Tuesday, 12 March 2013
...lare(proto-Basque)=pasture/meadow(E)=metl ua(N),=larre(Guipuzkoan), all
dialects, note: rr(B)=ll(N),=t/la rr/lle=tlalle(N)=owner of lands/pastures/
...lari(proto-Basque)=sadness/anxiety,=larri(Gipuzkoan)=anxiety,=tla rr/lli
...lari(proto-Basque)=big/large/voluminous,=larri(Gipuzkoan)=t/la rr/lli=
tlalli(N)=tlalchi(N)=on earth,=chi(Japanese)=earth.
...laru(proto-Basque)=leather=eua/euatl(N)=leave/leather(E),= narru(Bizkaian)=larrü(Zuberoan)=naltona(N)=to be transparent,=naltonac(N)=
translucent, clear, diaphanous, transparent, e.g., laru(B)=pale yellow, i.e., naltonac refers to the sun/tona,=larruts(N)=naked. here, rr(B)=lt/ona.
...las(proto-Basque)=beam/rafter,=laz(Lapurdian)=tlaxotliani(N)=he who cuts
wood lengthwise,=xotla(N)=saw/shoot,=tlaxtlapaloani(N)=he who sets a cross
alabar(sp)=hallelujah/allow/hallow/hello(E)=no atl/nauh(N)=nous(Gk)=brain=
tlaini(N)=train,=know(E)=na-uh(N/2 syllables=know)=no atl(N)=my brain/war/
...lau(Basque)is previous to naui(N)=4, as the real root of
naui/4=oalauh/alaua(N/reverential of atl)=annoint(to the 4 directions).
besides nehuatl/nehua/ne(N)=nerau/neu/ni(Basque)=I/myself/me(E), lau(B) is
prior to naui(Nauatl), this establishes the Basques as the early speakers of Nauatl, the planetary language, the founder effect may lie
in Cappadocia/Capatoctia(N), Anatolia=Ana(N)=increase, grow, =gr-an-d(E).
even earlier speakers exist as haplo groups, such as the Berber/Mazyec,
but the Euzkadi are the intact group that preserves best the Fire Drill
memory of Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N), and in lau/4 the memory of Caillech, the
Welty Uena(N), Ueltiuhtli(N)=older sister(of the Sun), wind Promethea and
deer herder, founder of the 7 races of Chicomoztoc/by the 7 caves.
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ReplyDelete...pia owa(Breton)=the pious/no pick owner.
t/l/rex(Latin)/lex(Latin)=rey/ley(sp), hmmm,
real/leal(sp)=royal/loyal(E)=realtia/tealtia(N)=the altar(E)=reality(E)=loyalty(E)=lealtia(sp)/tealtia(N)=
the altar(N)=theater(E). the preference for roi(Fr)
instead of rey/rex has to do with o=olin=holy and
the fondness for oaths sacred and profane among the
English and the French, but does not change the root
as a mere embellishment.
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ReplyDelete...filth(E)has the ubiquitous i/y/u shift we see so much of, e.g., psyche(E)=psÿché(Lat)=psukhé(Gk)= breath. it is Latin that makes the shift, the ÿ has
a long line over it, meaning, u/o, but the mark goes unnoticed by copiers/printers, producing, i/y.
psukhé(Gk)=poctli(N)=smoke. as our enduring Fire Drill metaphor is we're flame, then psyche=smoke.
...filth(E)=fi/pul/poliuhqui(N/adj.v.)=lost, condemned,=poliuhtiuh(N)=lose one's fortune, goods;
decline, wane, menguar/lessen, disappear, speaking
of the moon,=poliui=folthy/filthy(E).
...there was no origin for root cellars, they just
happened, ruler could come from, r/tuler=toloa(N)=
bow the head, but root=raíz(sp)=tlaza(N)=throw down, altho, r/tooth=to tlantli(N)=our tooth/antler. can't just choose one thread, have to
entertain several weaves. if you pick one you obsess, one sifts. also logic=tloc(N)=beside,=
dock(E), keep sailing,=lock(E), i.e., there is no
language lock, it moves and winds around itself in