Sunday, 3 March 2013


...hoc(proto-Basque)=1.noise/sound, 2.fame/reputation,=ots(Guipuzcoan)= 1.noise/sound, 2.fame/reputation,=h/th/tocaitl(N)=name, renown, honor, repute, tocayo(Mex slang)=someone who has the same name. don't completely believe in proto-language, especially P.I.E., but this fits the meaning and form. otz/oz/os/oc=hoc. ...hogei(proto-Basque)=20=cempoalli(N)=sample(E),=ogei(Guip) = hogoi(Low Navarrese/Lapurdian)=20=h/ch/cocoyotia(N)=go on all 4's x 5=20, =c/ch/hog/coy/oi/tia(N/B). lots of going on all 4's x 5=20 in cave time. ...hoin(proto-Basque)=foot,= oin(Guip)=on/o(N/adj.distance)=over there/por allá/aquello(sp), correlates to in/i(N/adj.cercanía)=here/aquí/esto(sp), thus, o/i(n)/B means the far/there, the near/here=(n)=Nauatl, implying the foot, but sh/xotl(N)=foot(shoe). the on/in, o/i(N)particles would be used if sh/xotl(N)/foot was not yet word, if sound, sh/x(N), was not yet there for Nahoa Basques at cave level. ...hor(proto-Basque)= dog=d/toc/g=toca(N),=tloc(N)=tl/t/dog/c, =ora(Bizkaian)=ho/hor(Zuberoan)=dog,=h/th/toloa(N)=to bow(-wow)the head, e.g., nitla-/nic-toloa(N)=to gulp/wolf down food,=no-tlaz nic-toloa(N)= drool=d/tool/oa=toloa(N).

1 comment:

  1. oin(B)=foot,=o(l)in(N)=movement,=holy,=
