Friday, 11 January 2013
Iber, it's not river, it's (r)iver/iber/iueli(N/adj)=powerful. the (r)
floated in with the Mycenaean language, e.g., pasi-reu=basileus(Gk)=king, =pachoa(N),and began to adorn words as rough jewelry on an already pretty lady.
...iueli(N)=Llewelyn(no more beautiful sound in language, belonging to the
Walsh=ualchiua(N)=arrive to do/own on top). as adjective, iueli(N), is
also warning, e.g., ue(N)=way big, well=uel(N)=reverential of ue(N)=way, and through repeated tragedy suffered at the hands of uel=ver/bears near
rivers, the warning about powerful rivers drowning and bears mauling became encoded into Nauatl, the one language, itself, adding also, IueliPantli(N)=Elephant, Powerful Banner/flag(the trunk) back as far as the Gravettian, 22k BCE and before, as in, iueli(N)=iveri/ivory(E).
...rivers/ivers/Hibernaters are dangerous in Hibernia/Inverness/Iberia/ Bern/Berlin during hiver/invierno not so much, but rivers/iver/iueli(N)
themselves might be dangerous in winter, being more powerful, say, than
Llewelyn Elephant/IueliPant, also known as slon(Russile)ranger(joke)= s/z/tzontli(N)=hair, or, zo(Japanese)=tzontli(N)=hair=wooly mammoth.
...Iueli(N)is a (r)iver of Iberi and Iueli pants with a zo and zlon thrown in early, and there were lions too, when we were animals and language was on the anvil being hammered into a survival tool as well.
...i-uel-i(N)=the 2 (i's) either side are the verb, to drink=i(Nauatl),
e.g., one drinks either side of river, or headwaters to mouth, a reminder that 2 different types of drinkers, at least, will be there,
all predators supposedly.
...i-tetl(N)=stomach, the in-stone, the buffalo=
b/puffaloca=popoloca(N/verb)=grunt's stomach was used as kettle=cetel(OE)=ce tetl(N)=one stone cooking, e.g., there is an Anauac Amerind tribe living in Tecamachalco and Quecollac called the Popoloca, meaning they grunt, murmer among each other, stutter, speak a rude language just as the buffalo grunt to each other constantly when in herd.
...i-uel-i, one sees in(E/preposition)forming, dr-in-k(E) also, e.g.,
...another example of a one letter word, a noun in Nauatl=e(N)=green,
which adds, nouns formed last, e/tl=b-e-an, the B rises later as in
other Nauatl words gone tributary, e.g., omitl(N)=(b)one(E), or,
olinia(N)=(b)oil(E), or, otli(N)=(r)oute/(r)oad/(r)uta(sp), or, iueli(N)
=r)iveri(ne(the Russian Riverine).
...etl(N)=et/l/r=er(Chinauatl)=number 2. interesting as Mayans thought
beans haunted because they caused petards, and that would be, in the
Tonalamatl/Tzolk'in=Tzocatl(N)=Socket, the number 2=Ik(M/2 Tzolk')=
Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=wind/fart). may the Goddess forgive me.
as she is the creator , life Deity, this may be the way Angels are made.
...having the Nauatl letter for bean, e/etl(N), as their 2d number,
in such intimate manner, means the bean/e/etl(N) originated with them,
if one can talk of origin this way, or better put, was/is an extensive
development of theirs, which even today seems to have seeped into their
foreign policy in regard to their claims on the South China Sea, i.e.,
a big stink!
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