Wednesday, 20 March 2013
1.magal(Basque)=lap/flesh btwn udder&legs/wing/flap/cover,=
magal(Bizkaian/Low Navar/Roncal)=maxtlatl(N)=breechclout.
2.magauri(B)=strawberry,=magauri/maguri(High Navar)=
mazaotli(N)=deer track,=chocholli/deerfoot/half-strawberry.
3.mahanc(B)=grape,=maza(N)xocotl=mazatl xocotl(N)=deer cherry=mazer/mazard/mazzard(E)=prunus avium(L)=
=mami(H.Navar)=mamiqui(N)=chopped/no hands.
matoxaua(N)=prune trees.
matotoca(N)=move arms a lot, maneuver,=matotocani=worker matotopetli(N)=ball=Ollama(N)=Olgau(B)=matotopeuia(N)=play
Ollama tlachtli.
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ReplyDelete...yes. maitl(N)=hand caua(N)=finish/finial.
Delete...shield=chialtia/chieltia/ochialti(N)= child(E), chia/chie/ochix(N)=chialia/chielia/ochiali(N)=
to wait for someone, and have something for them when they get there, i.e., shield/child, or both.
...also another example of x/sh/ch/ph/f shift,
e.g., chieltia/shield/field, i.e., shield land,
given for military service.
...macaua(N)=depart/separate/go/part, lit.,
fall/caer(sp) from one's hands, e.g., nite-macaua(N)=let/allow/permit someone, give permission, authorize, agree, be in accord, concede, let an object fall. that's Magallanes.
...note the (n)=Nauatl in maga(n(Hebrew)=maca(N)=make/give,=ma/maitl/hand be/ca(N), e.g., MicMac(Amerind)=michin maca(N)=
fish makers/givers,=namaca(N)=sell.
...give me your reading on, Almanac, nacatl(N)=flesh, Al-=Tlalli ma=mana(N)=flow,
a quilt/cuicuiltic(N)=many-colored word.
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...72=number of x 260day tonalamatl birthing cal.goes into 52 tuns(Mayan)=360day solar year,
divided by naui(N)=4=90days. as time stands now
the RCC intervention, the Gregorian, has put the Natural calendar, the Tonalamtl, c.60days out of whack(E)=uacalli(N)=squarebox,=thwack(E) =tlaca(N)=rack.
cochi(N)=sleep,=choca(N)=cry(alarm clock).
2 Nauatl roots, e.g., tick tock=ticitl(N)=
doctor/midwife, tock=tloc(N)=lock beside.
...almanac(E)=Tlalli mana nacatl(N)=earth's
flow(of)flesh, e.g., almenikhiaka(Eusebius/iv c.)=names of Lords of the ascendant and their
properties. tlalmana=alma(sp)=soul, Russian
word for Neandertal/Alma.
without necessity=monequi(N)=necessity.
(N)=fly, foot=potli(N)=punt(E).
...poke(E)=popoca(N)=smoke, when a fire smokes
it's poked, and if pig=pork smoked.
...ham(E)=h/th/tamalli(N)=pan o pastel/cake of
corn/pasta, and the same for ham.
rev. of atl/water,=oalauh(N/pret.)=hallow/allow