Sunday, 30 December 2012
Veil Caillech
...Ca(N)=being, il-huicatl(N)=sky being, tleco(N)=lecture,=Caillech.
Cauitl(N)=the going and coming of being/Ca=Cawen(OE)=Ca uentli(N)=
Queen. why the veil=Caille? well, she's an older sister,=ueltiuhtli(N),
=uel(N)/vela(spLat)/veil(E), ah, ue(N)=way/big=ueue(N)=old/wayway=
uel(N)=reverential of ue/ueue(N), so, the veil/vela is part of her being older sister, taken lit'rally by mythologist redactors from her epithet,
Ueltiuhtli(N). the most famous older sister i know of, within reach, is the American writer, Eudora Welty-uhtli, and she was indeed, an older sister to her 2 younger brothers, taking care of them and her elderly mother. she also wrote, Why i live at the P.O./Post Office, about the conflicts of Sister, her community, and her family, a short story published by Atlantic Monthly in 1941. for a look at an unveiled Caillech Ueltiuhtli, check out Wiki's offering of her portrait in the National Gallery by Googling them in her name. she was captain of the woman's polo team while at Columbia.
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Beara Peninsula
W. Cork. Bere Island=i(s)lantli(N)=old lady=Beira, Queen of Winter=uitequi(N)=
white/wheat=the storm hag corn dolly.
none other than the grail, Caille=veil=Caillech=Carlin(lowland Scot)=
Caillech(OIrish)=veiled=Caillech dhuba=dh/d/toptli(N)=
idol/wrap=tohopa(OE)=hope,=Caillech oidhche(OIrish)=owl=
ol(OE)=Olin(Nauatl/17 Tonalamatl),
Promethea Neandra Titan/Titlani(N)=Litany, regent of the 13th Trecena, Olin(N)=Holy Movement, and Cawen(OE)=Regent of birthing Tonalamatl
Totem Feline=Ocelotl(N)=Ocelome(N/plural)=
celOim(Etruscan Liber Linteus prayer)=Elohim(Hebrew dual Deity),
of whom are found at Zatal Hüyuk, enthroned=th/Tonatiuh/Solar, flanked
by her cel/celOim(Etr)=zer(H/Bible)=Elohim/2 Ocelome, or, Chi-tlatla(N)=on top flames,=cheetahs as she is
Flame-Hole-Thea=Tlatla-tzol-teotl, Grandmother of the West(Chinese
nomenclature), mother of tribes and races, deer herder, distaff to the
Basque Lord of the Woods, Baxajaun.
the Iberian influence confuses itself in historic times with Owen or
Mogh Nuadat, 2d c., who are succored by Beara, princess/daughter of
the King of Castile, who gives her name to landmarks all over Cork,
and appears to be much older myth, the one Robert Graves mentions as
White Goddess, e.g., Beira/Caillech washes her plaid white every
year as Deity and proto-Ehecatl(N/2 Tona)/Hecate, regent of the White
Quadrant of the Tonalamatl. mythic proof weaving a much earlier study.
Sile(Irish)=s/sh/Xilé(N)=little seat/birthing chair, first piece of
furniture, wooden stool used for delivery,
in Caillech's name, chair leg, becoming xylo(Gk/pfx))=wood, sylvanus(Latin)=
selva, silent, young corn Dollies/idols, Xilo=Xilonen(N), Shiloh(H).
Caillech, passed through 7 periods of youth, 7=ce uentli(N)=
one offering=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=
Deer/Deor/Teotl(N), whose deity=
Tlaloc, rain god, of harvest and storms and Orchard culture, by whom
Caillech is known as storm hag, as Baxajaun called and forecast storms.
driven Chronus, youngest Titan Promethean messenger=Titlani/Litany, by son,
Sky Snake Zeus, shuttle/xiotl(N)cock/acoquetza(N)=
conquering coquette of new weaving
tech vs Tatli Chronus's chthonic fire drill, west
to the far, fair isle=ilantli(N)=old lady=I(s)lant=I(r)lant=Ireland.
grail/caill=Beira Caillech=chairleg=Síle(Irish)=xilé(N)=sillín(sp).
Friday, 28 December 2012
1.xipeua(N)=flay=sheep. 2.chipeliui(N)=peel a scab=
chip/ship/xipeua(N)=piloa/spill/peel log canoe.
3.scrip(H)=shepherd's sheepskin bag,=sc/sh/xipeua
(N)=skin sheep.
4.Ojibway(Amerind tribe)=Oh, chip away=ochipauac/
chipaua(Nawa)=clear/purify,=tla-chipaua(N)=to dawn,
5.chipeloa(N)=cross a field/pick a scab.
6.chip(E)=thin flake of
k(n)ipfe=knife=nipa(N)=knipfa/knife),=kip/kipa(OSaxon)=staff/stave=keppr(ON)in sense of thin.
drizzle=the small raine down can raine=tlaini(Westron Wynd).
Thursday, 27 December 2012
...said to mean, speckled/painted(body ornament), in 4th c BCE used as
name for entire male population of the British/Pretanic Isles. the later Pict being latinized, or, speck(E)=spec/spic(OE)=fat meat, whale=ual(N)meat, whalers, North of England, but not the Priten.
neither, authorities say, are the Brittani/Breton, who came from the continent and were invading Britain before the Romans, Priten being earlier
the name used for all inhabitants of the Pretanic Isles. what a fine dice from David Jones, the Rock Quarry and other sequences, a superb collection of mythopoetry.'s simpler than that, e.g., P(r)it=Pri(es)t=P(r)i(es)tli=Pitli(N)=
older sister, and, B(r)iton/Breton=-ton=Tonatiuh(Nauatl)=Anthony, the sun,
thus, older sister of the Sun Anthony.
...who might that older sister/Pitli(N)be? Robert Graves intuited=
thuitoca(N)=imagined/named her as the White Goddess. White=uitequi(N)=thresh(E)=Wi(n)ter(E). the White quadrant in the Tonalamatl(N) Calendar=North, spades(cards=Ecatl, day 2 Tona)= swords(Tarocco/Tarot/Tlaloc(N)=rain deity
of Upper Stone Deer Age)where Pitli is Cawen(OE)=Queen, Gwendolyn=Uentli
Olin(N)=M(o)vement/Holy Offering(E)=deer/deor/dior/Teotl before Ecatl as
Venus, jumping horizons, then supplanted by England=E(n)c/g(l)a(n)t/d=
Ecatl/Ehecatl(N)=Hecate and her shuttle/xiotl(N), as Wind=Uena(N)=way4,
big4, so, she is the sun's older sister, Uecaitta(N)=Ueca-/far-seeing/-
itta(N)=wiccan/wicam(OE)=witch. among her forms, the w(r)en, offered at
spring plowing, the bagpipe named for her in Basque/spanish=Gaita=
Eca-it(o)a(N)=Hecate talks(E).
...she gives her name to Cathedral, and Catholic, as universal, for she
rules the globe as her namesake England did for a moment, as to the
Church, well, somehow one knows they rule by spells and incantation too.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
named for 18th c. Hermit, Dionisij/Dionysus/Denis, the Denisova Cave has 22 layers of strata, located in the Altai Mts, inhabited by both Neandertal and AMHuman. the 22d layer dates from 125-180kya, contains 27 species of medium mammals such as cave hyena and lions, 39 species of smaller mammals, and 50 species of birds.
stratas 9-11, 30-48kya, feature Mousteriian-Levallois-style tools, decorative bone objects, mammoth tusk, stone chloritolite drilled bracelet, pendants, and the phalanx/finger bone of Denizova girl(41k) related to Neandertal and Melanesians(Tlaloc/Rarog/Dharug=W.Austro-tribe).
Denis a karst/sandstone cave, temperature zero centigrade/32 farenheit, which the Altai called, Ayu-Tash=Bear Rock=Ayuh(Nawa)=thus not(not us),=Tash/Tlaza(N)=trash(of Ayu), yuhti/yotl(N)=
negative=ayuhtli/ayotl(N)=Bear, is not yuhti, not us, from our beginning.
6% of Denize DNA goes to Neander,and Neander gives us&Melano/Aussie 4%. Zuangxi(Chi)=
cave living,=tropical limestone karst,=oldest hominid bone horizon out of Africa, 800k BCE, a natural(ma/oma=hunt land/sea by net)way point for both Neander/Denize to China sea from Altai.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Tlaloc DhaRarog Sydney, darug is a yam, d/tlaloc(Nauatl)=by or in the earth/tlalli(N)=land, bool=pooliuqui(N)=pulque(Mex)is a sweet drink,
its origin from metl(N)=miel(sp)/mëd(R)=mead(E), so a meadow(E)
has Metis(diety of wisdom, the first)plants. in Russian/Mongolia,
dar(R)=give,=tlal-(N/particle)=land/earth, darom(R)=gratis/free,=
tlal-ome(N)=2 earth/land.
...Darugha(Mongol)=territorial subdivision of Mongol Empire,= Tlalocan(N)=
paradise/land of Tlaloc, rain deity of Deer Age.
...Darughachi(Mongol)=head of a Darugha/Tlaloca(n), e.g., Te(ach)cuautli(N)=he who directs the people.
...Mughal Empire(SE Asia and Persia)=Darugha(Mughal)=district police
officer, e.g., droog(Russile)=friend.
...the Sydney Daruk/Tlaloc(N)/Rarog(Baltic deity)=Dha-Rarug(Australia)/
Dharukk/Dharoog have Cloud Mythology, i.e., they come from Clouds and
leave earth/tlalli(N)for clouds, cf.,, the Mixtec of Mitla(Amerind).
if a Dharuk neice looks at a rainbow her uncle will die.
...canna(Darug)=fire,=snake=Coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl)= coal(ember)=can(Darug).
...wigi(Darug)=fruit/figs,=wick/uic(N)=wicktable=vegetable(E)=v/u i/e c/g.
...mogra(Darug)=fish,=michin(N)=mi(o)ch/c/g(r)a, close enough.
...Nepean(River/Sydney)=Nepa(N)/Neva(River/NW Russia)/ne(r)pa(R)=seal/
nipa(N/adv)=back and forth in waves,= Neptune/Neptonatiuh(N/deity)/
Nepa ana(N)=back and forth increasing,=Nepean(Blue Mts/Aust.)
...Dharawal(Tribe)=Dh/Tlalia ual(N)=come here to stay people.
...goalong(Darug)=animals,=Coatl tloc(N)=Co(me to w/ater/tl locate,
a hunting tip as to where game mammals would be found.
...wombat/wambat(Darug)=womb(E)=wamba/wampa(OHG)=wampum(Alkonquin Amerind)=wombs/shells
used for money and courting displays,=uapaua(Nauatl)=lit., ownPaint/own(E).
...Iyor/Iyora/Iora/Eora(Coastal/Coatl Darug people/language)=
Iyolic(N/adv)=cautious, slowly,=ihiotl(N)=breath, air, spit, spume,=
yoliatl(N)=lit., heart water, soul,= yollo(N)=able, good memory, intelligent.
...Baltic/Russian(Rarog)/Mongol connections make one think of the
Nivke/Nepa quauitl(N)=Neptune wood/tree people of the Amur River
as candidates for arrival Australia/ Sydney at Zero BCE/ACE in their
log canoes.
...Lalin(Dampier Peninsula, NW Austrailia)=Oct-Dec West/Rain Wind
Summer Married Turtle/ Kurkil Season,=Tlalli(N)=root of Tlaloc, rain
deity,=Rarog(Baltic/Russile name for same deity)=Darug,
taking form as yam(E)=nitla-yamania(N)=soften/prepare=yammer/ hammer(E).
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Monday, 3 December 2012
Mayan Solstice
mayana(N)=to be hungry, solstice=tzol ticitl(N)=hole midwife/doctor,
i.e., the 3 hole system of clocking solstice/equinox, the middle hole
or Tzolk'in(Mayan Calendar)='in/the Socket/Tzocatl(Nauatl)is for counting
equinox as the sun/Tonatiuh(N)passes through both spring and fall equinox, the same hole,
on its way to winter and summer solstice, the extent of the sun's travel from north/summer to south/winter, its terminals. my optical tzocatl/sockets face west.
now the sun has passed through the equinox middle tzol/hole and is less
than 20 days=cempoalli(N)=sample(E)from its southernmost terminal to my left, having abandoned the north, to my right, for winter=uitequi(N)= ui/wi(n)te/r/qui(N), to thresh snow on its winnowing wind.
chaff=capani(N)=snap one's fingers,=s(n)/c/apani(N)is what Mayan Prophecies are, not knowing when their Calendar begins, what day it is, are some of their problems, but does explain why they are casting about
with theories that have no foundation in reality and their own time=
temi(N)=to fill,=hemi-/semi-/demi-(E/prefixes)=t/th/he(r)mi=Hermes(Gk)=
the winter solstice is one of the 4 movements of Naui Olin, the 5th
Age we're in, which is the oldest Mayan Date, 3309BCE, the first coming
of Quetzalcoatl. the Mayan were the 2d Coming, and not from Guipuzcoa,
but from the gulf of Ormuz, 2.2k BCE, by that time, letra Bb had entered
language, and the Mayans themselves had lost their grip on the Calendar,
whose original name was the Tonalamatl, belonging to the Nauatlaca/Nahoa
Basques, who sailed with Japanese hands=maitl(N)=maite(Basque)=aite(J)=
mate(E)=ai(N)=blue;love, as the world was global and seeking copper at
the time of Quetzalcoatl, whose navigator scribe(E)=Cipactli(N/day one
Tona)=s/c(r)ip(ac)t/li helped him found Egypt, and was the model for
Ra's elder son, Thoth=Teotl(N)=Teo/Theo/Deo. Ra, himself,=r/Tlatla-
tzol-teotl(N)=cave Neandra and regent of the Tonalamatl Calendar.
so, listen to the Maya, Russiles, but don't believe them. they are
a wonderful, eloquent people, Arabs before Allah, proto-Christians in
fact, if one takes the master craftsman, Quetzalcoatl, for Christ of his
Age, Naui Olin. today the Mayan are not connected to their wonderful Calendar, nor to our time span.
Quetzalcoatl, too, has Arab roots. his mother is Ehecatl(N/2 Tona)/
Hecate, whose father, Perses, a Titan/titlani/messenger Promethean
Neander, gave his name to Persia. deep history does somer/Sumersaults.
Mayan Doomsday Winter Solstice falls on, 13 Cuauhtli/Eagle, last day of Calli/
house/being, deity of trecena=Itzpapalotl/Obsidian Butterfly, chief of
the Lady Darts/Tzitzimime, who have died in their first childbirth and
want revenge on children every first day of the trecenas in the western quadrant which begins with Calli(N/3 Tona). the night deity of Eagle/
Cuauhtli 13=Chalchiuitlicue=Ch/Halc/ch=Halcón/Falcon, 6th deity of night, deity of waters, known as Jade Skirt. deity of number 13=Ilanatecuhtli, the old goddess, parrot deity, gives
her name, Ilantli(N)to I(r)lant/d and I(s)lant/d to Islands of Ireland the deity of Eagle/Cuauhtli=Xipe Totec, our lord the flayed one, i.e., xipeua(N)=sheep(sacrificial animal). Cuauh skins its prey also.
Obsidian butterfly is a violent deity, symbol of pyroclastic surges
emanating from volcanoes, claws on her elbows and knees, a destroyer.
Jade Skirt/Chalchiuitlicue, the Falcon Accipeter, representing air power
in the same way Itzpapalotl represents Volcanic fallout, tectonic shifts, and air pollution on a regional scale, not forgotten, her host
of furious Lady Darts. Ilana/Ilantli(N), deity of 13, a first and last
Goddess, her parrots mocking parliaments, congress, Duma, the UN.
the only deity who does not fit well in this end of earth scenario
is the sheep/Xipe Totec, deity of springtime dressing himself with a new
skin every year as a bloody vegetable God does.
as in the 6June2012 end of world Mayan Prophecy, we have terminal
numbers, more then than now, as we are not 4 days from the end of the
calendar Tzolk'in/Tonalamatl, 10 Olin, nor in trecena 20/Tochtli/Rabbit
the last trecena of the 260day calendar, no, we needed a day date of
Naui Olin/4 Olin, the day the 5th Age began, to end it on the same day,
and that didn't happen.
one could read Falcon Jade Skirt as an attack by Iran with drones
on Israel, or Itzpapalotl as a Nuclear delivery from North Korea
by its occluded Fat boy, but Hiroshima's bomb was Fat Man, and Ilana/
Ilantli(N)as last chance for survivors of fictive fiasco, who can
relearn our planetary idiom from her erudite parrots flocking to their
Mistress as pieces of jade conquering time once again.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
chie/chielia/chieltia=chia/chialia/chialtia(N)=await someone/
guard something to receive him/await the enemy, not fear him.
Friday, 30 November 2012
petla(N)=throw/piedra/petra=petate(Mex)=petlatl(N)=sleeping mat/matlatl/
net,=p/bett(G)=bed(E), or, another root, metl(N)=Metis(first deity wisdom)
=me(n)te(sp)=mind(E), the Meya/omex(N)=flow Meyauel/Mayauel Maguey Plant,
the Century Agave=Acatl(N/13 Tonalamatl)ue(N)=Big Cane Blue Maguey Think Reed=Rheod(OE)=rood/rod, it's color, red(E)=Teotl(N)=theOther/ElOtro(sp)=
...naua(N)=reel=rheol(OE)=roll(E)=Ollin/Olin=Holy=r/Teot/l(N). to own/-ua
4/na-, hands and feet, hand over hand, foot over foot, the reel, also
related to fishing, creel=Creole=Ca Teotl(N)=the other being holy, note
bene, Tom Jefferson.
cepan(Nauatl)=ce pan(N)=one place, together/juntos(sp)=keep(E)...cepan(N)
chaloa/ochali(N)=estrenar cosa/debut for the first time, so, créche/
crepcha(Port)=cepan-chaloa(N), e.g., cepayaui(N)=nevar/to snow,=cetl(N)=
ice(E), payaui(N)=crumble, e.g., payana/opayan(N)=crush clods,=payaso(sp)=
clown/clodhopper=payatl(N)=bald worm/caterpillar.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
one of the lovelier Amerind songs, sung by river boatmen, sailors on
clipper ships, almost interim state song of Virginia, 2006, about an
Amerind chief who did not want his daughter to go west with her roving
American immigrant sweetheart, e.g., "O, Shenandoah, i love your daughter", and, "away, i'm bound away, across the wide Missouri".
Shenandoah is not the chief's name, but his epithet,=Chinantia(N)=
he builds an enclosure/corral of bamboo/cane=Acatl(N/5 Tonalamatl),
around Doah=dohtar(OS)=dóttir(ON)=daughter(E)=tohter(OHG)=tochter(G)=toctli(N)=
young corn plant.
1.chinamitl(N)=separation, cerca de cañas(sp)/enclosure of cane.
2.chinampa(N)=floating gardens/hydroponic platforms.
3.chinancalli(N)=enclosure, garden, park, surrounded by a wall.
4.chinancaltia(N)=make an enclosure for oneself,=nite-chinanacaltia(N)=make an enclosure for someone.
5.Chinantecatl(N)=inhabitant of Chinantla, east of Zapotecapan.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
...muh(China/,=me(J)=eye; bud/
blossom,=metl(N)=the Metis, Deity of Wisdom plant, century plant, species
Agave=Acatl ue(N)=way big Cane/Reed, refers to quiotl(N)=quiote(Mex)=Quixote's
...shuhmuh(Chi)=number,=xomotl(N)=duck: priest who tells the Tonalamatl.
...Lin(Chi)=surname; (lin) wood, forest,=tilinia(N)=squeezed together,
line(E), tilinqui(N)=curved, thick, firm, solid, wooden fid used to
separate warp in weaving, tilini(N)=pile up.
...chi(Chi)=seven,=chi-come(N)=reverse 2/ome=7.
...maa(Chi)=figure=feign=finger=piqui(N)=create/imagine, lit., who picks,
=pi/opic(N)=pick,=pixie,=ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea w/net,=mati(N)=know,=
matlatl(N)=net,=matlalli(N)=net land; blue. mana(N)=flow, but figure=
to calculate=mati mati ca(N)=mathematics(E)
...piaw(Chi)=ticket, note, bill,=pia/pie(N/privative)=lit.,no pick,
guard and abstain,=piety(E).
...yan(Chi)=salt=sala(sp)=tzalan(N)=between, yani(N)=pilgrim. salt travels
to its destination.
or string for awnings/cover,=metl(N)=Metis, rope and poliuhqui/pulque
Deity, first Goddess of Wisdom, mother of Athena,=triangle(E).
...jin(Chi)=axe,=sh/xin-(N/prefix)=xinqui(N)=he who cuts, fells.
...tsuh(Chi)=vinegar,=sh/xococ(N)=acid, bitter,=xocolia/oxocoli(N)=
to be bitter/agrio=vin agrio(sp), become agrio.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
notzlani(N)=like to talk,=animo-notztlani=taciturn(E)=
tlachitoloani(N)=he who rolls himself up,=notza/cite in place/tlani.
Saturday, 17 November 2012
...spirit of the forest(Bantu/Topan(N)=over us, Bambuti/Mbuti/PanPotli(N)=both places)=trumpet,=
tompitzquetza/tompitzqueua(N)=bubble, swell, flow, speaking of a spring;
lift the head, speaking of serpent ready to run or who is running.
...molimo(Ituri Rain Forest/NW Zaire)=trumpet; spirit of the Forest,=
molictli/molicpitl(N)=elbow. 2.5k BCE, Egyptians refer to People of the
...panda(Mbuti)=gambling game, beans thrown on a mat,=pa(n)d/t/la=patla
(N)=swap(E)=patolli(N)=MacuilXochitl/Tobacco Diety/5-Flower's favorite board game, played with black beans thrown on a mat.
...sindula(Mbuti)=water chevrotain, mouse deer,=s/z/tzintli d/toloa
=tzintol(o)a(Nauatl)=Saintly Head Butt/toro(sp)=bull,=toloa(N)=bow the head, fierce and highly prized animal by the Mbuti=potli(N)=butt/both.
...Bantu/Topan(N)=over us, is more a language designation than people.
their migrations began 5kya, i.e., 3k Bce.
...nkosa(Mbuti)=vine for making nets,=kosa(J)=intersection, crossing,=
...nkosa(Kongo)=lobster=lopustre(OE)=l/to-potli(N)=our pond/tank fish, e.g., tope(Cornish)=sand shark, Central West Afrika, the Kongo of S. Gabon, might translate to other meanings of cozcatl(N)=jewel, yellow, unless the Kongo made necklaces of the claws,
or meaning topotli(N)had to be taken and restrained by net traps.
...nkoko(Kongo)=trumpet,=cocoloa(N/freq. of coloa)=go someplace making many turns; sing, crow(speaking of rooster/cock).
...coloa(N)=color/coil/curl(E)=is close to colotli(N)=armature, idol,
horn(E)=ch/cornet(E)=woman's headress with horns and lappets; cavalry
insignia, company of cavalry,=zoloto(R)=zloti(Polish)=c/gold(E), ta da!
Thursday, 15 November 2012
=guot(OHG)=cotoncayotl(N)=tocotonca(N)=our parent/fellow=
Moose Chipewa(N)
1.Muskogean/Muskoqui/Mozoquitl(N)=your mudder,=
Moose=mo/your mud/tzo-quitl/quitter, e.g.,tequitl=stone quitting, uitequi(N/verb)=thresh.
2.moozoonsil(Ojibway/Ochip(a)ua-c/Chipaua=pure water)=little moose(E)=moozoo/xilé(birth chair).
3.Miigis=pearl(mortality)=Cimi(Mayan Tzolkin)=Ce Miquiz/tli
(N/Tonalamatl Calendar)=one skull=6th trecena.
4.doodem(Ojib/Ochipauac)=clan,=tod(G)=death/tetl,=d/to d/emo(N)=to temo(N)=our descent, Totem(Algic).
Sunday, 11 November 2012
(E)=kitoun/ketoun(OE)=chitoun/chetoun(OFr)=chitoni(N)=spark,=chthonic(Gk)=earth(flint). 2.cheetah=chitlatla(N)=flame on top. Regent of Tonalamatl, Tlatla, hunts
with chitlatla at Zatal Hüyuk, cf.,Cheetah Dance mural/7k BCE.
3.khiton/xiton(Gk)=tunic/tunica(E/Latin)=sparky tune/tone.
4.xiton=onion peels=sh/xonatl(N).5.xiton/aracnis=spider web.
6.Xitoni(Gk)=Diana=ami/oan(N)=aim kitten(E).
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Sumer Spill
spilla(ONorse)=spill(E)=piloa(N)=from on high,
bir(Sum)=scatter/spill(E). bir(Sum)=bake bricks,=
bir(Sum)=break, tear, shred, e.g., spill(E)=
splinter or slip(E)=spill(E)wood for lighting
pyre/piloa/fire. spilt(E)/destroy. bil-ga(Sum)=fresh fruit,=piloa ca(N)=spill be. pa-bil-ga
(Sum)=male ancestor,=tlapa piloa ca(N)=flame
paint spill being(E). bil-la(Sum)=hot,=piloa t/latla(N)=spill flame(E).
ardently,=piloa t/latla peua(N)=begin flame
spill(E). biluda(Sum)=rites/usage,=piloa
d/tlatla(N)=flame spill, uda/uta(J)=verse,=
otli(N). bir(Sumer)=locust spill=piloa.
wrinkled=b/pil/r oa=
Cipactli(N/day one Tona)=hear confession=
impose penance,=scriban(OHG)=write/paint,=describe.
and forth, shrivel(E)=tzocatl(N)=socket.
bilis(sp)=bile((E), spilla(ON). billa/billar
birla(sp)=nine pin/skittle spill,=birlesca
(sp)=spill of thieves,=
kite,=birli(sp)=space at bottom of page/
printer's wages,=birlar(sp)=bowl a 2d time
where ball stopped first time/spill. birlar
piilo(F)=hiding place,=pillo(sp)=thief.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Needles and Pins
tzol-teotl(N)=cave Venus/regent of Tona,=nadala(OHG).
Tlatla(tzol)teotl(N)=cave Venus.
Friday, 2 November 2012
4 corner hit(Baseball)=xomer(Hebrew)=heap=tepe/tepetl(N)=
sh/xomulli(N)=ome(N)=2=corner heap. homily(E)=omelia(N)=
make one of 2=ome(N)=homely(E)=hominy=humility(E).
ome(N)=2=omitl(N)=(b)one(E)=omiyo/omio(N)=what has bones
(E)=homme(Fr). Homer=omelia(N)=ome(N)=2=blind one and
booker. kh/xomer(H)=2 sides to a corner,=ome(N)=
sh/xomulli(N)=xomotl(N)=duck/priest, knows the 4 angles
of Tonalamatl,=sumo(J)xomulli(N)=wrestler/elbows and knees
=4 parts,=sumizumi(J)=all the corners,=sum Sumer.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Tlil Cuetzpallin
...Lilith Lizard, quetz/cuetz=quetzalli(N)=feather.=Black Feathered Lizard
=palli(N)=phallus=palo=stick=maquauitl(N)=hand tree sword. Tlaxcaltecan
Lord in Excelsis. it was a lucky day for the Aztecs when they captured
him, probably with a net as he was Amerinda's most able swordsman.
note, Cuetzpallin is a feathered Lizard of the Tonalamatl, a remembrance
of pterodactyl raptors caught in the web of the oldest calendar, day 4
of the southern grain quadrant, diamonds in cards, sign of Xilonen, young corn/quern/Quorn Goddess Shiloh, the bachelor Corn deity, Cintli, and old coyote,
the dancer, priapic Ueue Coyotl, color red=tletl(N)=t/l/red/t/l, an old
god himself, Xiuhtletl(N)=HerbFire, the first Deity worshipped by the
Fire drill people who began history, as history is not a matter of who
is first, it's a matter of who began fire drill.
...cutz'ah(Mayan)=duck,=Quetzalcoatl(N)=feather snake,=Cuetzpallin(N/4)=
acoquetza(N)=to rise,=coq(Fr)=coquette(Fr)=co(n)quer(E)=A(l)co(n)quin
(Amerind super tribe).
...once captured Black Lizard/Tlil Cuetzpallin went to the Temalacatl, the huge millstone sacrifice stone with hole in the middle, and a soga/rope=rap(OE/OFrisian)=r/tlapa(N)/=sock=socket=tzocatl(N)/wrinkle=
around his middle giving him circumference of the stone but no more,
handed a maquauitl/hand tree, but with feathers on its edges instead
of beveled obsidian chips. the famous Tlaxcaltecan Warrior, Tlahuicole,
died there when he refused Moctezuma's offer of liberty. when on the
stone 4 warriors armed with obsidian maquauitl go against the captive
who wields the feather-edged maquauitl/makila(V/B)/macana(Taino). the last warrior, should one get
by the first 3, is left-handed in honor of the War God, Huitzilopochtli,
who was born with a feathered, withered left leg, an equity of sorts for
the captive.
...Tlil Cuetzpallin was not an ordinary warrior, but the Lord of Xiquipilco(N)=bag, sack, by extension, 8 thousand. the first warrior
fell. the 2d also, then the 3d. when the lefty/surdo(sp) fell, the
Aztec nobles went wild, for history had been made. no one had ever
beaten 4 warriors on the Temalacatl before. Black Lizard was made
a General in the Aztec forces and went campaigning with them, but
at the end of the campaign, he asked to be sacrificed as his honor
as a Tlaxcaltecan was stronger than life itself.
...the background for this decision was the bitter rivalry between the Aztecs, who had the upper hand, and the Tlaxcallans(N)=oven for making
tortillas. the Aztecs denied the Tlaxcaltecans salt, and foisted upon
them Flower Wars, which were only for the sake of feeding hearts to
their war god, Huitzilopochtli. during and after the Spanish conquest the rivalry between the 2 played itself out as the Tlaxcallans became
the closet allies of the Spaniard, succoured them after La Noche Triste, and in my town, which was founded twice, imported Tlaxcallans when the
native Quachichiles/Redheads and Chichimec/Maguey Scrapers proved to
be too savage for the Spaniard need, as San Miguel was populated not
by Conquistadores, but by Church, friars, and the intellectuals of
that time.
Friday, 26 October 2012
Riau(Dutch Indonesia)=kingdom on Sumatra facing kingdom of Malaccan
Sultanate on Malay Peninsula.
1.Riau=R/Tiacapan(N)=primogenitor/oldest son,=tiacapan tlatquitl
(N)=goods by right of first-born,=Tiacapan(N)=one of 4 sisters of
deity of carnal pleasures, Tla-zol-teotl(N).
2.tiacauh(N)=valient/chief,=acalco tiacauh(N)=ship captain,=
tiacauh tlatquitl(N)=arms/badges of rank.
3.tiachcuah((N)=teachcuauhtli(N)=first born,=notiachcuauh(N)=
older brother/trainer.
4.Moloyo(early Chinese text)=Malay,=Mo/your dress/order/ololoa(N).
5.Tatang(river)=Tataca(N)=stutter(muddy),tributary of Musi=
Muchi(N)=much/all river.
6.Kedukan Bukit(Old Skrt/Malay inscription,683AD)=Ke/Ce(N)=First/ke/ce toca(N)/dukan/our being, Bukit=pochictic(N)=spongy.
7.Malacca=Pokok Melaca/
Indian Gooseberry tree,=amalika(Skrt)=amatl(i)ca(N)=amate being(fig=pi/opic),=a/mal/tl(a)ca=Malaca.
8.orang laut(Malay)=
sea people,=otlacamat(preterit)=ora/otla/(n)g/camat=
nauatl,=otlamacat nauatl(N). tlacamati=rich/happy/prosperous,=
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
(E)=weaving tree,=olmo(sp)=elm, wood fm which loom made,
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
birch spill
=pilichtli piloa(N)=wrinkle spill=pir/l(i)ch=birch=
ilitl(N)=p/ili/chaui(N)=be wrinkled/musty/senile/bent.
Monday, 15 October 2012
White Goddess
yew=1.iif(MDu)=if(Fr)=iva(sp/Slav)=ipanti(N)=on target.
Banba/Celt Queen deified=Ollavy Irish Yew/White Goddess.
Greek/Roman yew=Hecate=regent/N. White Quad./Tonalamatl.
taxus(L)/teica(N)=hagin(Basque)=in/tlaca(N)=the body.
yew in such demand Britain imported it/1294. cut yews
from old woods breaks canopy, lets WindHecate uproot
England=Ecatlan/26 Oct.2011&Versailles/26 Dec.1999.
Sallow=iva(Slav),=yeva(Lith)=black alder, both red wood
trees as is yew(E)=ipanti(N)=bullseye.
Friday, 12 October 2012
1.Dundaga(LT)=Duonig(Livon.)=Tonatiuh/sun's body/tlaca=
Tonatlaca(N)=Duonig(Livonian)=Tonic/Tona/sun here/ici(N/Fr)=
3.Ogre(LT/town/district)=Wogene/Woga(Livon.Chron.of Henry/
1180-1227)=Volga=olin ca(N)=rolling being=Woga(LT)=voog
(Paul Alvre/Estonian Linguist).
neci/onez(N)=appear,=Lochness(Sc)=local appearance=Nessy.
5.Salaspils(LT)=11kBCE reindeer hunter burials,=tzallantli piloa(Nawa)=spill canyon.
6.Mazsalaca(LT)=largest stone age burial/N.Europe 5kBCE,=mazatl tzallantli=deer(spill)canyon,=
Piski Salats(Livon)=pixca tzallantli=harvest canyon.
7.Latvian/Lett=Latgalians=lethi/lethigalli(LGerm)=tletl calli(N)=
fire/house, or, tlatla calli(N)=flame/Tlatlatzolteotl.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Latvia Tlatla
...Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N)=Flame-hole-Thea=Neandra Promethea.
...Maz-salaca(Latvian town/tun/tone/Tonatiuh/Estonia)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)=Tonatiuh(N/Sun)=Tonalli(N)=soul,-Tlaca(N)=body,=
Mazatlaca(N)=Deer Body, e.g., Mazaua(Amerind Toluca Tribe)=deer owners/ua,
=Mazatlan(State/Mexico/city)=tsaatan(Dukha/Toca, reindeer herders, Mongolia=Maz/tzaat/lan(N/Mongol). Maz/Salaca(River where caves with
tepee/tepetl(N)=mountain-shaped entries, traces of their nomad tipis, horizon of Mazatlaca(N)/MazSalaca said to be 5k BCE, but has largest
Stone Age Burial of N. Europe, 5k BCE.
...Zvej-nieki(Lat/Tlatla burial site by Lake Burt-nieki)=viejo(sp)-necio(sp)=old fools=ueue(N)-neci/onez(N)=nez(Fr)=nose(E)=old noses.
more than 311 burials, pendants of elk teeth, amber pendants and rings
and a belt, bone points. oldest graves have ochre=ocelix/celia(N)=to
revive, rebirth,=ocre(sp)=Ocelotl(N)=totem animal of birthing Deity,
Tlatla-tzol-Teotl, Neandra Promethea. Burt-/boot/boat=b/potli(N)=punt-
appearance=neci/onez(N)=nez/nose(E), i.e., has the Lake been checked
for offerings=uentli(N)=Vent-spils(Latvian port)=piloa(N)=spills?
...Venta(River)=uena/uentli(N)=offering(E)=of(r)enda(sp). Dundaga District Administrative Sub-Division 6 parishes and a river use the Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl)name, e.g., Mazirbe(Parish/River), Mazosce,Mazalaksce, Mazpilcene=Mazatl Pitzintecuhtli(N)=Deer Prince,
Pilcene=Piltzintecuhtli(N)=Prince(E), the Pilcene Parish being next to
the Mazpilcene Parish, they share the name, but Pilcene lacks the Maz-:
however, there is a Mazapil township in Zacatecas(State/Mexico)=small
...Metsepole(Lat/Tlatla)=Motsa Puol(Livonian)=Forest side, but, forest=
(E)where one submerges/immerses/hides. Motsa=Mot/l(s)a=Motla(N)=to stone
someone, e.g., Mo-/your BodyFlame/-tlaca/-tlatla, meaning a crime for
which you pay with your body(by stoning), and the Polaqui(N)=forest is
the place for that, although, motla(N)=mother(prohibition)=mountain=
motley(fool's mortal(E)marks)=moral(E)=mora(sp)=mulberry(the color of a
stone bruise).
...Stai-cele(Lat/Tlatla)=Museum,=Tlai/Otlax(N)=prepare soil for sowing seed/plough,-cele(Lat/Tlatla)=celia/oceliac(N)=growing crops/plants=
(S)T/lai-celia(N)=ploughing for crops/barbecho(sp)=fallow; first ploughing
Saturday, 6 October 2012
...tzyh(Chi)=self,=tzi-ntli(N/the Honorific)=Saintly(one hopes).
...lih(Chi)=to stand,=tle?(N)=what?=tletl(N/fire)=tlecalli(N)=chimney=
chaminaua(N)=chamitl naua(N)=bricks4,=tleco(N)=to rise,=leg(E).
...tzyhlih(Chi)=independence,=tzi(n)tle-co(N)=Saintly/Hon. Leg/Rise.
...chy(Chi)=eat,=chi(N)=on top of,=encima de(sp)=cima(sp)=top it off.
...fann(Chi)=(cooked)rice; food=f/pot/d=potli(N)=both(E)in and out,=
tlapana(N)=break, peel, undo(prepare)=tlap/laf/loaf/xleb(R),=-pana(N)=
pan(sp)=bread=(b)read/red=r/tled/tl=tletl(N)=fire, or, b(r)/pe(a)d=
petla(N)=throw, but,=piedra/petra(Lat), so, brot(OHG)=b(r)/pot/li(N)=
b(r)oth(E)=both ends of xleb/lap/loaf.
...liou(Chi)=flow,=l/rio/u=rio(sp)=l/reow(OE/preterit)=row/flow; however,
reversal=ouli/n(reversal li/ou)=Olin(N)=(r)oll(E)/m(o)ve=holy(E)=
oloni/oolon(N)=flow,=oolong(Chi/Black Dragon tea)=oolon g/ca(N)=flow being
similar to Oolong, the Rabbit, who balanced waffles on his head over internet, RIP, Oolong.
...hann(Chi)=sweat=auatza(N)=run off water,=sweet/Swartz(dark), h/th/t/tlantli(N)=tooth/t/tlantli=tl/t/th/hand/t/li. chantli(N)=house,
c/han/tli(N)=Han(Chi/gente/gens?), although, tl/t/th/Han/tli=Antler.
...dang(Chi)=ought/must/suitable,=d/t/la(n)c=tlaca(N)=body, e.g., =tl/t/da(n)ce(E)=tl/drag(E)=tl/draper(old name for tailor/suiter).
...gann(Chi)=to do, manage; business,=ga(i)n(E)=g/canaua(N)=being of 4/$,
=reduce, thin out(something); beat metal,=canned(E)goods,=canauhtli(N)=
duck/goose=ganso(sp)=gacho(J/reversal)=choca/ga(N)=to cry,=ch/ho(n)k/ca=
honk(E/cry of goose).
...i(Chi)=to rely upon,=i/ia(N/verb irregular)=convenient, go well
speaking of a thing=tlei(N)=algo/something,=t/lei=lay(Chi)=ilay(Chi)=
(r)ely upon something(E).
...Hann(Chi/Dy-nasty, 206BC-AD220)=hann(Chi)=man,=hana(Japanese)=flower/
Thursday, 4 October 2012
1.tzuen/tzuenguey(Chi)=honorable(saintly)/hon.offer big/ue(N).
2.tsuen(Chi)=village,=tzintli uentli(N)=hon./saintly render.
3.tzoatzi(Chi)=grass( tzintli(N)=seed of
hikari(J)/chicalotl/michihuauthtli(N)=amaranth, whose paste=annual
statue Huitzilo/Toxcatl toxiuh(N)=our year.
4.bii(Chi)=writing brush,=bi/piciliui(N)=pencil/penicillin.
5.huah(Chi)=draw/paint,=hoah=poa/opouh(N)=flower plower.
7.lieh(Chi)=arrange,=harnglieh=tlaca tilinia(N)=rack line.
8.hwo(Chi)=life,=woman(E)=ua mana(N)/owns flow.
9.buh(Chi)=step=b/pouhtiuh(N)=power walk.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
1.fuh(Chi)=hand over/pay,=f/poh=poa/opouh(N)=count.
3.chyan(Chi)=money,=chi-ana(N)=chi/on top increase/na/4.
Yacatecuhtli(N/merchant god,=yak(beast)=Yakutsk(Siberia).
creation/nature/floral gift,=sock/wrinkle/wick/leek.
Saturday, 29 September 2012
1.yehuan(Chi)=distant,=yehua(N/adv)=then,=oc yeua(N)=in times past.
2.chin(Chi)=relation,=chinamitl(N)=cane hedge.
3.shiann(Chi)=manifest,=chi/on top grow/ana(N).
8.shou(Chi)=gather/receive,=coaca(N)=be invited to dine,=
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
chi/na na/uatl
...-tz(Chi/suffix)=tzyy(Chi/independently read)=child=Pil-tzin-tecuhtli(N)=Deity of Princes(E), son=pilli(N)=nopilli(N)=noble(E)child,
master=tzintli(N)=saintly(E)=Teotzintli(N)=ancestor of corn,=Tzi/Cintli
(N)=young bachelor Deity of corn.,=r/ten-tli(N)=lip,=Atena(sp)=Athens(Gk/city)=by the edge/
lip of atl(N)/water(N). Tenitl(N)=one who doesn't speak our language,=
...shyr(Chi)=time/moment=sh/xilé(N)=sillín/silla(sp)=xylo-(Gk)= wood=witu(OHG)=qua/uitl(N),=sylvanus(Latin)=selva(sp)=self/selve(E)=
silent(E)=sh=x/file/fill(E). fill=temi(N)=time(E)=t/th/He(r)mes(Gk/
...juan(Chi)=special,=uan(N)=proximity, relation, community of origin,
=one(E/number)=uanyolqui(N)=Wyandot(Amerind)=related to the Huron,=Juan/Juana(sp/first name)=own/ua n/4/naui(N).
...torng(Chi)=same, alike, together, with,=to(r/n)c/g=toca(N)=tocar(sp)=
t/leer/t/l=t/lern/t/l=lernia(OFrisian)=le(o)rnian(OE)=learning(E), e.g.,
Fire Drill Tletl/Deity begins time/moment...also read, yueh(Chi)=music=
yuhti(N)=from the beginning,=just/justice(E).
...shyr(Chi)=to eat,=xilé(N)=banco(sp)/stool(E)=s/toloa(N)=bow the head,
Monday, 24 September 2012
blossom,=inic xotla=so that he revives, is discreet,=
blood rudder=land/sea/air,=rood=cross/rod=rudda/rodda(ON)=
rude=erudite=fm rude/road/hood to rood.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
furze(Evergreen ground cover)=fu/pul/r se=pulse, in the pea=pi/opic(N)=family of Fabaceae, the sub-family faboideae, badge of the Sinclair/MacLennan Clans, Scotland, invasive, aggressive, seed dispersal by fire climax, which opens the seed pod. nitrogen fixing, dense, throny cover for rocky heath= h/th/tetl(N)=stony soil, perfect for regenerating land after a burn. Ulex Europeus=ulex=u/olin tleco(N)=holy trek/rising, native of W.Europe, NW Africa, majority of species, 20 in all, found in Iberia/Iueli(N), related to Broom, know as whin=twenty/veinte/ uentli(N/root)=when(E)=cempoalli(N)=20=sample(E)=kus(proto=uralic)=20=kos(Khanty/Ostyak,Mansi/
Vogul)=20= husz/huszat(Hungarian/Tocharian)=h/ch/cu/cozcatl(N)=jewel, necklace, yellow,=
c/Go(r)s/z/catl=Gorse, original name for Furze/Furse/Pulse/Whin=wind uentli(N), known by yellow flower. Cozcatl(N)=kosa(J)=crossing/cross(E)=guz(Turk)=au/guz/t yellow,=goz(Turk)= eye/sight, the jewel. Gorse/Coz/catl(N)/furze as fodder/forage=polaqui(N)=p/for/l as/qui tero=forastero(sp)= forest, meaning to submerge/immerse=polaqui(N)in wild/forest to forage as feral ponies did, their fodder being Gorse/Whin, which is high protein, used for salad/tea immersion=polaqui, non-grape fruit wine(polaqui/submerge). as fodder it was beaten with wooden mallets by hand, then ground to moss by hand mill or water-powered mill, mixed with straw/chaff=polocatl(N)= pol(o)s/catl=pols/pulse=p/fur/lse=furze. this saintly cross of plant was how livestock, Horse, Deer, Elk, Eland, Caribou survived the long winters North. Gorse, Savior plant, prefiguring Vegetable Deity, Jesus/Isah(Arab)=iza(N)= revive, resuscitate, from fiery burns which popped its seed pods open to communion as fodder/ forage/polocatl(N) for all living things. redeemer of the soil, child of Father sun/Tionantati (Alkonquin Amerind)= Tonatiuh(N), sol/soul=Tonalli(N)of Winter=ui(n)te/qui(N)= thresh(E)= white/wheat(E) food chain.
if one has ear to hear, eye to see, mind to aerate wisdom, how can one be Atheist, a fiction to oneself? Gorse does not take to shade, child of its Father, low-lying/humble/flammable, used by Romans in salt industry, firing for traditional clay ovens, pan de cada día, and to top it off, smells of coconut.
Sunday, 9 September 2012
signs of Orchard=Xocotl(N)=shuck(E)culture in Basque, where the name for
deer appears as the name for table=tlapa(N)=
la(m)p, fueled by animal fat,=
tabernacle(Lat/ancient Roman)=tlapa nacatl
(N)=table snack(E),=mishcan(H)=mish/xtli can=mixcan(N)=cloud place/time/part,
madari(B)=pear, madaridi=pear orchard,=madarisagar(B)=
apple resembling pear,=matl/t/d at/l/r=matlatl(N)=net,=
Somali Bantu speak Maxaad/Maxaa
=Mazatl(N). Eastern Cushite Maay or MaayMaay, related to Somali
Maxaad/Maxaa. Maay are earliest wave of Somaloids, now a Sunni Muslim
nomadic pastorals of 2tribes: Digil=d/Tic/g it/l=
Ticitl(N)=midwife/doctor, and, Rahawin=r/T/la h/th/t/la win/
uentli=Tlatla-uentli(N)=Flame Offering people,=lavender/raven/
rawend(A)=Rhubarb(E)=Ra(Gk), first name for Volga=Ollin ca(N), where Scyth pastorals grew
Rhubarb along banks, first tea before China dawned. the Ticitl(N) and Tlatla-uentli(N)live Lower Jubba Valley, part of the Deer/Mazatl tribes, Upper Stone Age, who
shifted to camel/sheep when N.Africa dried out. Scythians went to
cattle/horse, as did Al Maqar, Arabia Feliz, 9kya.
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Thottr(ONorse)=Thoth(Egypt/Scribe/oldest son of Ra)=Teotl(N)=
Ge-Thot(OSaxon)=Ge-/Ce(N)=one,=Cel/Celtin(N)=only/alone,=Cell(E/Biology)= Ocelotl(N/14 Tona/Totem animal of Tlatla-tzol-teotl(N), cave Venus, Regent of the Tonalamatl and Fire Drill Promethea)=Ocelome(N/plural)=
celOim(Etruscan Prayer/4th Element/Liber Linteus)=Elohim(H/dual Deity)=
Cella(Latin Ecclesiastical)=innermost part of Church,=Ge-/Get/Beget.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
t/l/red/t/l(N/E)=fire, first coloa(N)=colorherb=
xiuitic(N)=turqueza=Lord Comet=XiuhTletl(N)=
HerbFire,=wife/uipana(N)/whip, Tlatla/Flame.
Fire/Tletl starts tlatolli namiqui(N)=word marriage
and sideral citlali science. tlilli(N)=black, dark
blue Nile lily=Lilith(H)=
Sunday, 19 August 2012
over), coaca(N)=coax/invite.chico(N)=reverse/perverse,=
ch/ci(n)co(Sp)=5. nepa/nipa(N)=back and forth,=nerpa(Russ)
=seal=nepanna/nipau(Narragansett)=5. go(J)=5=sfx of chico
(N)=g/co(N/postposition)=come,=comesto water,=coatl.
1.hing(Armenian)=h/ch/ci(n)g/co(N)=cinco(sp)=5. 2.diw/tiw/tiou(Egypt/Coptic/Sahidic)=5=dieu(Fr)=dios(sp)=
teotl(N)=the other. 3.hamsa(Arab)=hamis(Akk)hamsi(Cypriot)
=5=tamachiua(N)=measure,=tatamachia(N)=fold and fold again,
=tatami(J)=tartan(SC). 4.pram(Khmer)=5=pamitl(N)=banner/
flag. 5.nam(Vietnam)=5/river. 6.Austronesia:a)tarima=5=
tarima(Sp)=low bench,=tlalmana(N)=level/flat=tlalli mana
(N)=earthflow. 40 other Austronesian idioms use lima(Sp)=
7.pxi(Nakh Bats)=5=piqui(N)=who picks=fingers=pixie.
maitl(N)=mate. 9.Gaullish/Breton/Wales=pemp/pimp/pump=
pipina/opipin(N)=piper=Amerind 5-hole flute. 10.coig
(Sc-Irish)=5=co(N)=come here=ig=ic/ici(N)=icí(Fr)=cuig
(Ir)=queig(Manx). 11.Germanic: fimfi/fimf(Goth)=fyuf
(Gothic Crimean)=fif(W.Ger/OE/OFris)=fyffe(Scot).
12.veeve(Yola)=v/b/feefe=fyffe xvi. 13.penke(Gk)=peqe
=pieci(Latvian)=piqui(N)=fingers. 14.pyat'/opyat(R)=5/
again,=patla(N)=swap. 15.Romani=pantsch=5=paha(Sinhala)=
xuti(OGeorgian)=woxus'd(Svan). 17.5=go(J)=go/co(N)=come
(E)=chi/co(N)=reverse. 18.ichichi(Okinawa)=5=ichichiqui
(N)=itch(E)by hand. 19.tabuan(Mongol)=5=tlapanauilli(N)
=pass/take to other side,=tavuan(Dongxian)=tab(Khalka)=
taban(Buryat). 20.marun(Yoruba/Nigeria))=5,=matoma/
matuma(N)=split hands,=me(Yor)=ome(N)=2=mewa(Yor)=has 2
hands=10. 21.Chinese=wu=5=less,=w/v/b/po/potli(N)=both/
equal. 22.Turk: besh(Uzbek)=5=bies(Yakut)=pexoni(N)=
fill/overflow. 23.Uralic Finn:witte(UrFenn)=vici/viis
5/7. 24.ot/öt(Magyar)=at(Mansi)=5,=otli(N)=route/ot
(Russ)=from,=out(E). 25.Uralic usage=wett(Khanty)=5=
uetzi(N)=fall/turn=auic ni-uetzi(N)=go fm side to side.
Saturday, 18 August 2012
3=pesh=pexoni(N)=overflow measure.
5=i=i(N)=drink/in. 6=i-ash=
7=i-min=5&2=mitl(N)=aim/transmit. 8=i-
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Friday, 10 August 2012
shell(of a building), idol(carved pumpkin head with candle, idol of
Halloween), horn(the Golden Horn/Stamboul)=zloty(Polish $)=zoloto(R)=
...zolotza(N/root)=breath/engullir/swallow alguna cosa, z/s/c/goloc(R)=
Monday, 30 July 2012
Trent Whittle
=Rolls Royce Motor for Boeing-787, jet turbofan, cempoalli(Tonalamatl)=20 blades 3 titanium laminas each heated, injected with gas makes hollow paddle.
affix order by ringing their changes as in Akenfield(Ronald Blythe/1969)centuries earlier.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
1.motla(N)=throw/petla,touch/toca=to/our being/ca,=
molten(stone),mother. 2.tepetl(N)=tetl/stone piled/
pepena,=alde/a(Sp)=alte/petl(N)=1st towns,=step/steep/
in/te(r)p(r)et/l=tepetl=the mountain=mou(n)t/la=motla=
Friday, 27 July 2012
=Cypria moneta=moneda=money,=small gastropod shell,=
kaparda(Skt)=ca patla(N)=being swapped(moneta),=
kapardika(Skt)=ca patica(N)=being medicine, treats
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Rune Tona-lamatl
...the Rune Tonalamatl connexion is at the level of the Cempoalli(N)=
one count/sample(E)=20 digits, the Tona's basic numerical level.
let's begin with 17.Olin(N)=m(o)vement(E)=holy(E). i put the Tona first
as the Runes follow the Tona/Tuna/Donau=Danube, which made its way up
the river with Hecate/Ehecatl(N/2 Tona), her father being Perses, the
Titan, who gave his name to Persia.
...17.Olin(Tona)=movement=17.M(Rune)=movement. bingo.
natural forces that damage. bingo.
...20.Xochitl(N/Tona)=CempoalXochitl, orange flower of Death,=20.R(Rune)=journey, refers to the soul after Death. bingo.
...9.Atl(N/Tona)=water(E)=atlatl(N)=throwing stick,=at/l/r-at/l/r=
9.S(Rune=slanted, straight-edged S)=defence/yew bow/averting powers. bingo.
...8.Tochtli(N/8 Tona)=Rabbit,=Toca(N)=sow and bury=To-/our being/-ca(N)=tocar(sp)=touch(E)=8.Interfaced C's(Rune)=fertility, legendary Hero, Ing=In-g/ca=In-ca(N)=the being/ca, later a God, but we can see She's female, as carriers of the Race/Raza=r/l/Tlaza(N), Heroines. bingo.
...10.Itzcuintli(N)=dog,=10.Spread TridentFork(Rune)=protection/defense/
the Elk, hmmm, Itzcuintli refers to their cutting antlers. bingo.
...7.Mazatl(N/7 Tona)=deer,=Matlatl(N)=net,=Noma/Nomatca/Nomatzinco(N)=
still, the same, always, forever, spontaneous,=Nomad(E)Deer Upper Stone
Age, 45k bce-10k bce,=the Nauatl Deer name=this animal, Maz(N/OHG)=
meat(E),taken by net/Matlatl(N),=7.X slanted to left(Rune)=constraint
(net/cross fibers X)/need, necessity(to keep deer from wandering off):
...2.Ehecatl/Ecatl(N/2 Tona)=Hecate/Ekatheron(Gk)=Katherine(E)=Goddess
of wind/breath(mouth),=2.Rune, depressed F=God Loki=Tloque Nauaque(N)=
expression to designate God, i.e., he who is close to things, and in
Loki/Tloque's case, too close, e.g., Tloc(N)=Location(beside)and
Nauaque/far. that's Loki, near and far. he shares atributes with
Ehecatl/Hecate's Dogson, the evening star, who is cigarette deity
of Mexico, becomes Anubiscuit, then settles in as the clown devil
for Christianity, his twin, morning star, being the proto-Christ
of his age, and Ehecatl/Hecate, proto-Maria, breath/mouth deity of
all young, living things, cf., King Theodric's Mosaic, San Apollinari,
Ravenna=Tlatla-uentli(N)=Fire Offering, e.g., the number count of its
participants allows us to enter the Tonalamatl, 22 days, and land on
Quetzalcoatl's birthday. bingo.
...ok. i stop now with a mexican phrase, Ciegos que no vean, that
Nauatl is Planet PIE/Proto-IndoEuro.
...hmmm, ok, 8 matching samples/cempoa(N/verb)=add/sum between the
Danish/Baltic Runes and the Tonalamatl(N), narrowly called the
Deer Calendar, 2d notice of which we have in shovel archeology at
35k bce, Chauvet Pont d'Arc cave at 35 k bce, the killed-number of
Felines in the cave=the number of times the ritual Tonalamatl revolves
in a 52yr 360 solar period=71=Qafzeh, Israel where 71 pieces of ochre
are found at 100k bce=26k bce, at the Lagar Velho Child Burial, cf., 8 ochre Rabbit bones
on ankle=8.Tochtli(N/Tonalamatl)=Rabbit,=ocho(sp)=8. is the Tonalamatl Deity of Deer/Mazatl Trecena three=Calli(N/3
Tona)=being/house, tepees made of deer hide, Mazatl=Maz(OHG)=meat(E),
our sustenance and idol=Mazeltov(H)=Mazatl Tov/ptli(N)=Deer Idol/Wrap=
Chicome-nolhuia(N)=the 7 wraps/candles/nurses=(chico)menor/lhuia=
the Menorah(H/7), and, Matso is now bread when before it was meat=
Mas(OHG)=Mazatl(N/7 Tonalamatl). then, in sequence, we move from
Tlaloc, principal Deity of Teotihuacan, to Rarog, of the Baltic,
e.g., T/l/Rar/log/c=R/l/Tlal/rog/c, with their band of dwarves,
Tla/Rarogues/-loques, evidently the same Deity, who survived the
Deer/Mazatl Age as its Rain=R/l/tlain/i(N)and tl/drain Deity whom
the Deer followed as Nomad tribes followed the Deer, coming over
the Northern/Norway Arc, moving into w. German as the Sorbs, everyone
was Deer Tribe, conspiring with the main Deity, Tonatiuh/Anthony,
the sun, to leave the Tonalamatl traces in the Runes, depart for
Teotihuacan following Tlaloc, the Danish first Blue Tooth building
the Ciudadela with the Temple of Quetzalcoatl inside, 150-200 ce,
then, 935-985 ce, Harald Blue Tooth Gormsson erects the Jelling Runes
for his parents, based on the Old Tonalamatl Tlaloc/Rarog/Mazatl Deer
...Google further, Mazyes/Maz-yectli/Maz-yectlali=-yectlalli/
yiz-t/l/ralli=yizrael=Israel, mazyectli/Mazyes=Berber, originally
the name for all inhabitants of the North African Deer/Mazatl Corridor
which was green during the Euro glaciation, 40k bce. the Berber/Mazyes
have the oldest sister haplo group in europe at 45k bce, the Basques
clock in at 40k bce.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
(E)=harvest hook with toothed edge,=sicol/sicel(OE)=tzicoa(N)=Nitla-tzicoa(N)=hit/fix/stick(E)/
Sunday, 15 July 2012
heat/inflamed(oxotlac)bud/blossom(shoots),=tlalli xotla=earth scorch=xo(r)xotla(N)=scarlet/silk cloth/firefly,=bloodletting/
saw(tzaua)/cut(cotona)wood/cloth,=xoxotl in tetl=cut stone,=
hut(E)=hutta(OHG)=xotla=shor/tla=shore up(E).
Friday, 6 July 2012
icuci/oicucic(N)=madurar, formarse,=cocer(sp)=cook(E)=i kosci(Polish)=
e ossa(Ital)=hueso(sp)=i kosti(Russile). refers to bone-forming as well.
...omelia(N)=doblar/torcer/poner dos cosas juntas, o hacer de dos una.=
...omio(N)=que tiene huesos,=homme(Fr).
...cuxiltia/cuxitia(N/icuci)=hacer madurar algo/hacer cocer(sp)=cocina(sp)
...cook/icuci(N) has formed the word for bone: kost/oston(Gk) among the peoples of the mammoth regions, the slon(Russile)=elephant=s/z/tzontli(N)=hair= t/z(l)/s(l)on=woolly mammoth. elephant=iueli pantli(N)=powerful pant/flag.
...while omitl/bone(E)/bein(ON)=ben(Swe)=been(Du) comes over the northern arc, meaning Holland was a southern port, Scandinavian controlled. hone(japonica)?
lose, well the Danes and Germans may not have used the bones of mammoth,
but saved them for ritual contact?
...the Fenec/Finns certainly didn't. their word for bone=luutuotteet(F), sounds similar to, tuetano(sp)=marrow, but i perceive, -teet=tetl(N)= stones to break bones to extract pith. the finnish word meaning to put bone on back of a base stone, then nail it by top stone(phallic imagery),
e.g., -lotl tetl(N)=stone slot?
...marrow=meollo(sp)=meya ollotl(N)=center/middle/hollow(E)flow/ omex(N/preterit of meya=(m)eya=eye=me/J).
...if we follow the gugé(China)/kocti(Russile)/kosci(Polish)/kost(Czech)/kostíte(Bulgar)/
all rooted in icuci(N), we are following the route for the Mammoth
Slon/Tzontli(N)into Europe, along the Mediterranean cuisine/cocina path.
...omelia/oomeli(N/verb)=make one of 2/ome(N)=homily/omelette.
...oomiak/umiak(Eskimo)=large boat of stretched skin,=ome-acolli(N)=
2-shoulders boat, e.g., kayak(Eskimo)=acalli-acolli(N)=shoulder boat/acalli(N).
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Allah is Water
...the upper stone age was water time, Tlaloc, rain deity of deer/deor/
dior/teotl/deo/thea. an Isah/Jesus in reverse, rose to heaven, seeded
his father's clouds from tlalli tloc=Tlaloc vapors, ah, tloc(N/beside)=
t/l/rock, or stone, the last half of t/l/raini/Tlaini(N)=rainy deity's
name, his elves/dwarfs/alves omit tloc/rock in their names but do have
the tlalli=tlalchi(N)=on earth/land=tlantli(N)=tooth,=chi(Japonica)=
...the Wo(Chi-na)=dwarf, first name for Japan in Chinese chronicles, ah,
=wa(J)=peace, unity, harmony=(h)a(r)monequi=amonequi(N)=without necessity,
sum; circle, ring, link, hoop, loop, smoke rings. there are also cloud rings around the (m)eye=me(J)=meya(N)=flow of Tlaloc, giving him the look
of a goggled pilot flying without canopy. his association with stones,
e.g., Thor's wedges, dwarfs who turn to stone when Tonatiuh arrives,
stone itself being tone/solar, stein/shtetl/tetl(N)=te(o)tl(N)=
t/the-oth/t/tel/ter=the other(E).
...Han(Chinese)=ha(J)=tooth,=ha/tha(Otomitl Amerind)=corn,=ta/tlantli(N)=
mountain, yamaztic(N/adj)=tender, bland, light, fine, ground=muelle(sp).
...tane(J/verb)=sow seed=ce(N)=one,=ceti/cetia(N)=set/sit, source, origin,
tlantli(N)=tooth. atl(N)=altia(N)=Alaua(N)=Allah,=Yuhqui(N/adj/adv)=
natural,=Yuhquiyotl(N)=natural form,=Yuhti(N)=Ju(s)tice, origin/source.
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
...uipilli(N/Mayan)=wimple(Euro)=uipana(N)=call(people)into line,=
ufansis(Gk)=weaver, ufano(sp/adj)=proud,=weapon/whip/wife(E).
Saturday, 23 June 2012
stone hinge theories abound like rabbits, and about as hare-brained, but the
unity is solar stone=tone=Tonatiuh(N)=Sun Anthony. it's about his hinges.
there are 4, solstice and equinox. since Zeus and Chronus fought, and Chronus Prometheus fled with his old ladies=ilantli(N)=I(s)land/I(r)land,
there's been solstice(bear)worship in the Isles. if they were known as
Britain in 4k bce at Stonehenge, then, B(r)itona=B(r)/Pitona-tiuh=
Pitli Tonatiuh(N)=older sisters of the sun, and these sisters would be,
cave Neandra, regent of the Tonalamatl, Tlatla-tzol-teotl/thea. Nauatl,
her language, has no gender, so one waits a few K or Mil, in order to say,
Thea. not only is Anthony worshipped at Stone Hinge, the Naui Ollin,
Quetzalcoatl brings to Amerinda, 3309 bce, but UeyCitlallin/Venus,
the Shuttle/xiotl Star, ruled by Ehecatl/Hecate, windweaver, and symbol
of her son, Quetzal/flower feather, announcing his father, Tonatiuh.
flower because he floats through the sky, snake because his twin, Xolotl/Anubis escorts Anthony through the underworld, making of Quetzal
an Omega=Ome ca(N)=2 being. he's more visible on the Isle of Lewis=
T/lawiz=Tlauiz(N)=tlaw/taw/dawn, full title=Tlahuiz-calpan-tecuhtli(N)=
Lord of the House of the Dawn, at Storonway. Venus worship coming from
the Orient, near and far. his mother, Ehecatl makes her royal windy way
up the Danube/Donau/Tuna/Tonatiuh(N)into Europe to become Theodric's
Aryan sky goddess, Lady Birdsnake, mother also of Zeus in the Greek
Pantheon. the Maritime Age has begun, looking for metals such as tepuztli
(N)=boiled rock=copper, bronze, any metalloid, and spreading the planetary
language, sire and dam of all the languages we speak, without exception,
as the world goes global with colonies and trade, much sooner than common
history allows, its overcoat full of gap.
hmmm, we know Stone=ton/tun(Mayan/360 solar round)=town=tone/Tona-tiuh. what of -henge?=h/th/ten-ca(N)=tentli ca(N)=lipped being/edged
bitch(E)/doe, deer in the french. antlers were used as shovels to dig
the trenches of Stone Hinge. add deer=deor/dior(OE)=d/teotl(N) to bear=
Llewelyn=iueli(N)=uel(N)=well=u/v/doble vv/ber/li=ber/bear=Iberia/
invernal, etc. winter solstice enlists Katonah/Karthunen/Canton/
Calli(s)to=Ca Tona-tiuh=Sun being=ca(n)to(sp)=song Bear to aid the sun its shortest day,
and has been remarked as the main festival of Stonehenge observatory,
or timepiece, if you will. we already have the Tonalamatl at 3309 bce,
but one wonders if it was not privileged information. the unity being
invoked at the site and Storonway being the path of stellar horology
rather than the Tun(Mayan)of the Tonalamatl calendar, whose 11th day,
Ozomatli=monkey but relates to Oso(sp)=bear. it may be that the builders
of both stone circles were prefiguring the later, 2646, Djoser step=
tepetl(N)=mountain,=te(m)ple pyramid with a square/4 base, circle-inspired. one has to think such a powerful font as the Tonalamatl
had yet to be introduced to the Isles. that Chronus and his old ladies
fled as Ehecatl Hecate ascended the Danube/Tonatiuh, 7k bce, and that
the calendar, while prevailing in Teotihuacan after its founding, 262
bc, and whose rain deity was both Baltic and Amerind/Asian deer tribe
Nomad deity=Tlaloc(N)=T/l/Rarog/c, then shows up on Theodric's wondrous
Mosaic at San Apollinari, Ravenna=Tlatla uentli(N)=Fire Offering=
Lavender/Lau(r)en/ce, in a coded form i have discussed many times
on this blog, dated 5k anno domine, one is forced to conclude the
builders of Storon-way=ue(N)=big, (S)toron-tic(N)=round(E)=tolontic(N)=
Toronto(City/Amerind council circle), of the Big Round and Sun's hinged
bricklings were onto a parallel track of their own, a stone orrery
with celestial movement designed by the creator.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
...porsuk(Tu(r)k=toca=dukkha)=badger. porsuk=porcine?=pitzotl(N)=pig=
tzotl(N)=sod/soil/besotted/sow(E). those may be fighting words for a
badger, pound for pound the bravest, most savage mammal on earth,=
por-suk(T)=-suk(T/particle)=s/z/tzoc-atl(N)=suck/sugar/socket. sugar?
yeah, the honey badger. honey=h/ch/coney(E)=conetl(N)=rabbit,=co-necuhtli
(N)=comes to honey, e.g., coatl(N/5 Tona)=co(mes to w)at/er=coat/l.
akakis(Gk/thorn tree)=akis(Gk)=thorn=aci(N)=reach, feel, take,=aka-(Gk)=
acatl(N/13 Tona)=caña/cane,=akakis(Gk)=acaci(N)=acacia(E). an instance of the magic=maquiza(N)=hand/ma-quiza/squeeze of language as taken together,
porsuk-agaci(T)=(morphs into)yew.
...tanuki(Japonica)=racoon, used loosely and incorrectly for badger/
porsuk, but notice, rac/rakka(Ainu)=otter,=rak(Fennec/Finn)=sin,=
r/l/tlacatl(N)=flame/tlatla-ca/being. -ki(J/particle)=wood/tree,=
tlan-u(J/particles)=t/l/ran up tree/-ki=tlan-u-ki(J).
...anaguma/meles anakuma(J)=ana(J)=hole=ana(N)=make bigger, extend,=
Ozomatli(N/11 Tonalamatl)=monkey. the word, Ozomatli(N)=zoa/bleed, mati/
grasps/hands/knows/thinks. both bear and monkey look like man, considered
in totem anthopology as ancestors. the bear term, oso(sp), reserved
for the bear worship areas of Iberia/Hibernia/Europe and Baltic, while
monkey/Ozomatli used by the Tonalamatl in southwestern Asia. the Monkey/Ozomatli(N/11)that appears in the Tonalamatl has much to say
about the origin of the Tonalamatl, which functioned as the Deer Tlaloc
Nomad age calendar, upperstone age, 45k bce-10k bce.
...hagin(Basque)=yew,=h/th/t/lac/g-in=in tlacatl(N/reversal)=the body,
e.g., larch(tree)=la(r)ch/catl=l/tlacatl(N)=lark(bird)=l/tlac/atl(N)=
body. one sees the many uses tlaca-(N/prefix)put to, e.g., Bierd-na
either one throws a stone at bear, or bear throws himself at you.
if you're female, lift skirt, as bear/lacis(Latvian)=tlaca(N)=karu
Katonah/ka(r)thunen(oldest Finnish bear clan)=Calli(s)to(Gk)=Calli
Tonatiuh(N)=being/calli(s)Tona/sun, ritual name for bear, will not attack a female.
...deb(Arab)=bear, not a debutante one would like to meet in tuxedo,=
d/tep/b=tepetl(N)=tepe(T/mideast)=mountain(habitat). more comment about, lac-is(Latvian=Tlatla u(i)a=flame owners,=
Lett=t/let/l=tletl(N)=fire/deity)=t/laca(N)/bear revives/-iz/s=iza(N)=
resuscitate, as in, Isah(Koran)=Jesus.
...while we're at it, Lithuania=Lietova=T/L(i)et/l oua=Tletl (o)ua(N)=
Fire owners, e.g., pia oua(Breton)=the pious/no pick owner. there we have the last 2 Baltic languages enlisted to Nauatl at Fire Drill level.
Monday, 11 June 2012
...=Coatl(N)=co(r)al=goat? well, goat co(mes to w)ater/atl, and also, co(mes)at you should you give it no escape. goal? yes, co(mes)at=arrives=
terminus. goad(E)=co(mes)at, a sharp pointed stick=coa(Amerind)=planting
stick, the goad to herd cattle. coal(ember)? sure, wrapped in leaf and
carried to next fire on the journey, co(mes)at terminus/goal. claw=c(l)aw
=coatl(N)=fang,=goad(E)=coat/l, something sharp. crawl=c(r)awl=coatl(N)=
no legs, note side word, awl, sharp point. hoe(E)=howa(AngloLatin)=
h/ch/cowa=coa(Amerind)=planting stick=coatl(N/5 Tonalamatl). as to coat/coa(s)t, one goes to the spanish, =cota/co(s)ta=cotona/cotoni(N)= cut(pieces)/reduce an object(seashell)/break or cut oneself, yet, coatl(N)has honorary root for coat(E)as it's a 2d skin if, leather(E)=le(u)ath/t/l=euatl(N)=wattle/wallet(E). and the last, coax(E)=coaca=be invited to a meal,=coatl ca(N)=to be a snake.
sorry, have to snake off to a luncheon of field mice and wattles.
Friday, 8 June 2012
wick Vicar
4.suge(J)=sedge(hat).5.suhada(J)=bare skin.
6.suhai(J)=idol(leek as vicar idol).7.sukima(J)=gap.
8.suki(J)=plow.9.sukesuke(J)=see-through blouse=
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Nihon socks
2.gokan(J)=root word,=g/c/s/z/tzocatl(N)=socket.
4.chokkan(J)=intuition=thuitoca(N)=imagine=ittitia toca(N)=itta(N)=see/touch,=ch/c/s/z/tzocatl(N)=socket.
6.Atsugi(J)=muffled up=tzocatl(N)=socked in.
8.hogan(J)=cannon ball(socketed),shot put(cradled)=zoka(J).
12.joka(J)=love's passion,=yocatl/tzocatl=yoke/sugar.
13.jokan(J)=court lady/maid of honor,=yoke/zocalo.
14.josha(J)=take train, j/dj/tz/z/socket/wrinkle.
15.joya(J)=nightbell,=joya(sp)=joy(E)=yoyolcatl(N)=little bell.
toyoyolca(N)=our little bell,=yoyoli(N)=revive,=Yule/xmas.
16.kokan(J)=exchange, friendly, courteous,=trocar(sp).
18.zoka(Nihon)=creation/nature's fire-drill socket paradigm.
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Hohle Fels
tlantli(N)=tooth=wear on the inside of Neander/Neandra incisors,
=Titan(Gk)=Titlani(Nawa)=Messenger=Promethean. tlantli(N)=tooth=
tl/t/th/hand/t/li, i.e., Neander/Neandra's incisors=
third hand in Fire Drill, other 2 twirling twin Castor
in Pollux socket/tzocatl/zoka(J)=creation. third hand=
Promethean fue/poa/flute/blows out of Fire Drill.
the Hohle Fels Flutes=42k BCE, Neander is still in Europe, glaciation at 39K BCE, North Afrika/ Mideast green corridors. the Mazyec(N)/Berbers=oldest sister haplo
group/Europe at 45k BCE, the Basques=40k BCE. Euro-west entry=Danube river road/iueli otli before 39k BCE glacial of 39k bce=old Danube=Donau/Donava/Duna/Dunav/Tuna(Turkish)= Tonatiuh(N)=Toniti(Inuit).
Cro-magnons descend from Finland, Neander presence in Finland=130k bce at Wolf/Susi Cave,
floor is flattened by millenia of dance. Cro-magnons what precisely? Crosses of Neander? fit descriptions of the Toniti, enter Europe through the Tonatiuh/Danube. Baltic, Ceuta(N.Africa)
c.45k bce, Cave cu(Rum)=cum(L)=con(sp/N)=com(N) Bones/Pestera cu Oase, Romania=Neander/AMH
mix, 39.8kya, similar to Abrigo do Lagar Velho child, 26kya, buried btwn pelvis of deer, 8 ochre rabbit bones on ankle=Tochtli(N/8/Tona), cap hung with 4 deer teeth=final farewell= cenauatitiuh(N)=sayonara(Nihon). 39.8kya=AMH first enters Europe=3k overlap of Neander/AMH crossbred bones, large faces, crest of bone behind ear, teeth larger as they retreat from incisors. Mladec cave(Czech), Divje Babe cave bear bone flute, 55kya, in Slovenia Natl Museum, Ljubljana, Iron Gate(Danubian Corridor)=other areas of Neander/AMH
breeding during Aurignacian to produce the Zeus race by protective Fallen Angel genes.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
=plaga(Lat)=paca/opac(N)=wash sheets.
totoca(N/verb)=frequentive of, toca(N)=sow/seed and bury,=
to/our being/ca(N)=tocar(sp)=touch(E). Russian, frequentives
by singular verbs, not syllable repetition,=itdi(Russile)=to go(one time)=altepeitta(N)=
to go/see the towns, within Nauatl one can see/itta(N)=see the verb
changing to verb go/itti/itdi(R)/ir(sp), see(E)=ce(N)=one/once,=itta(N)=
(m)ir/l/t/ar(letra)=mirar(sp)=(m)iru(Japonica). m/n=Nauatl=itotia/mitotiani=dance/r.
go(E)=gangen(Aberdeen/Scot)=g/ca(n)c/g=in cactli(N)=
shoes=mocactzin(N)=mocassin=yr Hon.shoe=
xodeet(R/freq)=go back and forth,=xotl(N)=foot,=x/joder(sp)=step on.
totoca(N)=hasten/ravage(la peste),=trot/oca=t/rot(E)=
lack of n/m tag=rotia(OFris)=allies/ailia of sea-going Nahoa
of Quetzal-copper-coa=Guipuzcoa San Sebastion=
Cipactonal(N)=First Scribe/Navigator of plumed serpent, 3309BC.
Thoth(Egy)/Tlohtli(N)=peregrine falcon, 2d scribe=s/c(r)ip/be=
Cipactli(N)=first day/Tonalamatl.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
link loop,=lencan(OE/pl)=armour,=lenkhake(MLG)=
pot hook,=tleco/tlaca=link/take.
=play woodwind/bellows,=touch(E).
1.light(E)=leoht=liht(Anglican)=lioht(OSax/OHG), f.Oce/lotl.
2.luekos(Gk)=white, f.toca/torch/lukhnos(Gk)=lamp,=
Friday, 11 May 2012
52k mph
=galaxy=g/calaqui(N)=go inside the house/being=
calli(N/3Tona). the velocity is our sun, Tona(N)=
Tony=tonalli(N)=solar soul. 52,000 mph, is slower
than thought for our flash/light, whose tonametl/
tone flows are life. faster= solar shield
won't protect, slower=who knows? popcorn? Tonalamatl (standard deck of cards)=52yrs=
one cycle,=52k mph=Tony's speed. a plain deck
of 52 ecatl/cards better diviner than
tarot/tarocco/Tlaloc Deer deity?
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
define=fine/finish/find(an offering)/bind/bend/infinity divinity refined.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
(R)=t/popol=popoloa(N)=destroy a town. poplar roots attack house
foundations, and themselves perish by blight.
toptli(N)=idols/dolls/tops. soft wood of many uses.
Friday, 4 May 2012
...ulli(spamex)=rubber,=Ollin(N/17 Tona)=m(o)ve(E)=ueOue(Etruscan)=Jove
(Roman)=joven(sp)=youth=yuhti(N)=from the beginning,=just/justice=
...Houyi/Yiyi(Chi-na)=god of archery,=Ull(ONorse)=Ullr(ON). Yiyi,
chief of the Dong-yi=d/To(n)c/g(letra)=Toca(N)=Generic Deer Tribe name.
uena(N/old form for offering to the wind/uena/uentli). and on the wind
is scent/sentir(sp)=feel/smell,=se/ce uentli/ven=7=Mazatl/Deer/deor/
te(o)tl. we are hunters first, before Teo/Theo/Deo was the road/route
N(o)mad=Noma/nomatca/nomatzinco=always, forever, still, the same,
Teo(N)=t(h)e O(E)=out/o(r)der/Oder/Odin=T/Deor=Teotl(N)=Deer(E).
article=art/altia(N/reverential of atl/water)=wash/wasser(Germ).
Solar diety/Monotheist),=ay(N)=do(E),=aci(N)=ce(N)=one/con-cen-trate,
time(E)=temi(N)=to fill,=hemi-/semi-/demi-(E/prefixes)=He(r)mes(Gk)=
messenger, as a child he stole Aeolian cattle=Ecatl(N/2 Tona), filled
himself with them. his reward, once Aeolius caught up with him, was
to be Titan(Gk)=titlani(N)=messenger.
...with archery/aci(N)=concentrate, comes skiiing, or, hulling(my word)
which later had nautical/agricultural application, e.g., oya/oox(N)=
degrain corn=elote/elotl(N/green ear)=olotl(N/cob)=olotis(Gk/curly)=
Oilia(N/reverential of oya/oox/sh)=Oylos(Gk)=sheaf of corn, song and
old name for Ceres, who from this cry/song, Oyloo, was called.
...horizon(E)=orison(Fr)=ollin tzonyotl(N)=olit/zon/yotl(N)=punto
culminante, e.g., alto/cima,=Zone/Zona/tzonyotl ollin/(del)Movimiento.
...Tengrism(Movement)=Umay(T)=goddess fertility/virginity,=mati/Oma/
Omat(N)=to know/smart(E)=Ollin(N)Mater(Latin)=Holy Mother, and, ma/Oma(N)=hunt land/sea with net. Ulgen(T)=Ull(ONorse)=god archery, =Ollin ce(N)=One M(o)vement/Holy.
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Korea Coloa
to rule, one has to be archer. for Mayan, ruler
had to dance, cf., arched foot on Bonampak mural.
at 37 BC Coloa develop composite bow. tribal
Tlaloc Nomad Deer People=Hyksos=
Yizrael did so at 1.6k BC as shepherd kings of Egypt.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
...Gog=g/coq/g(letra)=acoquetza(N)=to get on top,=coquette(Fr)=conquer(E).
from Korean mythology, first king, Jumong, appears from an egg and is given name as Rooster? am trying to synch into roman letter equivalents for Koguryo, a weakness of eastern langs easily addressed, as my system,
letra, functions quite well with sounds, and i am not interested in the
writing, just want to compare their sounds, as i do in my Sanseido romanized dictionary, then match them to Nauatl from whatever Koguryo
Puyo idiom, e.g., accidently ran across, heoritti(Korean dress)=cloth
wrapped around breast to veil it when the lady's short jacket became too
skimpy,=teotl itta(N)=Teo/Theo/Deo(only)sees. in the clear that, must be
others. also, Tangoon, who is the progenitor of the Koreans, is founder
of their Bear Totem=To-/our descent/temo(N). Tan(n)g/c-oon(Letra)=
Tlac(often name for bear=tlaca(N)=t/l/raka(Finnish)=the sin Bear left
the heavens for, i.e., that of having a body, being incarnate, -oon=
on(N/adj.)=indicating distance, also stretched out, as in sacrifice,
from autumn to Solstice(cf., Cosmic Elk), ah, rakka(Ainu)=otter, also,
racoon(Amerind). Bear Totem marks them as Deer people of the north,the founding crew: Koguryo and Puyo, who have the same language, 37 bce,
early Dolgans(various tribes conglomerate). being situated in the Tonga
basin, north of the mid-course of the Yalu where metals cross into the peninsula gives the Koguryo the military advantage they took to spread
into Manchuria for their golden age 6c ce, then ended by Silla=Sh/Xilé
(N)=little seat/sillín/Silla(sp)=seat, and the Tang(Chi-na)alliance.
Fat China can use Manchuria to help Korea, can they not?
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Toy Elk Alce Cholbon(Dolgan)Venus, Elk was (the) deal/t=tel(N/conjunction)=nevertheless,
Elk passed through Alce(spLat),
played with to give another Nauatl root besides Ollin/Olin/
holy/(r)ollin' insertion leading to deor/dior(OE)=deer of d/Teotl, e.g., rheod(OE)=reed/rod/rood=teotl(N), or, reel(E/dance/of the rod)=
rheol(OE)=rh/r/Teotl(N), e.g., eola/eolh(OE)=T/eot/l(N)=deor/dior(OE)=deer,
while e(l)k(E)=Ecatl(N/2 Tonalamatl)=wind/breath/deity of life/Hecate,
related to eola(OE)/elaho(OHG)teotl(N), but, e(l)gr(ON)=e(l)c/gr=Ecatl(N/2)=
a(l)g(Swede)=a/e(l)c/g=Ecatl(N/2), not forgetting, olen(Russile)=deer=
olin(N/17 Tonalamatl). roots=Olin/Ecatl/Teotl. wind/m(o)ve are in
the Tonalamatl Calendar at #2/#17. Olin incorporated to Te(o)tl.
which oldest? Eca/elk oldest? but Teo=stone/tetl road/o/tli, a hunting term. noun endings form last. the (o)=hunting/hunted m(o)ve,=olen(R)=deer,
...which brings us to eland, hmmm,=elend(Germ)=e/olen(R)=eola(OE),
the persistence of vowel (a) in eland/elapos(Gk)=t/lapa(N)=Lapp,
deer tribe, yet, persistence of (a/n), e.g., jeleni(OSlav)=lani(OSlav)=
hind(E)=haind=h/th/tine/d?=cerf/ciervo/chevre/ce uentli(N/root)/seven/
se(r)ve=even/when/Evenki/c/ch/hirvi(Finn)=deer... hind(E)=haind=serf/
servant;farm bailiff =hand(E)=h/th/t/tland/t/li=tlantli(N)=tooth,
=elnis(Lith/Skrt informed). put together, taking
...alce(sp)=elk(E)=e(l)k=ik(Mayan Tzolk'in/the Socket)=day 2=wind, as
in Nahoa Tonalamatl=Ehecatl/Ec-atl(N/2 Tona)=Ek/E(l)k, as deer/Mazatl=
Wind, as 7=reverse 2=chic-ome=2=Ehecatl(N/2)=WindHecate. fine, but there
is a greater harmonic=(h)a(r)monequi(letra/N)=amonequi(N/privative)=
without/a-monequi/necessity root=A(l)ce=Alco(N)=Saluki hunting dog,
9k bce,=(S)al(u)ki=Alco, a cuadruped as Elk/Alce/A(l)co=Aco(N)=from
on high,=Ago/Age/Ages Ago=A(l)konquin(Amerind)=who/qui(N/Lat)long Ago.
55k bce, Cosmic=Co(s)mo-ni(letra)=Cosmos/commotion(E)/start the breakfast fire with co-motion fire drill, the way the Universe began, shaft and socket, Ages Ago Alce Elk, when Deer gave us divinity and, uentli(N)/ Wendy/Gwen/Cawen(OE)=was our Queen.
...the Hoya(Dolgan)=dance,=h/th/toyaua/otoyauac/otoyauh(N)=spill, extend, pour liquids,=toyauilia/otoyauili(N/reverential)=give someone to drink.
Friday, 27 April 2012
sow&bury. Dukkha=D/Toc/kkha(letra)=Toca(N/Altai)touch.
Pleiades/sieve=s(i)eve(n)/7sisters/seven=ce uen-tli(N)
=one offering, 7=deer day in the Tonalamatl.
Olgar=ollin calli(N)=rolling being=Olen(Russile)=oren
(Basque)=deer. Olk/gar(letra)=olsi/los(Russile)=elh/
deor/dior(OE)/teotl(N). ceol(Celt)=song(E)=ce ollin(N)=
seolh/selk(OE)=seal/silky=ce atl(N)=one
elk=eolh(OE)=ce olin ca(N)=ceolca(N).
Udagen/Fire woman =otlamaxalli(N)=crossroads=Uda-gen
/ce(N)=one, i.e., bifurcation of fire by Neandra.
Main/god=the/in maitl/hand,=
ma/oma(N)=hunt land/sea
by net=matlatl(N).
Evelen/Elk=(c)e v/ue(le)n-tli(letra)=ce uentli(N)=
kargi=spirit,=kar/calli tzi/ntli/ z/s/c/gi=saintly
seveki=god of upper world=ceuechi/lilo(N)=chill(E)=ceuetzi(N)=cold,=cetl uetzi(N).
dzhab-dar=serpent,=tzapinia tlalli(N)=earth prick.
Hel=mother goddess of Dolgan=H/th/tletl(N)=fire/the long spoon.
Chol-bon=Venus=coloa/choloa/Xolotl=evening star,
bon=ponazoa(N)=fill with wind=Venus/venison/uentli=Xolotl ponazoa vein/uena(N)=Xolo fills vein/offering
with wind.
Hoya dance,=toyaua(N)=spill/sit/extend as liquid or
Sunday, 22 April 2012
green wonder
g(r)een=jeans=g(r)/j/ce(N)=one, gent=(de)ce(n)t=gentle=
wonder=w/onotiuh/oonotia(N)=to be/persist,=wundrón(Swede)=
undr(ONorse). onotoc(N)=lying down/stretched out,=onoyan(N)=
onoc(N)=be abed,=ic onoc(N)=be in bed,=oncan(N)=over there,
=on(N/adj)=far,=onaqui(N)=who laughs/burlar=burra/burro=
Friday, 20 April 2012
...the many-voiced mimic/mimati(N) Cyclops Titan who kept sheep in
his cave when he received a visit from Odysseus. the greek epithet
of, Poly-phemus, definitely implies the Nauatl wordstring which
describes Promethean Neandertal as the ability to hunt includes
mimicry of bird/animal calls, a survival tactic leading to song/speech.
...Baxajaun, Basque Lord of the Woods, is so familiar to sheep=
xipeua(N)=to flay, that their bells tinkle when he is nearby as
friend and protector. he shouts when storms approach.
according to the Basques, themselves, he unwillingly gave the seeds
to begin agriculture in a tale parallel to stealing of Promethean
Fire, containing an Almanac of information about the yearly seasons
and when to plant what, also, metallurgy in the form of Iron makes
him the first blacksmith, a story which may come from real Sea Age
contact with the Japanese during the 4th millenium bce, the Naui Ollin Global spanning headed by Quetzalcoatl, who helped found Egypt and
sailed to Amerinda, 3309 bc, for copper=tepuztli(N)=boiled rock, any metal. more and more, Baxajaun resembles a mil usos explanatory myth.
one thing is certain, however, he has voice, knows sheep and weather,
lives in caves, being very tall, a singleton cromagnon?, and guards
against wolves. along with the seeds, he is also the first miller.
and known as Basque Yeti, which, if accurate, makes him Neander.
oh, and he invented the saw, the axis for the mill, and how to weld
metals, e.g., flauta(sp/Port.)/flute(E)/fue(J)=fuigo(J)/fuego(sp)/
this flute/flue(E)example is a small sample of a larger vein(E/reversal)
=in v/ue(i)ntli(letra)=in uentli(N)=the offering of Basque/spanish
within the body of Japonica existing today.
...the Neandra Promethea wordstring her, Matildra or Matilda, and Neander, Mati(N)=to know, or,
Marti=(S)ma(r)ty. they begin by, ma(N)=hunt land/sea with net, which,
=mano(sp), from Iueli(N)=Iberia, presupposes weaving, the making of a,
matlatl(N)=net, for, Tlalli(N)=land=tlantli(N)=tooth=tl/t/th/hand/tli
(letra)=hand(E). why, hand from tooth/tlantli(N)? because incisors on
Neander/Neandra=Matty and Mati were worn on the inside from holding something, that something was the bellows flute=fue(Japonica)=blows=
all words from, poa(N), altho flute from the same string,=potli(N)=
potian(OE)=put(E). the 3d hand, the tooth, starts flute poetry.
the bagpipe/gaita(sp/Basque)=Ecatl itoa(N)=Ecaitoa(N)=Hecate talks(E).
...mati(N)=mati mati ca(N)=mathematic(E)=matlactli(N)=10=fingers of hands of body/tlaca(N),=matca(N)=peacefully, with sweetness,=mati(Skrt)=
consilium of elders,=maitl(N)=hand/mano(sp)=mai-te(Basque)=te(Japonica)=
Maitland(E/name)=noma/nomatca/nomatzinco(N)=still, the same, always,
forever, spontaneous,=nomad(E)=nomatlatl(N)=my net,=mattica(N)=know,
understand, be preoccupied/occupied interiorly,=mattiuh(N)=know, suffer,
=mimatca(N)=in a subtle and able way,=mimatca nemitiliztli(N)=life full
of judiciousness=yuhti(N)=from the beginning,=Yeti(Nepal)=Neander, =mimatca tlacatl(N)=prudent person,=mimatiliztli(N)= subtlety, curiosity, ability, prudence, modesty,=mime/mimic(E), cf., Stephen Mithin, Singing Neander,=imati(N)=prudent, perispicaz(sp); to be better/to be in convalescence, the passive=imacho(N)=macho(sp)=
imat-ca-nemi(N)=live prudently, with precaution, be alert, prevenido(sp)/preventive/provident(E),=imatca-tlatoa(N)=talk(E)with prudence, sensibility,=imati tlatoa(N), and the negative side,
besides that of convalescence=imati(N)=imattica(N)=
fear, be unquiet/uneasy, value a thing,=imattinemi(N)=fear, lack confidence, go carefully, be discrete=quittani(N)=witness(E)=Christian,
circumspect,=imattiuh(N)=walk, go slowly, with precaution, restablish
oneself little by little/convalescence.
there is the picture language/Nauatl draws of our Fallen Angel.
how could it be otherwise? Titlani(N)=Messenger Prometheus endured
the crushing bow waves of evolution with all s/he had. if we mock
her now from the pit of Apocalypse we have squirmed into, its because,
as a species we are ungrateful, focused, and vulgar narcissists,
who value frivolity above ethics=tetica(N)=hard/durable=tetl(N)=stone.
there is nothing wrong with our laws, education, or Constitution,
it's us, the soft plastic vessels that carry such excelsior inside
their unworthiness.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
chai tai tlaini
...may(thai)=not,=maca(N/syncope of, macamo)=no.
...taraan(Thai)=prison,=t/lanana(N)=open a ditch/foundation for a wall,=
tlalli ana(N)=land/earth extension.
...than(Thai)=penalty/punishment,=tla-namictilli(N)=paired, equaled,
assembled adjusted,=tla-namiquini(N)=he who deserves/incurs a penalty,=
namique(N)=nitla/nic-namiqui(N)=incur a penalty under law,=name(E).
...phit(Thai)=guilty/to convict, pitzaua(N)=become thin,=pitzauayan(N)=
small, narrow place, strait,=pitzcoyoctic(N)=strait, small, speaking
of a hole or opening,=pit(E)=pitza(N)=nitla/nic-pitza(N)=play the flute,=
...klaawaa(Thai)=accuse,=caua(N)=nitla/nic-caua(N)=deposit, leave, carry,
own up to being, finish, separate from someone.
...tatsin(thai)=to adjudicate=yuhti(N)=just,=tatzin-tli(N/noun)=Honorable/ Saintly Father. the Thai verb from Nauatl noun/tatli(N)=t/dad/tli.
...saan(Thai)=zala(Skrt)=the court,=t/zallantli(N)=port,desfiladero,neck,
throat,canyon,=tzalan(N/posposición)=in the middle of,=sala(sp), note,
the(n)of, saa(n), e.g., salmon(fish)=tzallantli monequi(N)=tzalmonequi(N)=
canyon/port(inlet)necessary, in order to stake out the living salmon
and cut fresh steaks out of it, also, the origin of, sal(sp)=salt,
as salt/sal(sp)needs a canyon to evaporate in. then, salary(E).
also, Allegheny/Allaghani=Tz/Alla(ghe)n/tli, canyon mountains/cave mts.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
homme(Fr),=t/laan=tlan(N/posposición en vez de, preposition)=with, after, near, on, under, among. sounds like an omen to me, requires 2/ome(N).
...chaen(thai)=curse=c/s/z/tzol-ce(N)=one mud/source(E)=tzotl(N)=soil/
sod/sot/soot, cursing is a blackening/sooting=hollin(sp)=ollin(N)=holy.
2 roots, chalani(N)=charlar(sp), but, chat/cha(n)t/enchant=Ecatl/
Ehecatl(N/2 Tona)=HecateWindweaver=uecaitta(N)=far/uecaitta/seeing= wicann/wicam(OE)=witch/bewitch(E/verb).
th/t/tleet/l(letra)=tletl(N)=fire, also, Tletl/Xiuhtletl(N)=first deity,
e.g., t/l/red/t/l=t/ler/l/t/l=lernia(OFrisian)=leornian(OE)=learning(E)=
pie/pia(N/Latin)=piety(E),=Atitlan(N)=atl(N)=water, in or near the
water=atl(N)=altia(N)=alaua(N)=annoint(E). altia(N)=wash,=tealtia(N)=
t/theatre(E)=t/reality(E)=ue altia(N)=bealté(OE)=beauty/beatitude(E)=
the waybig altar/altia(N)=alaua/oalauh(N)=Allah=hallow/allow=hallelujah= hello=alabar(sp)=praise=oalauh(N/preterit)=laude(Fr)=praise.
call into line,=ufano(sp)=exalted,=ufansis(Gk)=weaving, uipana=whip/
weapon. also, waay(thai)=ua-ayatl(N)=ayat(Arab)=sign of God, i.e.,
to own the fine cloth/tela fina del Diós=ayatl(N)=ayatia(N/verb)=
to own a fine garment, be honored, esteemed, be a Lord.
...buan(Thai)=juan/juana(sp)=uan(N)=owner of 4=Naos(Gk/highest temple,
originally, Uena/uentli, the wind, the deer=deor/dior(OE)=teotl(N),
as in Basque, lau=4, from, oalauh/alaua(N/reverential of water),
then, within Nauatl, Nau/Naui(N)=4 directions of wind/gwen/wendy/
cawen(OE)=Queen Deer of the Nomad Age, Holy Gwen/Gwendolyn/uentli(N).
buan(Thai)=to worship.
...matsayit(Thai)=masjid(Malay)=mosque=Mazatl yectli(N)=Deer Yes/
excellent. religious terminology comes from the Tlaloc Nomad period,
the Mazatl Deer Upper Stone/age, 45k bce-10k bce. all of North Africa
at that time was called Mazyectlalli(N)=excellent Deerland, the people
were the Mazyectli(N)=Mazyes/Berber=varvar(Russile)=barbarian=ualual(N)=
ual(N)=to-war-ds=wall/war(E), ah, yectlalli(N)=yis-r/l/tlalli(letra)=
Yisrael/Israel,=Mazeltov(H)=Mazatl/deer idol/toptli. all Semites.
...noma/nomatca/nomatzino(N)=still, the same, always, forever,
spontaneous,=Nomad, when religion, as we know it all over the globe,
begins. everybody was a Nomad, except for Arctic-bodied Neander in
his Euro-caves and his guests, but even them. all tropic-bodied people
had to Nomad because of the glaciation of 40k bc, the mideast was green,
rainy, the deer followed the rain deity, tlaloc/rarog=T/l/Rar/loc/g=
R/l/Tlal/rog/c, and we followed the fleeing/tlaloa(N)deer. then the
Deer/Mazyec peoples led to the Sea peoples, as in, Calli(N/3 Tona)=
house,=Acalli(N)=waterhouse/ship=chipeua(N/verb)=begin/peua chi/on top,
for a log bark(pun)=barque(chipped ship).
2.chaa(Thai)=chalani(N)=chat/tinkling of glass,=
3.chaya(Japonica)=restaurant/tea dealer,=chamise(J)=tea stall,=chaikhana(Silk road teahouse),
da(MChinese)=d/tai tzai chai tea,=tai/thai=tay/tea?
6.patithin(Thai)=calendar,=patilinia=pati/liquify extend/tilinia,=
9.Ratthabaan(Thai)=government,=tlatlapantli=tree for firewood
and/or planks.
war/teuatlachinolli toptli/idol.
14.narok(Thai)=naraga(Skrt)=hell,=na/4 our being/toca(no center)=na/4 take/tlaca(body/no center).
olin,=s/v/ua(r)ca=uacaloa=channel,=uacalli=cave in box form.
Thursday, 12 April 2012
...lyubeet(Russile)=love/like/adore,=Lubyanka(Russile prison)=Lubjana (Slovenia). what these names have in common is the, lub, as in, lubra=
loubra(Tasmanian)=aboriginal woman of Australia, or, lubber=lobre(ME)=
clumsy fellow/seaman. following letra, we know, L can't be the first
letter of the Nauatl root, nor can, R, as R forms T/L/R outside of Nauatl.
it has to be, T, as in Tub/Tob, which takes us to, adobe(Amerind)=tub/tob
(Egyptian)=al-tob/attob(Arab)=brick=b(r)/piccatl(N)=vulva. well, that
explains love/lyubeet(R), everybody loves one of those, and bricks/
children do come out of that oven to make other bricks, world without
end. Lubjana is a marsh from which came the adobe/Lub/tub/tob to build
the city, the water for the attob already being there, defining the mud
necessary for moulding unfired brick, and later fired brick. Lubjana=
Tub/Toptli-ana(Nauatl)=the idol/wrap increases, becomes gr-an-d, as
Topana's need for adobe/brick increased with building. hmmm, straight
forward enough. ah, renga(Japonica)=brick/piccatl,=r/tenca(Nauatl)=
lipped/vulva/edge being,=piccatl(N)=vulva. confirmation from another
...Lubyanka(R/prison, and a famous one)is straight forward as far as
Lubyanka/Topana-ca(N)=the Idol being of brick, but more is needed
since it is a prison. not just idol, but, lubber=l/Topile(N)=Police(E). we are doing this, think of Gobekli Tepe, first indication of
institutions Idolatrous preparing the way for City=ciuia(N)=agitate,
prosecute, stimulate(E)=s/c(t)i(m)u(l)a(letra)=ciu(i)a(letra).
the word string in Nauatl: Toptli/toptia=opt/obey, Tobey/Tobit/Topile/
topilli(N)=truncheon, made of topol(R)=poplarwood, the pruned tree.
that Toptia/obey(E)later becomes brick in Egyptian/Arab is telling,
as bricks/adobe obey where they are laid, edge to edge, lip to lip.
...thinking Gobekli, it's always been my contention, the people there
dispersed to the west/the north west, went into slavic regions where
they laid the foundations for their next culture with bricks and horses
as they tamed wheat=uitequi(N)=thresh/white/winter(E), not forgetting
rhubarb(E)/rawend(Arab)=r/l/t/latla-uent--tli(N)=fire offering along
the Rha=R/l/Tlatla(N)=Flame river(Volga). of course, Gobekli flowed
south into the Arabian peninsula its lessons on building learned as
the oldest citys are nearby. the westerners/northeners returned to
the Nomad ways of hunting=tlami(N)/horse/beeve. how do we know?
because the Russile tribes, proto-slavs, took the word Idol/Toptli
for their word for love and brick, one and the same idolatry/tub of
Adobe/toptia(N)=obey from an ecstatic but rigorous Eden, policed by
Poplar demand(pun).
...Idolatry is as clumsy as bricks are, i suppose that's where,
lubber/lobre(ME) came from, and, lubra/loubra(Tas.)=the wrapped idol
of woman. now all we need is the Lobo(sp).
...ah, here's lubber/rubber=topal(N)=one who dresses extraordinarily
and with presumption,=topalitoa(N)=praise oneself, prideful, superior,
=tope/toper(E)=drink/er,=t/Rube(Circus slang)=topi(Hindi= Tzintli/N/Honorific/=Saintly)=hat,=Indian name for EuroHat,
especially, pith helmet, topp(Ger)=top(E/Du/Hindi)=hat/helmet,
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
admit/emit/transmit/Nunc dimmitis(Luke/Vulgate).
Saturday, 7 April 2012
(sp)=comb(E)=cómbine,=pepenar(N)=select(E)=tleco(N),=penar(N/part)=pe(i)ne(sp)=weaver's reed.
Thursday, 5 April 2012
1.omitl(N)=bone,=no miuh=my bone,=omiyo/omio(N)=boney,=
(h)omme(Fr)=hom/bre(Sp)=imomio(N)=his bones,=
umi(J)=one's real mother,=umo(J)=feathers/plumage,=
xinilia(N)=nitetla-xinilia(N)=throw down,=ixincayo(N)=
Monday, 2 April 2012
Sunday, 1 April 2012
each(E)=aelc(OE)=elik/elk/ek(OFris)=elic/ellic(MDu)= ilk(E)ilca(OE)=same,=ilka(Sc)/ilk an(ME)/
ilcaua(N)=forget/unworthy,=a person, an each, of your forgetting, worthless and similar.
Nuts one keeps saying, language=tlacuatzin(N)=possum(marsupial)
comes from the body, even the marsupial, ah, lang=t/la(n)c/g(letra)=
tlacatl(N)=body, ua(N)=own(E), ge/ce(N)=one. Nauatl, we own4(limbs)=no atl/Nauh(N)=mind=mitl(N)=missile(E)=
thrown by Atena, daughter of Metis=me(n)tal,=my water/No atl/Nauh/
naui(N)=4/nous(Gk)=Nao(Gk)=highest temple(pun). our familiar=Naualli(N),
our soul=Tonalli(N)=Tonalamatl(N)=our birthing calendar=the Tone, and
we are Tona/tunes, our Sun=Tonatiuh(N)=Anthony intones. all that N/Na
makes us Juans and Juanas(sp)=Uan(N)=own4=proximity, parentage, kinship,
e.g., Wyandot(Amerind)=related to Huron(Fr. word for Amerind tribe=boor)
e.g., Cree/Amerind=Chretién/Fr/not cretién/cretan, altho at times it's
hard to tell the difference when one thinks of Westboro.
...from one nut to another, hnutu(OE)=neut(Du)=hnuz(OHG)=hnot(ON)=
cnu(OIr)=cneuwen(Walch), aha, now here in the Walchiua(N), we see what
may be, uentli(N)=offering, which makes some sense as they are offered
at table/tlapa(N). the c, first letter=ca(N)=being?, and is somewhat
redundant if one thinks of, knot/Knut, e.g., knight/knicht=nech(N/adv)=
to me!(rallying battle cry). so let's ignore the c- and look for,
-neuwen, in Simeón, isbn 968-23-0573-x, ah, hmmm, p.343, neuan(N/adj.)=
los dos/los dos juntos, e.g., neuan eua(N)=siblings of the same age,
neuan nemi(N)=the two live together, as 2 peas in a pod, or metaphor
equal to the intimacy. so not only does tetl/teme(N/plural)=stones/nuts
precede the arboreal version, bodyparts being founding metaphor,
we can also see in the plural of stones, teme(N), the verb, temo(N)=
to lower, the aim of normal coitus: que bajen los huevos.
...just in, cneuen(Walch)=cenuetzi(N)=to fall all at the same time/
caer varios juntos(sp). the tree=treow(OE)=teotl(N)=Teo/Theo/Deo comes
before the body.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
2.rownina(LS)=plain/llano,=Tonina(Maya city)=stone(E)=
toninah(Tz/Maya)=lay an egg, rown/town/tone/tune/dune/Tona.
zemlya(R)/zemja/cemya(R)=family/cemithualli(N)=one patio.
5.psibrjog(LS)=shore,=pitza/blow boil/pozoni(N)=spume/foam.
6.jama(LS)=cave,=yamancayotl(N)=innate heat.
Sorbs venerate deer, living on venison/Venus and fish in upper stone age of Tlaloc=45k-10k bce.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
wugor(LSorb)=freshwater eel,=w/ocu(i)l/gor=ocuilin(N)=worm.
cerfing Sorb
derevnya(R)=tleuauana(N)=stir the fire,=tletl uauana(N)=
tle/tree(E)=treow(OE)=Ueue/teotl(N)=old god.
Monday, 26 March 2012
with difficulty,=whew(E/excl.)=ouica(N), but sheep=sh/
xipeua(N/verb)=flay/peel,=Xipe Totec(N/Aztec)=Our Lord,
the flayed one, Spring dress deity/planting god
krowa(LS)=k(r)/coua(N)=to buy/comprar(sp)=Coatl
(N/5)=market day.
pi/pick mud/tzotl(N),=r/l/tlapa(N)=t/la(m)b/pa
mul(LS)=moler(sp)=mull(E)=mulla(sp)=dig around
vines, muljier/mujer(sp)=molli(N/root).
sup(LS)=vulture,=s/z/tzopilotl(N)=tzo/sod pilot/pilotl.
ratwa(LS)=rat(E)=wa/ua(N)=owns tail/tlatl(N)=lady/laddy/ladle.
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Lower Sorbian
...rep(LSorb)=spine=pin/piloa(N)=spill(E), r/tepotztli/teputztli(N)=
back, spine, dorsum. ah, tepotztli(N)=t/rep/(letra)=rib(E).
...rog(LSorb)=horn=r/toc/g(letra)=toca(N)=tocar(N)=touch, also,
horn/thorn=toloa(N)=bow the head/tolerate(E)=dolor(sp)=horror(E)=
...knocha(LSorb)=bone=omitl(N)=omio(N)=what has bone,=homme(Fr),=
nochtli(N)=notch(E)=octli(N)=wine(E)=oino(Gk), hmm, the tuna/ettuni
(Mazaua Amerind, Toluca, Mex)=etl Tonatiuh(N)=frijol del sol(sp)=
sunbean(E)has to be notched because its envoltura/nocheuatl(N)has
spines/uitzli(N)=espina, pincho del maguey, the flesh inside the
tuna has seeds, bleeds, and looks like marrow/tuétano(sp).
the cochinilla/red coloring comes from the parasite bug on the tuna=
nocheztli(N)=sangre del nopal, also applies to the tuna flesh.
...kosc(LSorb)=bone,=kost(Russile), as in, Kostenkij,=ko(s)t(letra)=
Acton(E/name)=Cotton armor worn on both sides of the pond, knochen
(NewHG). note the(n), knoche(n).
...wena(LSorb)=vein(E/reversal)=in v/uentli(N)=the/in ue(ntli)/offering=
uentli(N)=wend/w(r)en(E)=offered during ploughing/when/Gwen/Cawen(OE)= queen(E)=ce uentli(N)=one offering,=/se v/uen(letra)=seven(7), etc.,
vene(NewHG), ah, uena(N)=big4=wind(E).
teotl,=meat(E)=cmazat(Russile/verb)=oil/annoint?,=ollin(N/17 Tona)=
...celo(LSorb)=body,=ati cathe/caO luthe celOim(Liber Linteus)=
atl ecatl -lotl Ocel-(Nauatl)=water wind/chaOs lotus Ocell(E).
note the split and reversal of Ocelotl(N/14 Tona)in the last 2
elements of the Etruscan Prayer, Totem animal of Tlatla, caver
FlameHoleTheaPromethea, regent of the Tonalamatl Soul Papers,
first of all ancient feline Theas, Neandra.
twinkle wrinkle
...t/wi(n)k/le=wick(e)=uic(N)=back and forth,=vicar of age, the wrinkle,
which in Nauatl=tzocatl(N)=being filled with mud/tzotl, as Xanthippe's
Tzoc(r)ates, socket of learning when the Greeks wore no sox? and had
a twinkle=t/wi(n)k/le=wicked look in the eye called misogyny, a vulgar
practice=zokushu(Japonica)in those days, zokuzoku(J)=one right after
the other in rapid succession, but one feels chilly at those thrills
and trembles=zokuzoku(J), and reinforces=tzokyo(J)one's fresh green=
celic(N)=cleric of celibacy, for toyaua(N)=spill on all sides is a pile
of chaff, but the real joy=noyoyolca(N)=my little bell of silence=
...winkle(E/verb)=wick/uic(N), wink=w/guiño(sp)=wi/gui/uic(N),
winkle=engañar como verbo, pero, de substantivo=caracol=chipuli(N)
del mar,=cipolla(Ital.)=cebolla(sp)=onion(E)=Xonatl(N), pero Don
Guindo es peine de gallo/Coxcomb, que es una gorra llevado por
un payaso=payatl(N)=gusano peludo/oruga,=payana(N/verb)=romper
terrones, un clodhopper, también un Bayard, gran caballo de Belga?
usado para arar/desmigajar, etc., pues, la cresta del gallo es un
clown/coloa/choloa/Xolotl/Anubiscuit profesional. entre los grandes
payasos y los genios no hay tilinia/línea de marcar=maca(N)=make
como el tlecotl de Ollama-Tlachtli=Tlachco(N)=Taxco, Guerrero.
...(S)wa/waa/ua(N)=owns (t/th/hi-)lingua/lengua/language.
...tufani(S)=storm,=typhoon(E)=tai fung(Chi-na), Onions says,
ta/big feng/wind, oh yeah?,=taifun(German)=taifu(Japonica)=typhon(Fr)=
tufan(Arabic/Persian))=tofan(Hindu-Urdu)=tlaini f/popotl(N)=rain broom
(E)=t/l/raini b(r)/po(p)otl/m. the german/chinese/japonica/french/
and english have the, tai/ty correct. popotl(N) comes from the verb,
popoa(N)=clean, return, pay for, and, only the French and English
have the p/phon/phoon correct, as they take on broom/popotl(N)in its
other sense, propre/proper/proprio(sp), ah, the spanish, what do they
have for, typoon=tifón(sp), hmm, the (i) of tlaini(N), the (o) of
popotl(N), and the Basques?,=tifoi(B), almost the same as the spanish,
but, mangera/hose is the other meaning, a rain hose, and a hose is a
water/rain broom. good, because, the other candidate for phoon/phon/
fung/fun/fu was, popoca(N)=fog(E)/smo/ke, which doesn't fit the imagery.
increase, get bigger,=patlaua(N/verb)=enlarge,=patla(N)=dilute, change,
alternate,=paddle/battle(E), related to, patlani(N)=fly.
...mwanga(S)=the light. note, the (m/n)=Nauatl.=wa/ua(N)=owns ga/ca(N)=
being,=uacaloa(N)=channel something, e.g., uaca(N)=wake/awake/Isah=
(N)=water owner(E)=Aga(Arab)=Ahauh(Mayan Tzolk'in day 20/Lord)=
Tepeua(N)=citizen of a town in the mountains/AlTepetl where the ancient
(mexican) amerinds had their first citys near the fountains/springs.
ah, Tepeua(N)=T/th/Heb(r)/pew-a(letra)=Hebrew=Citizen, no religion
attached in the Root. air is in water, water is in air,interchangeable.
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