Sunday, 10 March 2013


...lan(proto-Basque)=work,=lan(all Basque dialects)=tlan(Nauatl/locative)= with, afterwards, near, in/on, under, between, locative of tlalli(N)=land/ earth, e.g., t/l/ran(E/preterit of, run). Gui-puz-coa, the root, confirms types of work/lan consists of: G/uitequi(N)=thresh/winnow, te-puztli(N)= back/dorso(sp)=dorsal(E), coa(Amerind)=planting(stick)=Coatl(N/5 Tona)= c/ch/houwa(OHG)=hoe(E). tlamiltia(N)=finish a work,=tlami(N)=tlamic(N)=20, used to count ears of corn from 20 to 39, e.g., tlamic caxtolli once(N)= 20/15/1=36. ...lanbro(proto-Basque)=fog/mist/drizzle,=lanbro(all Basque dialects)= tlan poa(N)=land power/blower(E). the fact there are no variations from proto to Basque dialects marks tlalli/tlan as chitoni(N)=chthonic(Gk/E)= sparky words of Fire Drill Origin, tlatla(N/verb)=burn/light/shine, confirming my theory that tl(N)=first language sound/letter, running from pp550-702 in Simeón's Nauatl Dicc., isbn 968-23-0573-x, 152 pages, a study of which would give, with a bit of winnowing, the early vocabulary of man, and his Neandertal compadre. ...lancer(proto-Basque)=drizzle/fine rain,=lantzer(Zuberoan)= tlan celtic(N)=land greener/refresher. ...lapar(proto-Basque)=bramble=pampa(N/postposition)=for/for love/because of, e.g., tepampa nitla-tzaqua(N)=i pay for someone, expiate his faults,= lapar(all Basque dialects)=llapar(Zuberoan)=the double ll=tl(N)=tlapatl(N)=Ricinus Communis=the castor bean tree/bush. t/lapar/t/l=tlapatl(N). again, the early word. ...lape(proto-Basque)=shelter=chieltia(N)=shield/child(E),=lape(Zuberoan)= tlaptli(N)=coffer/box, e.g., tlaptli petlacalli(N)=Noah's Ark. ...larain(proto-Basque)=threshing floor,=larrain(Guipuzcoan)=tlaltlaini(N) =tlalli/earth/floor tlaini=t/l/raini=rain. t/larr/lli t/l/rain. the double rr of larrain is correct, found in, Bizkaian, Guipuzcoan, High Navarrense, Lapurdian, Zuberoan. the initial double ll=llarne=(Roncalese),=tl(N).


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  2. ...fallow/shallow=xalli(N)=sand. as before mentioned there is a p/ph/f/sh connection between Nauatl/sh
    and its tributaries/f, e.g., xilé(N)=fire/file/fill/shill, or, xotl(N)=foot=potli,
    and, Xolotl(N/Lord of monsters/twins)=foal/follow.
    ...ll(Basque)=tl(N), rr(Basque)=tl(N).
    ...pollen(E)=in poll, from the head of flowers, is
    a flour fine. there is a mixing of roots, poloa(N)=
    polvo(sp)=dust=teuh(s)tli(N)=t/deu(s)t, polocatl(N)=chaff used to stuff mattresses; small
    seed eaten in times of famine, and, poa/opouh(N).
    as r comes late in language, the English and Harvardians still haven't discovered it, it's often used as an extra sound to finish or begin a word,
    e.g., otli(N)=odos(Gk)=(r)oute/(r)oad, even, odol(B)=(b)lood(E), or, poa(r)=powar/power.

  3. ...ll/rr(Basque)=tl(Nauatl).
    ...winnow(E)=vétyti(Lith)=uitequi(N), and,
    limn(E),=tzipi-ten/tli(N)=lisp-lip/edge(action of winnowing), ah, lip=pauilia(N)=limn=lip(E),=siften
    ...winnow(E)=windwigsife(OE)=winnowing sieve= tzipi-(N/pfx),=windwig=uent uica(N)=wentwicksieve,
    hmmm, uentica(N/adv.)=with offering, hmmm,
    uen-nolhuia(N)=offering nourish, yes,=winnow.
