Thursday, 14 March 2013
...lehia(proto-Basque)=1.wish/desire/zeal, 2.haste/hurry,
3.persistence/longing,=lehia(All dialects/Guipuzkoan)=1/2/3.,
=t/leuia/otleui(N)=abrasarse/tener un calor extremado,=tletl(N)=fire,
flatten, hit, dash/clash(metal),=lertzun/lertsun/lertxoin/letxon/letxun
(Low Navarrese)=t/let/l/r tl(e)co/in(N/definite article)=tletlectli(N)=
especie de halcón/type of falcon=bird of Chalchiuitlicue(N)=Jade Skirt,
goddess of waters, e.g., Chalc/ch=C/halc/ch=halcón(sp)=charco(sp)=pond,
e.g., pasar el charco(sp)=cross the seas. sees use of r to form, tletleco(N/freq.)=rise/leg/trek, and the
-co/in remainder=-co of tle/co, which gives the form, in tletl/in tleco(N)=the fire/the climb, then to, in tletleco(N), definite article, in(N), coming around to the back, t/le(r)co/in, which brings us to the singular root of, tleco(N), but wait, here it is...
...tletleton(N)=diminutive of tletlectli(N). notice the elision of (c) in tletleton=bird of prey, esmerejón(sp)=little cannon/merlin(E), also called, ecachichinqui(N)=who breathes the wind, or, cenotzqui(N)=who calls the frost/la helada(sp).
...merlin, the esmero smear bird, the pestle that grinds=metlatl(N)= mer/t/l atl,=moler(sp)=miller(E), the y/u/i shift is with us again, as in, smirwen(OHG)=múron(Gk)=ointment, =mu/olli=moloctic(N)=diluted, broken, undone,=molonqui(N)=broken, undone, made dust and dry,=moloni(N)=flow, form(clouds), rise/expand/display(feathers). Merlin, the Möller(G)/Miller.
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ReplyDelete...everything is related. we'll develop your literary style yet. Link Books presents, Winnegan's Fake as it should be, word string weaving.
dhautis(Skrt)=tlauizcalli(N/root)=the House of Dawn=tl/t/dawn/uiz. Tlauizcalpan tecutli(N)=Lord of the House of the Dawn, the prosperous god to whom one of the last 4 days of each sign in Judicial Astrology is dedicated,=Quetzalcoatl(Diós del Alba)
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ReplyDelete...sindula(Bantu?)=tzintli toloa(N)=saintly bow
Deletethe head.
...chevrolet=chevre/Cheever=ce uentli(N)=one offering(of)fire=let=t/let/l=tletl(N).
...there is no deeper particle structure than
what you see in word string Letra.
...le'kay(Gwich'in=Squinters=G/ca(N) uic in=
DeleteInca uic(N)=uic/wick=winkers.
...clay(E)=c(l)ay=cayaua/ocayauh(N)=fool oneself, e.g., teca nino-cayaua(N)=laugh at someone,=cayer/caer(sp)=fall, referring to clay's slippery qualities, e.g., glus/gluten(Latin), cf., glue/glutinous,=
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ReplyDelete...esquirol(sp/Port)=ecureuil(Fr)=escurol(Port), hmmm, 2 Nauatl verbs in the Fr.=1.coloa(N)=coil/curl
ReplyDelete(E), and, 2. uilana(N)=drag4 patas, by extension,
hacer niñerias/childish pranks(peek-a-boo), e.g.,
inmiscuirse/butt into someone else's acorn.
coloa(N)refers to the tail and going round the tree, uilana refers to squabbling and stealing that goes on with colouilana(N)=cola(sp)=tail, e.g.,
guilan(Cornish)=gull(E/same squabbling and stealing
from each other)=uilana(N). the -rol(sp/Port)=olin
(N)is explained by the tendency of uilana(N)to insert (o)=olin(N)=m(o)ve into, ui(o)lana(N), to form violent(E), which squirrel/skworl play is,
and plenty of chattering/screeching/scolding.