidire duth=twittery tooth=didgeredoo
Delete...=titla tlantli(N)=between teeth.
Delete...twittery too, didgery do., the English verb from, Tonatiuh
(N)=the Sun Anthony(E/name), also, the spanish
Mr./Mrs./Ms=Doña/Don(sp)=donar(sp)=donate(E), and of course the one, the only, donut(E).
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ReplyDelete...Tunis, Tunas, Tunis, the familiar etymology
Deleteof the Danube comes to mind, e.g., Tuna=Tonatiuh.
no getting around it, e.g., dune=tune=Tonatiuh.
there is no construction i've ever seen that
that replaces tune/tone/Tonalamatl with an (a)
because that would be tlan/ran=tlalli(N)=land(E).
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ReplyDelete...if it's the Horim(H)=Xolome(N) connexion, don't
ReplyDeleteworry, Priests make mistakes, and lots of them.
we're witnessing the destruction of ancient papers
in Mali, Timbuktu. war is more than a scourge, it's
a voluntary return to the past even the best efforts of religion cannot keep pace with.'s my findings on, gu(China)=aunt=ahuitl(N),
ReplyDeleteguah(China)=hang up, suspend(a skirt?), guan(China)=
shut, close, connect(a skirt?). skirt=cueitl(N)=cu/cue.
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ReplyDelete...when you see kip/skipper it's Cipactli/Cipactonal(N)=navigator for Quetzalcoatl
Delete3309 BCE, and San Sebastion/scribe=cypera(OE)=
salmon(E)=tzallantli monequi(N)=sala necessary(E)=Tzalmon/equi(N)=sal/salt/salad/
sala/tzar. ah, cypera(OE)=kipper(E)=chipeua(N)=
purified(fresh water).
thak(ONorse). this word is in almost every language East to West, the root=tlacacatzilpilli(N/adv)=tied, knotted, tightened by force,=tlaca(N)=body,=tl/t/thatch.
there are 5 words in Nauatl, e.g., tlacacatzalli(N)=tightened, tied, knotted. are some southeast Asian thatch terms: cajamus cajan=thua maetaai/thua rae(Thailand),
Deletepalmyra palm=taan(Thai).
dua(Viet)=thatch, don't have tree.
...oil palm=co dau/dua dau.
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ReplyDelete...yamactic(N)=tender, bland.
...yamania(N)=to be moderate, calm, peaceful,
e.g., nitla-yamania(N)=smooth out, blandish,
prepare something, like leather,=hammer(E)/
...Ubi roi(Fr. play)=tuber=Toptli(N)=idol; wrap,
=toptia(N)=obey/opt(E)=Topile(N)=Alguacil, type
of Justice official,=Police(E)=topilli(N)=poplar=topol(R),
club made of soft wood.
...Punic/Phoenic=Poa Nextli(N)=Power Ash(E).
...Cahokia(Missouri)=Ca/being h/th/toctia(N)=
increase the multitude, unite to it; fortify,
double, thicken, point out; find refuge/safety
in numbers, sustain someone with the bastón/
...Sephardic=Sfaradi=Sephardic Halakha= h/th/t/laca=tlaca(N)=body(of Law),=Sfarad=
Saparad=Sepharad=Spain(Iberian Peninsula)=
reversal of Spain=in Spa=S/Ce Parada(sp)=the
one stop. today, parada, refers to a bus stop.
compare this to, pano(N/verb)=cross a river
on foot, swimming, boat, bridge,=panolo(sp)=
impersonal of pano(N)=es/pañolo.
...Natchez(Mississippi city)=pronounced "Nochi"
by descendants of the Plaquemine culture,=
nactia(N)=inhabit, stop, spend(the night)a
few days in some part, e.g., monactic(N)=
monastic(E),=nacht(G)=night(E), traditional
stopover on the way up and down the Miss.
...anchovy(E)=acciughe(Ital)=achi yuhqui(N)=
a little more or less, named for the banter
between client and seller, i.e., how many
a(n)choa/a(n)schoris(G)/acciuga(Ital dial.)do you want?
...and the sardine is named for a pig, the Island of Cerdeña=cerdo(sp)= hog(E)=h/th/toca(N)=sow&bury, or,
pig(E)=pitzotl(N)=mud picker,=tzotl(N)=sow(E).