Monday, 28 January 2013


...Oceloxochitl(N)=Ocelot flower=herba laetificans(Latin)=laetifico(Latin) =fertilize,=laetus(Latin)=fat/rich,=lotus(Latin/E)=lotos(Gk). ...Ocelotl/Ocelome(N)=celOim(Etruscan prayer/3d term)=Elohim(H/dual God). ...Ati(Etr)/Atl(N/9 Tonalamatl), Cathe(Etr)/Ecatl/N/2 Tonalamatl); Luthe(Etr)/-Lotl(N/Ocelotl)=Lotus(Latin/E), CelOim(Etr)=Oce-(N/Ocelotl). the Etruscan Prayer with Nauatl Equivalent. note, Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl) is split and reversed, e.g., -Lotl Oce-, to make 3d and 4th element of Prayer, also making words, -Lotl/Lotus/Luz(sp)=dar luz(sp)=give birth, and, Oce-/Cell. ...teyolchipauac(N)=the heart/yollotl(N)chip/purified. Lotus derives from Ocelotl(N/14 Tonalamatl), becomes the word, lotl(N)leoht(OE)= lioht(OHG)=light(E), the birth of the Tone=Chauvet Pont d'Arc, 35k-22k BCE, then spreads the Tonalamatl Calendar to where the Lotus and Ozomatli(N/11)= monkey, Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Fire Drill being with the Gramma of the West, as Chinese say=cea(N)=not one,=desire= de-s/cea-r=desear(sp)=decir(sp). are more ingredients to the Lotus salad: Elohim(H/dual deity), and, a Chinese title of respect, Loutea/Loytia, with the following 1598 quote from Linshoten: "not any Man in China is esteemed or accounted of, for his birth, family, or riches, but onely for his learning and knowledge, such as they that serve at every towne, and have the government of the same". this would be a Lotus, born in the mud but excelling/Ocelot on the surface. the Arabs of Al Maqar, 7k BCE, the Hebrews located in the Orient, India, China, Silk Trail, drumming inland while Arabs followed the coast(E)=coa(s)t=Coatl(N/5 Tona)=Co(mes to water)atl=snake.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

yang,=palli(N)=black hair dye,=Bali(Chi)=Paris. 2.shian(Chi)=fairy/immortal,=tzitzimitl=lady dart=woman who dies on first childbirth,=shi(Chi)=west/hope/pity, their chief= Itzpapalotl/Obsidian butterfly, goddess of being/calli(N) =house, direction ciuatlampa/woman's side/west. they spell dead warriors at noon overhead then troop into the sunset each day. 3.chern(China)=dust/morning star=ch/c/g/yeliztli(N)=essence/ state/nature,=Quetzalcoatl=teuhtli=deust/dust=Zeus/skysnake. 4.poh(Chi)=break; broken/ruined,=poloa(N)=destroy, lose, ruin. 5.ban(Chi)=move,=pan(N)=crossing,=apan/ford. 6.shya(Chi)=red clouds,=shayo(J)=the setting sun, the new poor/upperclass in decline,=xaua(N)=color up/dress old style. 7.jang(Chi)=screen/bill/account,=weapons/fight/rely on,= yang/yank/ia(n)c=iaculor(L)=acolli(N)=shoulder(E).

Latin lotus

laetus(L)=rich,=laetifico=fertilize,=herba laetificans= teyolchipauac(N)=oceloxochitl(N)=ocelot/rose=oce-lotl=lotus (E/L)=lotos(Gk)=gladden/rejoice,=teyotl/tenyotl=renown,= teyotia/tenyotia=be powerful,=ocelotl=totem birthing felid.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Ra/Tlatla Egypt

1.fie(s)ta(sp)=pietás(L)=pie/pia(N)=no pick(E)=pi/opic(N). 2.ilhuiz(N/adv)=much more,=ilhuichiua=make fiesta,=ilhuilli= merit/recompense,=ilhuiti=to be considered worthy,=ilhuitl= fiesta,=ilhuicatl=sky,=ilhuicaatl=sea,=ilhuitl pielli/pielo= mandate fiesta,=uel cemilhuitl=all day,=Tepeilhuitl(N)=fiesta de las montañas, 13th, last 20day/month of Tonalamatl. heb(Egypt)=fiesta,=tepeilhuitl/tepetl=mountain. 3.tepehuitztli(N)=hebeny(Heb)=ebony balls taken from wood. 4.uaa, xet(Egypt)=boat/sail,=ua atl(N)=own/water,ceti/cetia(N)= set/sit,=ketch/kedge/cadge=ecatl ce(N)=catch=one wind up. 5.hem(Egypt)=helm=h/th/temo(N)=lower,=t/remo(Sp)=oar. 6.hennu(Egypt)=sacred boat,=h/ph/pennu=pinaua(N)= =brenna(ON)=burn. Pharoah sails at solar Ra=R/Tlatla in funerary boat placed in tomb for immolate voyage.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Pa Patlani,=patlani(Nauatl)=fly,=pa(opa(N)=paint(E).,=aqui(Nauatl)=enter,=aquí(sp/adv)=here,=ici(Nauatl/ Fr)=here, aqhet(Egypt)=springtime., sign of Quetzalcoatl.,=b/pa(Nauatl)=paint(E). ...bak(Egypt)=toil/labor,=b/paca/opac(N)=wash=bach(G)=brach(OE)=brook(E). Tonalamatl), e.g., atl is in the Cipactli(N/1 Tona)/Sebek quadrant of the Tonalamatl, and is the 17th trecena=Atl-Cipactli(N). at(Turkish)=horse. ...Heqt(Egypt)=wife of the creator of the world and goddess of birth,= Ecatl/Ehecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl)=Hecate, breath, life deity, the windweaver, shuttle star Venus. ...qam(Egypt)=crocodile skin, black,=camileua/camiliui(N)=take color, mature(cure), referring to fruits, e.g., Mt. Ca(r)mel, camel, chamois, gamuza(sp), shammy(E), gamiza(OHG), from the root, camatl(N)=mouth.,=atl-ap/f-alli(N)=wing/atlapalli(N). ...serq(Egypt)=scorpion(E)=circle(E)=c/serq/cle=coloa(N)=coil(E)/curl(E)= colotl(N)=s/col/rpion. ...xet/khet(Egypt)=wood/branch=kaede(J)=cedar(E)=al qaeda(Arab)= kedar(Basque)=caithne(OIrish)=arbutus,=caerthan(OIrish)= rowan,= quauitl(Nauatl/root)=witu(OHG)/gwydd(Walsh)=wood(E). ...i(Egypt)=to go,=ir(sp)=idti/itti(Russile)=itta(Nauatl)=to see, e.g., altepeitta(N)=go see the towns,=alte/dea=aldea(sp)=altepetl(N)=atl/ water mountain/tepetl. ...a(Egypt)=feather,=a/tlapalli(Nauatl)=wing of bird, leaf of plant; vassal, worker, townsman,=ala(sp)=wing, e.g., at/la.

Monday, 21 January 2013


(Ññ)=Otomitl. 1.ximhai(Ññ)=mainland/world,=xim/chi(J)=tlalchi(N)=on earth/land, =hai/tlaini(N)=cultivator. 2.hai(Ññ)=mainland, soil, land,=tlalli/tlaini(N)=earth/cutlivator. 3.ñutsi(Ññ)=cave,=Otzi(Tyrol)=oztotl(N)=cave.Ññ)=valley,=nete/cayan(N)=hiding place,=mo-teca=gather. 5.Otomi=oton/tomi(N)=open/undo,=otoño(sp)=otome(J)=maiden,=otona(J)=adult,= Tonatiuh(N)=sun. nenthe/nengi/nani/nanthe(Ññ)=shore,=n/tentli(N)=lip/edge,Athens/Atena(sp)=by the water/Atl(N/9 Tonalamatl). nani/nanthe(ÑN)= Nantucket=Nantli tzocatl(N)=mother socket, or, socket edge, if (a=e=nen/ tentli), nantli(E)=mother is more than plausible as man has always believed the ocean to be mother=motla(N)=montaña(sp). nana(N)=ana(N/verb)=increase/grand(E). ...xotha(Ññ)=cliff,=xotla(N/verb)=cut wood, cloth,=shoot(E)=xotl(N)=foot =potli(N)=boot(E/Germ)=shoe(E)=joder(sp/verb)=step on,=xodeet(Russile)= come and go(on foot, but now, any conveyance). ...dazabi(Ññ)=sea/ocean,=d/t/laza pi/opic(N)=pick,=tlaza-pi(N)=throw down pick=beach comb? or, pi/opic(N)=pixca(N)=harvest,=pesca(sp)=fishing. ...(d/t/la)zabi(Ññ)=bay, lake=l/t/laca(N)=body. ...fugi(Ññ)=foam(E)=f/pom(Mayan)=fume(E)=fumar(sp)=plume(E)=spume(E)= fugi(Japanese)=immorality, injustice; child out of wedlock, =poctli/puctli(N)=smoke/humo(sp)=fuchi(Spamex)=ugh, yuck, dirty., Chalcatzingo, Excavations of the Olmec Frontier, David. C. Grove, Thames and Hudson, 1984.

Sunday, 20 January 2013


=ludus(L)=pastime,=ludia(L)=fem.gladiator,=Lydia(name)= lidia(sp)=fightludio(L)=actor,=ludicrum(L)=stage play, ludi(Basque)=world,=lotus=lodo(sp)=mud(E)=sod/sot/slut= tzotl(N)=lurtar(B)=earthling,=Lud(London)=lot/slot= Ocelotl/N/14/Tona)=Lord/lute/Luther/luthe(Tarquin)= luz/dar luz(sp)=birth,=al'oud(Arab)=(r)ud(Pers)=wood(E)=tlacuilo- quauitl(N)=painter/writer tree,=uitl/witu(OHG)= quitra/ki(J)tra/chitarra. Early lutes/feline head/skin, 5K BC.

Saturday, 19 January 2013


...ku(J)=pain, suffering/the 9th/division/verse, haiku=Dai/Tiaoyutai(Taiwan)=Tai(J)=Zone=Tzoneua yuhti(Nauatl)=Overboard from the beginning/yuhti(N)=just/justice, the Daiyutai(Chi-na) require it. ...according to Chinese logic/location/tloc(N)=beside, Tzone once belonged to them and always will. in that case, the UN will have to cede Mexico to the Olmec Japanese of 2k BCE, as they were the Lords of that time on the laderas(sp)/sides of Popocatepeptl(N)=smoking mountain, and Little Big Horn will be forever Sioux=Tzouia(N/verb)=hunt with a rope=nawa(J)= Nauatl, the Blue Marble planetary language. the Woads=ua atl(N)=tatooed sailors who took England/Ecatl(N/2 Tona)by storm=ecaitz(Basque)/ecauitz(N) =Hecate wits(E)will invest it again, and Iberian Beiras regain West Ireland Cork=coq/coquette(Fr)=acoquetza(N)=conquer(E), and Wales=Ualchiua(N)=arrive/Ual to own/ua(N)on top/chi(N), to do/chiua(N). ...Senka(J)=war,=S/Ce(N)ca=the one being,=Zen(J)=a tray=treg(OE/hypothetic form)=tr/tlec/g=tleco(N)=trek(E)=leg(E)=reach/stretch(E)/link(E)=between kitchen and table, z/cenar(sp)=dine. let them have at it, tired of the Falklands anyhow. the Japanese will turn the Chinese jets to plows, but, here comes another tray=treg(OE/hyp. form)=tregua(sp)=truce(E)=regulate(E) =r/tlec/gular=tleco(N)=arise(E).

Friday, 18 January 2013


...raecan(OE)=reka(OFrisian)=raehte/rahte(OE/past tense)=r/t/leco= tleco(N)=leg/lecture/trek=reach(E). tleco/lecture/lex/rex means to rise(E) =r/t/l i/ec/se. ...reach2=spit/hawk=retch(E)=hraecan(OE)=hraekja(ONorse)=spit,=hraka(OE)= hraki(ONorse)=spittle=petla(N)=throw, hmmm, hawk(E)=h/th/t/laca=tlaca(N)= body,=tl/thraka=t/hraka(OE)=spit, odd, but it works. yet, the motion of spit/petla(N)=tleco(N)=tl/tre(t)ch=tleco(N). let's look at rack(E). ...rack(E)=r/t/laca=tlaca(N)=body,=racken(MLG/MDu), but also, recken, then vowel (e) dominates=reccan(OE)=rekkian(OSaxon)=recchan(OHG)=rechen (G)=rekja(ON), then regere(Latin), which is pure, r/t/lec/gere=tleco(N) gets mixed in. yes, all the racks, and there are 6 of them, come from rise(E)=tleco(Nauatl), and the 2 forms of racket. reckon i'll reach for a racket on that rack if my horse, who is racking, i.e., lifting 2 feet simultaneously on the same side=tleco(N)=trekking? will lean(E)=hlinian (OE)=tilinia(N)=extend; stretch the bow,=line/linen/till/until i'm near= n(i)ar(OFrisian)=nahor(OSaxon/OHG)=naar(Dutch)=to, for, after,=nal(N/adv)= used with atl(N)=water, e.g., on the other side, further down the river/sea, or as prefix to verb=nalquixtia(N)=row to the finish, naltona(N)=clear, be day, be transparent(of an object). ...other words from tleco(N)=wreck/wrack/stretch(reach)/teach(lecture)/ (b)each(mostly on the rise)/each=ilk(E)=tlec(N)where the t/lec has disappeared completely, i.e., to be considered separately is to be elevated.

Thursday, 17 January 2013


...=House/Water House/Ship/Chipeua. Sicily at 16k BCE/Upper Paleolithic is known to have supported 2 populations. one who lived on large cuadrupeds, a deer tribe, e.g., Ittalli(Nauatl/adj.v.)=Italy(E), largest fishing port in country=Mazara=Mazatl(Nauatl/7 Tonalamatl)del Vallo=Deer of the Vallo= Uallaliztli(N)=arrival,=Valley(E)=Mazara del Vallo, Sicily. ...yet both Epigravettian, Upper Paleo populations had no marine fish in their diet. the NW group, the Addaura Grotto bone collagen showed Cervus Elaphus/red deer, the NE San Teodoro Grotto had Cervus Elaphus, et al., and salmo trutta, but no other aquatic resources. ...the answer to lack of marine protein in their collagens is their food problem was solved with what Sicily offered in its forests and streams. the more complex answer has to do with their housing, which, from the title of this post in the language these Sicilian Upper Paleoliths used, the planetary language, Nauatl, is that the house one lives in determines the boat/ships one uses as house building/boat construction are related crafts. in the Epigravettian, deer tribes used the tepee=tepetl(N)= mountain, i.e., sticks covered with deer skin, which also served for their entire haberdashery, from moccasins=mocactzintli(N)=my Hon. shoes/ xotl(N)=foot=potli(N)to skirts, shirts, jackets, breechclouts. that view of Addaura/San Theodoro housing, the inhabitants would only have been capable of skin boats, if they had a developed basket industry for coracles, or rafts, perhaps, like the Nivke, log canoes= acalli(N)=chipeua(N)=purified, skinned trees. only later, when Yurts= yuhti(N)=just/justice, from the beginning, Gers(Mongol)=G/Cel/rs=cel/ celtin(N)=only/alone. obviously there was no need of marine vessels as the land=tlalli(N)provided and monequi(N)=need(money)wasn't necessary because they lived in amonequi(N)=without need,=H/a(r)mony/qui. ...Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=Deer/deor(OE)/Teotl(N)is a complete animal, which answers the entire range of human needs, e.g., food, clothing, implements: shovels/knapping flint and retouching with antler=tlantli(N) =tooth=tl/t/th/hand/tli=hand(E), shelter, ritual: basis for our religions today and their terminology. once in the charmed circle of the Deer, nothing more is needed. Christ, the fisherman comes later.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


...=twiight, dusk, nightfall; end of the year; late autumn(E)=otoño(sp) =Otomitl(N)=Amerind tribes who live in caves and from the hunt, from, oton(N)=Oton, chief of Otomies, Otontecuhtli(N)=one of the first Otomi chiefs who was elevated to a God=Tonatiuh(N)=the Sun,=Otontlamacazque(N)= ministers/governors of the Otomies, e.g., oton(N/preterit)=Tonatiuh/the sun having past summer solstice. e.g., otona(J)=adult, having past his summer solstice and in the autumn/otoño of years, and, otome(J)= maiden,=otonashii(N)=gentle, meek, mild, quiet, good. in the 15th c. AD, they allied themselves to the Chichimec=IchichiuhMecatl(N)=maguey scrapers of Texcoco, the cultural satellite to Tenochtitlan of the Aztecs. ...some disagreement among speakers as to what kure(J) means. some say, wait for me, when used in phrase, e.g., kure=coloa(N)=color, i.e., twilight/dusk(colors, ne?), and, coloa(N)=coil/curl(wait, ne?), and others say it means, scram, wel=uel(N), coloa(Nauatl)=correr(sp)= correle(sp)=run to it/scram/beat it,=that's cool(E). ...the Otomi=Totomitl(N)=bird spearers?, has been suggested as a variant root. ah, language, not able to locate my tiny glossary of it, ah, but is decayed particle Nauatl a rude people would use, not having named themselves, sound is notable for its aspirance, abundant and concise. Otomis today are the carboneros/charcoal vendors and basket makers of the highplains around Hidalgo state, e.g., thaa(Otom)=corn,= tlalli(N)=earth?,=tlaolli(N)=earth rolls/shuck niblets/grain off the cob,=Tao=the way, and, ehe(Otomi)=to come,=ehco/eco(N)=llegar(sp)= arrive,=yegua(sp)=mare,=equine(E)=eoh(OE). ...more dialects around Toluca, which gets quite frosty in winter. the Mazaua=deer owners are there, still weaving wool, and from them we get the word, tuna/prickly pear=ettuni(Mazaua)=etl Tonatiuh(N)=frijol del sol/sun bean(E).

Sunday, 13 January 2013


her image on a 4c BC Roman copy of a Greek statue of her daughter, Athena, who wears a Corinthian helmet, really a sprout of Quiotl(N)=tallo/stalk of maguey=metl(N)plant belonging to her Mother, first deity of wisdom. Polynesian Metis is on Athena's pectoral, head flung back, hair rippling as rope=nawa(J)diety that she is, 7 snakes/Chicome Coatl=7th day of 7th trecena Tonalamatl, Quiahuitl(N)=rain storm. 2.Quiahuiztecatl(N)Olmec Liangzhu Taoite/tlaolli tetl rulers of Mexico, BCE,=uiz(tec)atl= wiz-ard(E)=water wizards, cf., Chalcatzingo, Morelos. 3.sima(Finn)=sima(OE)=rap/rope=simo(ON)=sime(OSax)= cima(N/sp)=on top=China. Rapa Nui(Easter isle)=tlapa nolhuia(Nawa/Nihon=rope)=wrap rope nurse. 4.wisdom of Metis=midrash(Heb)=mesivta(H)=metivta(H)=methivta(H)= metivnti(H)=metl iuintic(N)=iuintic/drunk(on)wisdom= Metis/metl(N). 5.Yeshiva(H)=ye(N)=be Cipactli/scribe/schreiber/ shiva=model for Egyptian Thoth, elder son of Ra/Tlatla(Tones).

Friday, 11 January 2013

Iber, it's not river, it's (r)iver/iber/iueli(N/adj)=powerful. the (r) floated in with the Mycenaean language, e.g., pasi-reu=basileus(Gk)=king, =pachoa(N),and began to adorn words as rough jewelry on an already pretty lady. ...iueli(N)=Llewelyn(no more beautiful sound in language, belonging to the Walsh=ualchiua(N)=arrive to do/own on top). as adjective, iueli(N), is also warning, e.g., ue(N)=way big, well=uel(N)=reverential of ue(N)=way, and through repeated tragedy suffered at the hands of uel=ver/bears near rivers, the warning about powerful rivers drowning and bears mauling became encoded into Nauatl, the one language, itself, adding also, IueliPantli(N)=Elephant, Powerful Banner/flag(the trunk) back as far as the Gravettian, 22k BCE and before, as in, iueli(N)=iveri/ivory(E). ...rivers/ivers/Hibernaters are dangerous in Hibernia/Inverness/Iberia/ Bern/Berlin during hiver/invierno not so much, but rivers/iver/iueli(N) themselves might be dangerous in winter, being more powerful, say, than Llewelyn Elephant/IueliPant, also known as slon(Russile)ranger(joke)= s/z/tzontli(N)=hair, or, zo(Japanese)=tzontli(N)=hair=wooly mammoth. ...Iueli(N)is a (r)iver of Iberi and Iueli pants with a zo and zlon thrown in early, and there were lions too, when we were animals and language was on the anvil being hammered into a survival tool as well. ...i-uel-i(N)=the 2 (i's) either side are the verb, to drink=i(Nauatl), e.g., one drinks either side of river, or headwaters to mouth, a reminder that 2 different types of drinkers, at least, will be there, all predators supposedly. ...i-tetl(N)=stomach, the in-stone, the buffalo= b/puffaloca=popoloca(N/verb)=grunt's stomach was used as kettle=cetel(OE)=ce tetl(N)=one stone cooking, e.g., there is an Anauac Amerind tribe living in Tecamachalco and Quecollac called the Popoloca, meaning they grunt, murmer among each other, stutter, speak a rude language just as the buffalo grunt to each other constantly when in herd. ...i-uel-i, one sees in(E/preposition)forming, dr-in-k(E) also, e.g., iuintic(N)=drunk/borracho(sp). ...another example of a one letter word, a noun in Nauatl=e(N)=green, which adds, nouns formed last, e/tl=b-e-an, the B rises later as in other Nauatl words gone tributary, e.g., omitl(N)=(b)one(E), or, olinia(N)=(b)oil(E), or, otli(N)=(r)oute/(r)oad/(r)uta(sp), or, iueli(N) =r)iveri(ne(the Russian Riverine). ...etl(N)=et/l/r=er(Chinauatl)=number 2. interesting as Mayans thought beans haunted because they caused petards, and that would be, in the Tonalamatl/Tzolk'in=Tzocatl(N)=Socket, the number 2=Ik(M/2 Tzolk')= Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=wind/fart). may the Goddess forgive me. as she is the creator , life Deity, this may be the way Angels are made. ...having the Nauatl letter for bean, e/etl(N), as their 2d number, in such intimate manner, means the bean/e/etl(N) originated with them, if one can talk of origin this way, or better put, was/is an extensive development of theirs, which even today seems to have seeped into their foreign policy in regard to their claims on the South China Sea, i.e., a big stink!

Thursday, 10 January 2013


...god(OE/OFrisian/OSaxon)=goed(Dutch)=guot(OHG)=gut(Ger)=gothr(ONorse)= goths(Gothic), only hypothetically do we have the form, gath for gather, yet a suitable mnemonic for goed(Du)=g(o)/ceti/cetia(N)=the holy=(o) setting/sitting, and one could say, gathering, nothing wrong with another link word inclusion rather than be exclusive for the sake of haggling= h/th/t/tlac/ggling=body=tlaca(N)=t/l/raka(Fennec)=sin. ...however, gather, Katheryn, ekatheron(Gk), Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=throw together, e.g., leaves in autumn, snow in winter, shadows in evening, or this phrase with words all of the same root: gather(the)cast together (in the)cathedral(for)Hecate=Ecatl/Ehecatl(N/root). ...goditi(OSlavonic))=be pleasing. here we see, itta(N)=see, which uses the verb, altepeitta(N/verb)=go see the towns, e.g., aldea(sp)=alte/dea= altepetl(N)=lit., water mountain, as in gorod(Russile)=town=stone=Tonatiuh =tun(Mayan)=tune(E)=Downtown(by Petula Clark). itta(N)=uses verb altepeitta(N)=to transform itself by usage within Nauatl into the verb, to go=itti/idti(Russile/verb), thus, goditi(OSlav)=be pleasing, i.e., sit well/go well/set well=uel(N)=ue(N)= way(E), godu(Russile)=suitable time,=god(Russile)=year,=godnij(Russile)= suitable, one suit/year? interesting that the russian year would mean the Holy Sitting=god(R)=goed(Dutch). the Russian o pronounced a. ...geta(ONorse)=beget(E)=get(E)=ceti/cetia(N). the primal meaning of get= beget, where the woman sits/sets to deliver, related to sitar/guitar, to bring a tone/tonalli(N)=soul into the world. the overriding metaphor is, we are music of the sun=Tonatiuh(N)/Anthony, recorded in the soul papers/ Tonalamatl(N)of 260 days, revolving 73 times in a 52 yr period, including the 5 uncounted days/nemontemi(N/there is a Hebrew equivalent to this word but can't find the form as it is used to designate something else), but without the (13)leap yrs. ...not counting the leap years was determined as probable cause for the famine and Aztec calendar reform of 1454, whose correction incidentally gave us 2 dates for the foundation of Teotihuacan, 262 BCE and 302 BCE, 40 yrs apart.

Sunday, 6 January 2013


...and example of how (m)label, (m/nauatl), changes a word, makes it difficult to source, hu(m)p=hup(E)=call to a horse, i.e., hop(E)=h/ch/copina/cup=copinaloni(N)=molde(sp)/mold=copy(E). clown, sprite,=hob(E)=form of grate, in form of hubbe/hub(E)=nave of wheel(it's cup/hump),=hobnail(E)=nail with massive head and short tang,=cobblin' Goblin=Gobelin(Anglo-Norman), Cobolt(Ger). ...whenever chafa(sp/caló)linguists can't root a word, they go into their chameleon imitative disguise, telling reader it's onomatopoeic crow, e.g., croak(E)=crok(E/xiii)=crakketan(OE)=E/crake(xiv)=creke(E/ obsolete)=crouk(E/obsolete), but a check with real language Nauatl and Spanish=cotaloa/ocotalo(N/verb)=croar(sp)=croak(E). note entry of (r) in the Spanish, dated after 3309 BCE, Quetzalcoatl Expedition.

Friday, 4 January 2013


faerie fay=fata(Ital)=fada(Port)=hada(sp)=h/f, ph/patla(N)= nite-patla(N)=replace one person with another,=swap(E),=nitla-patla(N)=change, interchange, trocar(sp), fundir/melt, dilute a thing. pixie(E)=nixen(Ger)=nisse(Scand)=piqui/opic(N)=form oneself, approach gather, unite, lit., who picks,=finger/ fingir(sp)/feign/pinquino=penguin=pie(N)=no pick piety. sprite(E)=spreit/sprete(ME)=petla(N)=into the breech, break down doors,=petra/piedra. tonttu(Finn)=haltija(Finn)=companion spirit=Luonto(Finn)= =tonto=tonalli(N)=soul=Tonatiuh(N)=solar companion spirit=Sun Anthony=tomte/nisse. kobold/cobold(German)=dwarf, dresses as peasant when in human homes, a miner when in mines, a sailor with pipe when on ship, known as a klaubautermann. cobalt/cobaltite(arsenical)named after mining cobold. like all dwarf names, there is a trick to finding the root of its name. one takes from one planet, one mythology, one language Nauatl a word similar to cobold's construction, ah, there's no (b) in Nauatl and the (p)constructions don't fit either, in form or sympathetic meaning, aha, here is coloa(N)=coil/curl, colotl(N)=scorpion, small/deadly, here it is, colotli(N)=idol, armature, horn,=gold(E), and we have the cobold's metal=cobalt. Alux(Mayan)=aluch/aloc=Tlaloc(N)=alush(Tzotzil Mayan)=soft metal for axe,=copper,=alush/s/c=aloc=Tlaloc(N)=Deer Age, 45k BCE-10k BCE,= Chalciuitlcueye(N)/Chalcolithic. now follow cobold/colotli(N)as it goes into Russile/Polish=zoloto(R)=zloti(P). Russile zoloto keeps the form of colotli/cobold but consonant changes from c/s/z, the vowels o/o shift to klaubauter=au/au= kobalos(Gk)/kaubauters/cobalt. to construct=zabalt=zab/patl= zapa/zapatl(N)=zapato/zapatero(sp)=zapa/zhapa/hapa/japan= d/japa=d/w a(r)p/f=dwarf(E). cobold(Ger)/zapa(N)=cobbler=copina(N/root)=copy/cob= cobble=hobbit/hobgoblin, coble(Scand/N.Eng)=fishing boat,= zabot(Fr.)=zapa potli=zapotl(N)=small boat, cob(E.Frisian)= gull/uilana=cobellum(AL/xiii)=cobla(AL/xiv)=ceubal(W)=lighter/ skiff,=caubel(Breton),=bot/boot(Ger)=boat/boot=potli(N).

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Uecaitta Caillech

...the White Goddess, Winter Wind, herds deer/deor(OE)/teotl(N), the primary wind animal and first Venus jumping horizons. Uecaillech, known as Sile(Irish)=sh/xilé(N)=sillín(sp)=first piece of (cave) furniture, the stool/toloa(N)=bow the head. many words in orbit around her Gaelic genius, e.g., uecaitta(N)=far seeing,=wiccan/wicam(OE)= witch. xilé(N)=silent(E)=xylo-(Gk/prefix)=wood=selva/sylva(Latin)=woods, even harmonic root, uic/uica(N)=vicar,=ueltiutli(N)=older sister, uel/wel(N/prefix)=vela(sp)=veil=welt(E)=hem/ridge, e.g., veil's welt. their is another chair=ecail/r=ecatl ilhuicatl(N)=sky chair, tied to earth/tlalli(N)=tla=dra-sil=Sile(Irish)=hag, none other than Ig-dra-sil, Odin's tree and drasill(ONorse)=horse,=Tlalli xilé(N)=earth seat, Ig said to be Odin himself, but=Ig/Ic(N)=here,=ici(N/Fr)=aquí(sp). ...Uecaillech, -lech=tleco(N)=leg, i.e., far-seeing being heaven's leg= Uecaillech(N), a reasonable match for Ig-dra-sil(Norse), the ash tree, whose twigs look like chocholli(N)=deer hooves, and leaves like flaked clovis(points). ...Beira=Caillech=bear=Iberia=iueli(N)=adj and root for bear/ber/ver/vel/veil/veltiuhtli(N), a blending here, then Callisto-na, of Greek myth, bear sun being, the Big Dipper, Osa mayor. hard to escape the hints/links that Uecaillech comes out of bear worship. she is also symbol for Tlatla-tzol-teotl cave deity, but no mention of felines/Ocelome(N), so far. ...yes, the hag is the life wind, with 7 youths to begin the tribes and races. were there 7 tribes originally? it means one offering=7, ritual number=ce uentli(N)=ce/se-ven/uen. ...the Amerinds say, "we come from Chicomoztoc, the 7 caves, and cavities of the body". another way to say we come from 7=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=deer/deor/Teotl(N). but, yes, Caillech/Heaven's legger/ ledger/lodger is the storm hag=ecaitz(Basque)=ecauitz(N)=Hecate comes, then relieves Maz(OHG)=Mazatl(N/7)=cmazat(Russile)=annoints as Venus, shuttle/xiotl(N)star/citlalli(N)=zilar(Basque)=silver(E)=cbet/cbetok (Russile)=light/flower=Ueycitlalin(N)=way star(E) Venus, once venison. ...Ue-ca-il-lech(N)=way being sky/sea=ilhuicatl/ilhuicaatl(N) leg= Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 Tona), but Hecate's number is tri-form Hecate, 3. not mentioned is her third aspect, chthonic=chitoni(N)=sparky, except when she gathers firewood/cuauitl(N)=tree, or, as geologic topography drops stones from her apron as land formations, or herself turns to stone. yet, her Irish name, Sile=xilé(N)gives her a little seat, sillín, around the fire. ...the Roman Quarry, David Jones, Sheep Meadow press, NYC, 1981, ISBN 0-935296 25-5, p.6, footnote 4: Sulis, female Celtic deity assoc. with Bath, linked with Minerva(?), a Sulis/Minerva cult developed in connexion with warm springs-fire rites were part of the ritual. ...Sulis(Bath)=suil(OIrish)=eye/gap=Tlatla-tzol-teotl(Nauatl)=patroness of hot Bathes/Temazcalli(N)=thermal(E) houses, tzol(N)=t/z/zh/hole(E)= haul(Welch)=sun=solis(OIrish)=sol(Latin). the hole referred to is the 3 hole unit to mark the 4 Movements of the sun, e.g., Tzolk'in(Mayan Calendar)=the Socket/Tzocatl, of solstice and equinox, the equinox being the mid-hole between summer and winter solstice. ...Suil(OIrish)=Sile(OIrish)=tzol(N)=hole=Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N)=Caillech/ Uecaillech and gives her chthonic/chitoni(N)=sparky attributes of the flame/Tlatla hole Thea Promethea in the later Roman rites at Bath, where she is by no means confined, being regent of the Tonalamatl in Amerinda as well as during the Tlaloc Deer Age of the Upper Stone Era. ...Minerva(Roman)=Mitl e(r)va eua(N)=the missile/spear leaves, metaphor for wisdom, which goes though one like a spear/transmitl,=Athena, whose mother was, Metis, the metl(N)/maguey plant, first deity of wisdom, and the Rope Age, 2k BCE. a much younger goddess than either Tlatla or her Celtic equivalent, Uecaillech(N), who appears to be a Titan/Titlani/Litany Neander also, both mother deities's of tribes and races, both solar swayed, but in the human consciousness, older than the sun for it was fire that brought awareness/civilization, and wind/storm that we first offered to, e.g., uena(N)=way4, as hunter/ gathers. ...the ultimate reduction to Caillech=C/Chair leg/ch, one for each cardinal point and she, the Rose. ...Caledonia(Scotland)mixed in with Katonah(Amerind Chief, urb NY)/ Karthunen(Finn bear clan)/Canton/bern/iueli(N/root)=veil/bear/Inverness/ Iberia/Hibernia/hibernate, yeah, Cale/being solar/don(i)a=Tonatiuh(N)= sol Anthony, the tone, Calli(s)tona above, forged a constellation, and lastly, from flute bellows fuelle fire drill, the bagpipe haggis duddle sack, to give her Basque Iberian name, gaita(sp)=ga/Eca-itoa(N)= Hecate talks, further north, Breton/Briton=Pitona(N)=Pitli Tonatiuh(N)= older sister, Caillech, of the Sun, to whom we are all sons and dots. ...lastly, Xilé(N)=fill/file/fire, where the little seat/sillín(sp), the stool sat in the first use of furniture, Sile(OIrish)=hag Uecaillech/leg, a root of fire because it means its fuel, wood, xylo(Gk/pfx)/sylvanus(Lat)=woods=witu(OHG)=qua-uitl(N)=tree. a very early term for fire, later typo error by copyists mistaking the cursive f/sh symbols, e.g., xotl(N)/foot/potli(N)= xilé/fire/piloa(N). also, one can add, Shiloh(American Civil War Battlefield)=Sh/Xilonen(Aztec deity)=Corn Doll/Babe, which links with, silo(E)=storage seat for corn, and the Carlin/Caillech/ Sile's moniker as, Corn Dolly.