Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Uecaitta Caillech
...the White Goddess, Winter Wind, herds deer/deor(OE)/teotl(N), the
primary wind animal and first Venus jumping horizons. Uecaillech,
known as Sile(Irish)=sh/xilé(N)=sillín(sp)=first piece of (cave) furniture, the stool/toloa(N)=bow the head. many words in orbit around her Gaelic genius, e.g., uecaitta(N)=far seeing,=wiccan/wicam(OE)= witch. xilé(N)=silent(E)=xylo-(Gk/prefix)=wood=selva/sylva(Latin)=woods, even harmonic root, uic/uica(N)=vicar,=ueltiutli(N)=older sister, uel/wel(N/prefix)=vela(sp)=veil=welt(E)=hem/ridge, e.g., veil's welt. their is another chair=ecail/r=ecatl ilhuicatl(N)=sky chair, tied to earth/tlalli(N)=tla=dra-sil=Sile(Irish)=hag, none other than Ig-dra-sil, Odin's tree and drasill(ONorse)=horse,=Tlalli xilé(N)=earth seat, Ig said to be Odin himself, but=Ig/Ic(N)=here,=ici(N/Fr)=aquí(sp).
...Uecaillech, -lech=tleco(N)=leg, i.e., far-seeing being heaven's leg=
Uecaillech(N), a reasonable match for Ig-dra-sil(Norse), the ash tree,
whose twigs look like chocholli(N)=deer hooves, and leaves like flaked
...Beira=Caillech=bear=Iberia=iueli(N)=adj and root for bear/ber/ver/vel/veil/veltiuhtli(N), a blending here, then
Callisto-na, of Greek myth, bear sun being, the Big Dipper, Osa mayor.
hard to escape the hints/links that Uecaillech comes out of bear worship. she is also symbol for Tlatla-tzol-teotl cave deity, but no
mention of felines/Ocelome(N), so far.
...yes, the hag is the life wind, with 7 youths to begin the tribes and races. were there 7 tribes originally? it means one offering=7, ritual number=ce uentli(N)=ce/se-ven/uen.
...the Amerinds say, "we come from Chicomoztoc, the 7 caves, and cavities of the body". another way to say we come from 7=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=deer/deor/Teotl(N). but, yes, Caillech/Heaven's legger/ ledger/lodger is the storm hag=ecaitz(Basque)=ecauitz(N)=Hecate comes, then relieves Maz(OHG)=Mazatl(N/7)=cmazat(Russile)=annoints as Venus, shuttle/xiotl(N)star/citlalli(N)=zilar(Basque)=silver(E)=cbet/cbetok
(Russile)=light/flower=Ueycitlalin(N)=way star(E) Venus, once venison.
...Ue-ca-il-lech(N)=way being sky/sea=ilhuicatl/ilhuicaatl(N) leg=
Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 Tona), but Hecate's number is tri-form Hecate, 3.
not mentioned is her third aspect, chthonic=chitoni(N)=sparky, except when she gathers firewood/cuauitl(N)=tree, or, as geologic topography drops stones from her apron as land formations, or herself turns to stone. yet, her Irish name, Sile=xilé(N)gives her a little seat, sillín, around the fire.
...the Roman Quarry, David Jones, Sheep Meadow press, NYC, 1981,
ISBN 0-935296 25-5, p.6, footnote 4: Sulis, female Celtic deity assoc.
with Bath, linked with Minerva(?), a Sulis/Minerva cult developed in connexion with warm springs-fire rites were part of the ritual.
of hot Bathes/Temazcalli(N)=thermal(E) houses, tzol(N)=t/z/zh/hole(E)=
haul(Welch)=sun=solis(OIrish)=sol(Latin). the hole referred to
is the 3 hole unit to mark the 4 Movements of the sun, e.g., Tzolk'in(Mayan Calendar)=the Socket/Tzocatl, of solstice and equinox, the equinox being the mid-hole between summer and winter solstice.
Uecaillech and gives her chthonic/chitoni(N)=sparky attributes of the
flame/Tlatla hole Thea Promethea in the later Roman rites at Bath,
where she is by no means confined, being regent of the Tonalamatl in
Amerinda as well as during the Tlaloc Deer Age of the Upper Stone Era.
...Minerva(Roman)=Mitl e(r)va eua(N)=the missile/spear leaves, metaphor
for wisdom, which goes though one like a spear/transmitl,=Athena,
whose mother was, Metis, the metl(N)/maguey plant, first deity of
wisdom, and the Rope Age, 2k BCE. a much younger goddess than either
Tlatla or her Celtic equivalent, Uecaillech(N), who appears to be a
Titan/Titlani/Litany Neander also, both mother deities's of tribes and
races, both solar swayed, but in the human consciousness, older than
the sun for it was fire that brought awareness/civilization, and wind/storm that we first offered to, e.g., uena(N)=way4, as hunter/
...the ultimate reduction to Caillech=C/Chair leg/ch, one for each
cardinal point and she, the Rose.
...Caledonia(Scotland)mixed in with Katonah(Amerind Chief, urb NY)/
Karthunen(Finn bear clan)/Canton/bern/iueli(N/root)=veil/bear/Inverness/
Iberia/Hibernia/hibernate, yeah, Cale/being solar/don(i)a=Tonatiuh(N)=
sol Anthony, the tone, Calli(s)tona above, forged a constellation,
and lastly, from flute bellows fuelle fire drill, the bagpipe haggis
duddle sack, to give her Basque Iberian name, gaita(sp)=ga/Eca-itoa(N)=
Hecate talks, further north, Breton/Briton=Pitona(N)=Pitli Tonatiuh(N)=
older sister, Caillech, of the Sun, to whom we are all sons and dots.
...lastly, Xilé(N)=fill/file/fire, where the little seat/sillín(sp),
the stool sat in the first use of furniture, Sile(OIrish)=hag
Uecaillech/leg, a root of fire because it means its fuel, wood,
xylo(Gk/pfx)/sylvanus(Lat)=woods=witu(OHG)=qua-uitl(N)=tree. a very early term for fire, later typo error by copyists mistaking the cursive f/sh symbols, e.g., xotl(N)/foot/potli(N)= xilé/fire/piloa(N). also, one can
add, Shiloh(American Civil War Battlefield)=Sh/Xilonen(Aztec deity)=Corn
Doll/Babe, which links with, silo(E)=storage seat for corn, and the Carlin/Caillech/ Sile's moniker as, Corn Dolly.
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