Monday, 21 January 2013


(Ññ)=Otomitl. 1.ximhai(Ññ)=mainland/world,=xim/chi(J)=tlalchi(N)=on earth/land, =hai/tlaini(N)=cultivator. 2.hai(Ññ)=mainland, soil, land,=tlalli/tlaini(N)=earth/cutlivator. 3.ñutsi(Ññ)=cave,=Otzi(Tyrol)=oztotl(N)=cave.Ññ)=valley,=nete/cayan(N)=hiding place,=mo-teca=gather. 5.Otomi=oton/tomi(N)=open/undo,=otoño(sp)=otome(J)=maiden,=otona(J)=adult,= Tonatiuh(N)=sun. nenthe/nengi/nani/nanthe(Ññ)=shore,=n/tentli(N)=lip/edge,Athens/Atena(sp)=by the water/Atl(N/9 Tonalamatl). nani/nanthe(ÑN)= Nantucket=Nantli tzocatl(N)=mother socket, or, socket edge, if (a=e=nen/ tentli), nantli(E)=mother is more than plausible as man has always believed the ocean to be mother=motla(N)=montaña(sp). nana(N)=ana(N/verb)=increase/grand(E). ...xotha(Ññ)=cliff,=xotla(N/verb)=cut wood, cloth,=shoot(E)=xotl(N)=foot =potli(N)=boot(E/Germ)=shoe(E)=joder(sp/verb)=step on,=xodeet(Russile)= come and go(on foot, but now, any conveyance). ...dazabi(Ññ)=sea/ocean,=d/t/laza pi/opic(N)=pick,=tlaza-pi(N)=throw down pick=beach comb? or, pi/opic(N)=pixca(N)=harvest,=pesca(sp)=fishing. ...(d/t/la)zabi(Ññ)=bay, lake=l/t/laca(N)=body. ...fugi(Ññ)=foam(E)=f/pom(Mayan)=fume(E)=fumar(sp)=plume(E)=spume(E)= fugi(Japanese)=immorality, injustice; child out of wedlock, =poctli/puctli(N)=smoke/humo(sp)=fuchi(Spamex)=ugh, yuck, dirty., Chalcatzingo, Excavations of the Olmec Frontier, David. C. Grove, Thames and Hudson, 1984.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. ...tlaca(N)/body is used for everything from larch
    to lark, just as its twin, tlapa/trap, is used from drake to lamp. when you squiggle around with these
    2 major Nauatl words you get the idea of how Letra works, from draper to track, from rasp to rack.
    ...details are important if they help assign a root
    to a wordstring. our ancestors didn't have the benefit of science as we know it, but it didn't stop them from naming what they saw, e.g., good on
    tamati tlaca tamar/t/lac/a=tamaño(sp)=size, probably given the tama for its size, big tamed(E)
    everything in the old days.
