Saturday, 16 March 2013


lohi(Basque)=mud(E)=tzotl(N)=sod,sot,zud(Mongol),soil, Tzotz(Mayan bat god),=lohi/thi/ti/tli=tzontli(N)=hair.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. ...Tr'ondëk G/Hwëcch'in(N)=Tonar(sp)=Thunder dëk=
    tukudh(Anglican Missionaries)=tocotin(N)=ancient dance still in use, particularly Yucatan=Yuhcatla(N)=
    desert, solitude, empty space=yuhqui/yuhquin(N)=thus, in this way, such, similar, the same, natural,=Yukon.
    ...Tr'on tok=Tonatiuh toca(N)=Sun stock/breeding,
    referring to the Gwech'in=in uica(N)=Vicars/Wicks,
    e.g., uictli/auictli(N)=paddlers/shovelers.
    ...Sun stock marks them as coming from the East,
    as Toniti did, not Bering, always moving West.
    their paradise is similar to Tlalocan, i.e.,
    where flowers talk. if Tr'on=thunder, we have more
    Tlaloc Thor stones, but the ë/ä throw me, yet, the
    yam yellow of gold nuggets in the river might have
    been taken into account by the Wickens.
